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Digestive and Lymphatic
By: Mackinsey and Melad
Digestive System
• This system is responsible for the intake
of food, digestion of food, absorption of
nutrients and removal of waste.
The Digestive System has two parts
1. Accessory Digestive Organs
– Organs that help with digestion but is not
part of the digestive tract
– Tongue, Salivary Glands, Pancreas, Liver
and Gall Bladder
2. Alimentary Canal
• Hollow tube extending from the mouth to
the other end
Digestive System Process
The Mouth
This process starts begins in the mouth.
The food is partly broken down by chewing
It also gets broken down by the chemical action
of the salivary enzymes
The enzymes are produced by the salivary
glands to break down starchy foods into
smaller molecules.
The Esophagus
After being chewed and swallowed, the food
enters the esophagus
The Esophagus is a long tube that runs from
the mouth to the stomach
The Esophagus has a layer of muscle causing
the skin to move and that makes the food that
enters push down the food to the stomach.
The Stomach
The food then enters the stomach
The stomach is a large, sack-like
organ that churns the food and
bathes it in a very strong acid.
3 steps
1. Stores food and liquids
2. Mix up food with stomach acid
3. Empty contents into the large
intestine slowly
In the small intestine
Once the food enters the small
intestine it begins breaking it down
and taking out the nutrients for the
The large intestine
The main job for the large intestine is
when the food enters it’s nutrience
such as water, carbohydrates sodium
ect.,is absorbed and then is
transported throughout the body.
The ending process
• The food then enters the colon and sits
there until the feces are expelled by a
bowel movement.
• The solid waste is then stored in the
rectum until it exits the body.
Disorders in the Digestive
Stomach Cancer
Cancer occurs when cells become abnormal
and divide without control or order.
If cells keep dividing when new cells are not
needed, a mass of tissue forms. This mass
of extra tissue, called a growth or tumor, can
become a tumor or cancer.
Symptoms are heartburn, vomiting, abdominal
pain and bleeding.
The doctor develops a treatment plan to fit each
patient’s needs.
Lactose Intolerance
• The main cause of this disease is the body is
not able to break down the sugar lactose in
milk and dairy products
• Symptoms are gas, bloating, abdominal pain
and nausea
• Lactose Intolerant diet or supplement you can
take to help break down the lactose in foods
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
• Researches don’t know the specific cause for
IBS. One theory is that people who suffer
from IBS have a large intestine sensitive to
certain foods.
• Main effects on the body is abdominal pain
and bloating.
• No cure has been found for IBS
• Ways to help this disease is to manage your
stress and your diet.
Medical Terminology
Amylase -amyl(o)
Appendicitis -append(o)
Cholecystectomy -cholecyst (o)
Colitis -col(o)
Orthodontist -dont/o
Enteritis -enter(o)
Enzyme -ensym(o)
Esophageal -esopha(o)
Epigastric -gastr/o
Hepatopathy -hepat(o)
Sublingual -lingu/o
Pancreatitis -pancreat(o)
Pharyngitis -pharyng(o)
Proctoscopy -proct(o)