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•What does the word
The Renaissance Movement
This movement originated in Italy and
spanned from the 14th to the 17th century.
Renaissance means rebirth in French,
and it began in Florence, and Tuscany
and later spread to the rest of Europe.
Renaissance Art Movement
The Italian Renaissance was noted for four
– A reverent revival of Classical Greek/Roman art forms and
– The mastery of linear perspective (depth in a painting, and
the use of 3D)
– The naturalistic realism of its faces and figures
– Emphasis on secular objects.
• We will be focusing on 3 artists:
– Leonardo da Vinci
– Raphael
– Michelangelo
Renaissance Architecture
• Emphasizes
– Symmetry (looks the same on both sides)
– Proportion
• Utilizes:
– New geometry and math to build accurately
– Geometry by using shapes and lines when
• Using classical Roman and Greek
architecture for inspiration (columns,
Questions-please fill out on a separate sheet of paper
• 1. What does “Renaissance” mean?
• 2. Where did the Renaissance start?
• 3. In your own words please tell me the 4 things art
in the Italian Renaissance was known for.
• 4. Who is one of the 3 artists we will focus on?
• 5. What are the two things Renaissance architecture
• 6. How was geometry used in Renaissance
• 7. What classical civilizations did the Renaissance
artists use for inspiration?
• 8. Draw a comparison chart comparing Renaissance
architecture and art
• Lets go over our answers!
• Look at the following three pictures. Use
your notes to tell me how these pictures
are Renaissance paintings. What qualities
of Renaissance art do they have?
Leonardo da Vinci, The Last Supper
Raphael Santi, The School of Athens
Michelangelo Buonarroti
Creation of Adam
Ceiling of Sistine Chapel 1510
2. I want you to be the artists! You are going to
draw either a Renaissance painting, or
Renaissance architecture (building, castle,
house, etc.). Under the picture tell me why it
represents Renaissance art and architecture
(At least 3 reasons). Please use your creativity!
I am so excited to see what you come up with!
1. When Finished: Tell me if you like how class
was run today.