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M e m b e r B e n e fi t s
Why join the American Galvanizers Association?
he American Galvanizers Association (AGA) is the authoritative, objective, and unified voice of
the North American after-fabrication hot-dip galvanizing industry. The AGA is dedicated to serving
the needs of galvanizers, fabricators, architects, engineers, specifiers, and suppliers to the industry
by providing technical support on today’s innovative applications and state-of-the-art technological
developments in hot-dip galvanizing for corrosion control.
he vision of the AGA is to increase the use of hot-dip galvanized steel by promoting its durability,
longevity, sustainability, and cost savings. The AGA is the leading voice in educating owners and
specifiers that the intelligent environmental and economic decision is to utilize hot-dip galvanized
steel whenever and wherever possible.
he AGA is comprised of three professional departments (Administrative, Marketing, and
Technical) to meet all the needs of the industry.
• T
he AGA Marketing Department promotes and protects the positive image of galvanizing
in the minds of all who influence the specification and use of galvanized steel through
educational seminars, tradeshows, publications, the website, and other mediums.
• T
he AGA Technical Department helps develop well-trained and educated plant personnel,
researches and conducts studies on new technologies and products, and solves complex
operational, environmental, and safety issues to ensure compliance with regulatory agencies.
he AGA provides numerous member benefits, which can be categorized into six primary areas.
The following page will summarize the benefit categories, and more information is provided in the
corresponding pages.
Referral of Specifiers & Fabricators to Members
he AGA fields hundreds of inquiries monthly from architects, engineers, specifiers, and
fabricators searching for a galvanizer. Additionally, thousands access the online listing of
member galvanizers on our website. The AGA realizes the importance of the association is not
only to promote the industry, but also to generate solid leads and increase your business. We
respond to web, email, and phone inquiries, and proactively distribute your information by
providing the GalvaSource member listing at all tradeshows and seminars.
Member Education
he AGA has the industry’s most extensive technical library, and utilizes it and staff collective
expertise to produce a number of training tools for members. The AGA provides a Process
Seminar series for plant personnel as well as ThinkZinc to help train member sales/marketing
personnel. Additionally, the AGA produces a number of process and safety videos and manuals,
and produces technical bulletins, newsletters, and guidelines on cutting-edge technology and
industry concerns.
w Phone 720-554-0900
• T
he AGA Administrative Department acts as a proactive liaison for the industry, working in
conjunction with members, regulatory and legislative authorities, and partnering with other
associations and authorities relevant to the industry.
M e m b e r B e n e fi t s
Specifier Education
he AGA proactively works with all markets to expand the specification and consumption of
galvanized steel. One component critical to expanding the consumption of galvanized steel is
educating those who make corrosion protection decisions. The AGA offers a number of tools
to help educate architects, engineers, specifiers, and owners including seminars, publications, a
newsletter, an extensive website, and exhibits/presentations at tradeshows.
he AGA objectives include the consistent representation and promotion of galvanizing as safe,
environmentally responsible, and economically advantageous. The AGA acts as an industry
and member marketing firm. The AGA pursues editorial placement, produces press releases,
industry advertising, and assists members in their marketing efforts.
he AGA has a leadership position on committees of ASTM International and is an active
participant in influential groups such as AIA (American Institute of Architects), AISC (American
Institute of Steel Construction) , AISI (American Iron & Steel Institute), NACE (National
Association of Corrosion Engineers), and SSPC Society of Protective Coatings. The AGA
coordinates a consistent and strong industry position and response to issues developed by the
EPA and OSHA, as well as national, state/province, and local authorities.
Tech Support
embers of the AGA are afforded unlimited access to technical assistance from the staff. The
AGA provides a number of technical resources for members, including an extensive library, staff
expertise, mediation, and independent research. Non-member galvanizers do not receive any
technical assistance from AGA staff.
he list of benefits members of the American Galvanizers Association enjoy is impressive, but
the true net effect of belonging to the AGA is presenting a unified voice and point of contact
for the galvanizing industry, making each individual company stronger, durable, and profitable.
The AGA staff is dedicated to assisting members in any way possible, and enhancing their
membership experience.
w Phone 720-554-0900
Industry Liaison
M e m b e r B e n e fi t s
The following includes a more thorough explanation about the benefits members of the AGA enjoy in
the six primary categories.
Referral of Specifiers & Fabricators to Members
ember Listing – all galvanizer members are listed on the AGA website accessed by
thousands of specifiers monthly, and in the GalvaSource publication distributed throughout
the year at seminars, tradeshows, presentations, etc.
taff Referral – AGA staff refer any email, phone, or in-person inquiries to either the online
listing or GalvaSource to avoid bias and provide only member galvanizers as an option.
Member Education
afety Training – the AGA has three sources of information for safety training to ensure you
are compliant with all safety regulations
Safety Video (available in English or Spanish) - 70 minutes, shot in galvanizing plants to
demonstrate the practices in place
Seminar – portions of the process seminar series are dedicated to teaching plant
personnel safety tips and regulations
rocess Training – the AGA has multiple sources for process training to increase the
efficiency of your plant production
Process Video Series – videos/CD-ROMs to train plant personnel on specifics of the
process including material handling, cleaning, galvanizing, and touch-up/inspection
rocess Seminars – Four seminars presented by AGA Technical staff to train
plant employees
aterial Handling Guidelines – reports from completed studies on working load limits
(WLL) and best practices
uality Assurance Manual – guidelines to help ensure your customer receives the
highest quality product possible and shows your dedication to customer satisfaction
nvironmental Training – a number of resources to ensure your facility is compliant with
environmental regulations, and striving to be environmentally-friendly
nvironmental Manual – EPA approved manual on environmental protection policies
and procedures
S tormwater Pollution Prevention Manual – guide to assist members in controlling
stormwater pollution reviewed and approved by EPA
Sales/Marketing Training – ThinkZinc is presented every 12-24 months to educate member
sales and marketing personnel on the features and benefits of galvanizing and marketing
strategies. Additionally, the ThinkZinc Tribune is distributed quarterly to provide member
sales/marketing staff with tips and information on marketing and industry initiatives.
w Phone 720-554-0900
S afety Manual – pertinent OSHA guidelines and relevant information on setting up your
own safety policy
echNotes – bi-monthly technical updates from industry sources dealing with process,
environmental, and applications of galvanized steel to keep you abreast of industry advancements
Galvanizing Guidelines – “white papers” on best practices, new technologies, and
results of tests/experiments enhance the operation of the galvanizing process, safety, etc.
alvNotes/Environmental, Health, Safety (EHS) Notes – updates of advancements or
changes to process, environmental, health, or safety practices
ember Newsletters – the American Galvanizer, published bi-monthly, AGA Update,
distributed electronically monthly, and ThinkZinc Tribune pulished quarterly, all contain
industry information, Dr. Galv technical question, and/or relevant articles.
echForum – annual technical conference of the association where the industry’s plant
and operations personnel and industry experts network and discuss current technological
nnual Conference – industry’s annual meeting where AGA staff and members meet and
exchange ideas about how to improve and expand the industry
Specifier Education
ublications – extensive supply of more than 50 publications for you to use in your
marketing efforts to educate specifiers, including, but not limited to the following topics:
esign – printed publications and interactive CDs to guide designers and fabricators in
best practices for hot-dip galvanized steel designing
S pecification – publications on performance of galvanizing in various environments,
ASTM standards, coating characteristics, etc.
ompetition – a series of publications comparing galvanized steel to a number of its
competitors, including paint, weathering steel, metallizing, epoxy-coated rebar, etc.
roduct/Market Specific – a multitude of publications and application reports on various
products and markets, including parking garages, rebar, alternative energy, etc.
alvanize It! Seminar – a continuing education seminar for architects and engineers offered
in-person at their office, as a webinar, or free on our website. The seminar provides them
with required continuing education credits, while allowing the AGA and members to educate
them about galvanizing and make contacts at A&E firms.
I nspection Course – online, CD format, or in-person seminar to educate on the proper
inspection techniques for hot-dip galvanized steel.
alvanizing Insights – quarterly e-newsletter sent to over 6,000 specifiers providing
them with design ideas, technical assistance, innovative solutions, and new galvanizing
g – Thousands of specifiers visit the AGA website monthly, which contains
extensive technical information, publications, member listing, project database, etc.
echnical Education/Updates – the AGA produces a number of materials on a regular basis
to educate members and keep them abreast of industry news
M e m b e r B e n e fi t s
Tradeshows – the AGA exhibits at 10+ tradeshows per year to educate specifiers on the use,
performance, design, and many other benefits of galvanized steel. The AGA also regularly
submits papers to present at the shows to spread knowledge of galvanizing even further.
w Phone 720-554-0900
M e m b e r B e n e fi t s
ditorial placement – the AGA writes articles for various industry publications, including
Modern Steel Construction, Materials Performance, Roads & Bridges, and many more
to promote positive messages about galvanizing, in response to errant information, and to
address needs in the marketplace or educate the marketplace.
ublic Relations – the AGA submits press releases to over 200 media contacts announcing
important galvanizing news, new publications, award winners, etc.
dvertising – the AGA conducts an annual advertising campaign collaborating with its
members promoting benefits of galvanized steel to architects, engineers, specifiers, and/or owners.
dditional Marketing/Promotional Efforts – the AGA marketing program is all-encompassing,
and also includes, but is not limited to, these efforts:
xcellence Awards – the AGA offers an annual competition amongst member
galvanizers to determine the best galvanizing projects of the year. Winners receive
a number of marketing tools for their individual use and exposure to the industry,
specifiers, customers, ect. by the AGA.
radeshows – the AGA promotes the use of hot-dip galvanized steel at more than 10
tradeshows annually
ember Assistance – the AGA offers a number of tools to assist members in their individual
marketing efforts such as:
ife-Cycle Cost Calculator – the AGA developed an online tool (
for members and specifiers to use to compare the initial and life-cycle costs of galvanizing
to over 40 paint combinations to promote the economic superiority of galvanizing.
S pecifier Contacts – the AGA manages a database of specifiers, which can be sorted by a
number of criteria and shared with members for their own sales/marketing efforts
edia Contacts – the AGA also manages a database of industry media professionals for
members to use in public relations efforts, and will assist members with the development
and distribution of press releases
onsultation – the AGA marketing professionals are always happy to share ideas,
provide feedback/critique, and assist in any other way in member marketing efforts
arket Research – the AGA compiles statistics on specific markets in the industry,
surveys specifiers, and measures the growth of the industry
arketing Materials – the AGA produces a number of publications and other marketing
materials for members to use in individual marketing efforts
w Phone 720-554-0900
M e m b e r B e n e fi t s
Industry Liaison
I ndustry Image/Contact – the AGA serves as an authoritative and unified point of contact for the
industry. Any concerns with the product, industry, individual members, etc., are handled by the
association in a professional and unbiased manner.
Affiliate Industry Liaison – the AGA maintains a professional relationship and partners with a
number of associations and organizations related to the industry, including AISC, AISI, ASTM,
IZA, NACE, and NCSPA, and many more.
Legislative/Regulatory Monitoring – the AGA teams with International Zinc Association-America
to monitor legislation and regulations that affect galvanizing and zinc industries
Credibility – the AGA is seen as an authoritative and unbiased organization, and members are
thus regarded with a level of credibility. Membership in the AGA is seen as a commitment to
quality, growth, and success by others in the industry, and can sometimes be a factor in whether or
not a galvanizer is awarded a job.
esearch – the AGA has an extensive research library, catalogued by topic, for member use.
The AGA also works in conjunction with the International Zinc Association (IZA) to conduct
independent research to address needs and/or new markets.
ommittee Monitoring – there are a number of AGA technical subcommittees who monitor
concerns and issues with the product or in the marketplace, such as cope cracking, highstrength fasteners, faying surfaces, and much more. The committees address concerns,
research solutions, and provide support to members.
ediation – the AGA can act as a quasi-mediator between member companies and their
customers when disputes about quality, appearance, performance, or specifications arise.
The AGA also provides templates for members to create warranty guidelines, purchase order
terms and conditions, and crisis management plans to lay the groundwork with how to deal
with concerns before they arise.
taff Support – the AGA technical staff is available to interpret specifications, answer
process, design, and application concerns, troubleshoot problems, and support members in
every way.
Position Papers – the AGA has a series of position papers to assist members dealing with
sensitive issues such as lead in the coating, zinc runoff, welding galvanized steel, etc.
w Phone 720-554-0900
Tech Support
w Sus tainin g M e m b e r B e n e fi t s
Sustaining, or members of the American Galvanizers Association (AGA) who supply products and/or
services to galvanizers, enjoy a few additional direct benefits on top of the many benefits listed for
galvanizer members (all of which directly or indirectly benefit sustaining members as well). AGA
Sustaining Members receive the following benefits:
• Direct contact/networking with galvanizers
• Exclusive advertising opportunities
• Business referrals
• Access to the detailed membership listing
• AGA voice via the Sustaining Member Committee
Direct Contact/Networking with Galvanizers
ttending the Annual Conference affords sustaining members an opportunity to network with senior
management and owners of galvanizer companies. Attendance alone is an excellent opportunity
to familiarize yourself with the names and faces of the industry, and provides you with five days to
set up meetings, dinners, etc. with current or potential customers. Additionally, there are exposure
opportunities available through sponsorship. The AGA organizes a number of activities, receptions,
breakfasts, etc. for the conference which are open to sponsorship by members only. Sponsoring an
activity ensures your company’s name will be front and center at the sponsored activity or event on
signs. Furthermore, AGA staff will announce and thank your company for sponsoring the event to
be sure everyone present is aware of your contribution.
echForum, the AGA’s annual technical conference, provides the opportunity to network with the
plant personnel and technical contacts of galvanizer companies. The three-day conference includes
a MarketPlace exhibit where you can showcase your company throughout the event. Frequently,
sustaining members are also invited to speak at TechForum to announce new technology and
products. Additionally, TechForum always includes a few off-site tours of galvanizer and/or
sustaining member facilities, so if the conference is held near your facility, you can open your
company up for a tour. TechForum draws a slightly different audience than the Annual Conference,
so one event may be better suited to your product, or attending both may be the best option.
Exclusive Advertising Opportunities
he AGA provides a number of print and online advertising opportunities which are only open
to member companies. Annually, the AGA provides a Media Kit and sells space in a number of
marketing mediums including the annual Member Handbook & Directory, American Galvanizer
bi-monthly newsletter, AGA Update monthly e-newsletter, and Advertising
through AGA mediums provides sustaining members the opportunity to keep their company
prominent in galvanizers’ minds.
w Phone 720-554-0900
he AGA provides sustaining members with a number of opportunities to network with the
galvanizers. The best opportunities are during the Annual Conference and TechForum, but other
opportunities are present throughout the year, such as committee and board meetings, tradeshows,
and ThinkZinc.
w Sus tainin g M e m b e r B e n e fi t s
Business Referrals
ustaining members of the AGA are listed in the Member Handbook & Directory and on the public
and members only sections of the AGA website. These listings allow customers (whether members
of the AGA or not) to find your company through the AGA. Additionally, the AGA receives
email and phone inquiries for products related to the galvanizing industry, and only our sustaining
members who provide that product or service are offered as contacts.
Access to Member Listing
hough the AGA does provide a public list of galvanizer companies, we do not distribute or sell
contact names or email addresses publicly. However, members of the association are granted access
to our contacts for their marketing/sales or networking purposes. The AGA can provide contacts at
our member galvanizers sorted by job title, location, size, etc. for your use.
AGA voice via the Sustaining Member Committee
ctive participation in developing the vision of the association is available through participation
in the Sustaining Member Committee (SMC). The SMC meets once a year during the Annual
Conference, and provides you an opportunity to suggest new services of the AGA to enhance the
value you receive.
w Phone 720-554-0900
Memb e rs h i p A p p l i c a t i o n
Street Address:
PO Box:
City, State/Prov:
Zip Code:
Main Contact:
Other Contact:
Other Contact:
Other Contact:
TYPES OF MEMBERSHIP (check appropriate box)
North American Member: Dues are
Associate Member: $1,575
(Companies engaged in after-fabrication hot-dip
galvanizing, outside North America.)
based upon kettle capacity, calculated per the
table below:
VOLUME (ft3)
up to 857
2001 & up
$4.20/ft3 from 1 to 2000
+1.05/ft3 >2001
Other Product Supplier: $4,200
Zinc Producer: $13,125
(Companies who supply materials, equipment,
or services other than zinc, to the galvanizing
(Companies who produce Zinc worldwide)
Services Only: $1,680
(Companies or individuals who provide services,
Zinc Brokers/Traders: $7,350
(Companies who trade zinc and/or materials
but no products to the industry, such as an
engineering firm)
such as skimings, ect.)
Professional Member: $65
Retired Member: $
(Students, professors, etc.)
(Retired galvanizer or sustaining member)
w 6881 S. Holly Circle, Suite 108 Centennial, CO 80112
w Phone 720-554-0900
w [email protected]
wFax 720-554-0909
Memb e rs h i p A p p l i c a t i o n
This Information is required for all Galvanizer membership applications
Location (City, State/Province):
Dues are annual commitments payable in U.S. Dollars. Full annual dues for Associate and Sustaining
Members outside North America must accompany the application. A minimum of one-quarter annual
dues must accompany all other member applications.
Upon approval of this application by the Association, the undersigned agrees to pay Association
dues for membership according to the dues schedule above. This membership shall continue in full
force and effect until canceled or modified in accordance with the provisions of the Bylaws of the
Association; provided, however, this membership is not cancelable, except at the option of the AGA
Board of Directors, until and after the same has been in effect at least 12 months from the date of
approval. In the event the undersigned shall default in the payment of any dues installment, then
the Association (in addition to exercising any other remedies which may be provided by law) may,
at its election, terminate the membership of the undersigned without accounting for any payment
previously made by the undersigned.
As stated in the Association Bylaws, membership dues shall be an annual obligation. Any member
not in arrears in dues or assessments may withdraw from the Association effective January 1st of
the ensuing year by notifying the Association in writing on or before October 31st of the intention
to withdraw. Should a member decide to withdraw from the Association after October 31st, the
member is obligated for all dues for the ensuing year. Such withdrawal from membership shall in no
way release the resigning member from any financial responsibility to the Association for any dues,
assessments, or other financial commitments accrued or contracted during the term of membership
and due the Association, and shall not entitle the resigning member to the return of any dues,
assessments, or entrance fees paid to the Association.
I hereby consent to and agree to be bound by all provisions of the Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws,
and other rules and regulations of the American Galvanizers Association as they are now or may
hereafter at any time be constituted. I hereby acknowledge that membership in the Association is a
12-month financial commitment. Should I wish to withdraw from the Association, I must notify the
Association in writing by October 31; otherwise, I will be obligated for all dues for the ensuing year.
Printed Name:
w 6881 S. Holly Circle, Suite 108 Centennial, CO 80112
w Phone 720-554-0900
w [email protected]
The undersigned, being duly qualified for membership in the American Galvanizers Association, Inc.,
a not-for-profit corporation organized under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, hereby
applies for membership in the Association.
wFax 720-554-0909
Te ch ni c a l
The AGA Technical Department primarily focuses on industry research, technical support on process
issues and representation of galvanizers with customers, and development of new technologies. The
technical department has developed a number of resources for members including Dr. Galv articles,
Galvanizing Guidelines, GalvNotes, etc., and manages an extensive technical library. The TSC and
technical department proactively target research and studies to fill needs within the industry and those
which are marketable. Please refer to the details of membership to review all of the various benefits
AGA members enjoy.
Included in this packet, you will find a few examples of AGA technical materials, including:
Library catalog
Sample TechNotes issue
Sample GalvNote
Sample Galvanizing Guideline
Additionally, all of these materials and more can be found under “technical” in the members only
section of the AGA website ( To gain access to the members only section, click
on “Member Login” in the upper right hand corner of the site, and click the “Member Registration” link.
Once you fill out the form and submit, the AGA will grant you access to the members only content.
The following pages provide information on how to get involved with the AGA Technical Department
and whom to contact with questions. Welcome to the AGA!
Tom Langill, Ph. D.
Technical Director
Bernardo Duran III
Corrosion Engineer
Sally Buck
Environmental, Health,
& Safety Consultant
w Phone 720-554-0900
The AGA Technical Department consists of three staff, Technical Director Thomas Langill, Ph.D.,
Corrosion Engineer Bernardo Duran III, and Environmental, Health, and Safety Consultant Sally
Buck. The technical department works in conjunction with its governing body the Technical Services
Committee (TSC) to set the overall goals and strategy for technical research and studies for the
association. The TSC consists of 11 members, representing the galvanizers and suppliers to the
industry. Please review the accompanying pages for more information on getting involved with the
various subcommittees.
Te ch ni c a l
Getting Involved with the AGA Technical Department & Initiatives
The Technical Services Committee (TSC) relies on five subcommittees to assist in the development
of goals and objectives for the technical department. Joining a subcommittee is the best way to get
involved with the TSC and AGA Technical Department.
Coating Performance Subcommittee
To join the Coating Performance Subcommittee or to learn more, contact Chairperson Adam Brown
(205-595-4703), or AGA Corrosion Engineer Bernardo Duran (720-554-0900 x21).
Environmental Subcommittee
The Environmental Subcommittee (ES) serves the after-fabrication hot-dip galvanizing community
and AGA by addressing environmental concerns that do or will affect the galvanizing industry.
The ES provides AGA members with additional training and education on current and future
environmental regulations that affect them, as well as tools and programs to address these regulations.
Maintaining contact with regulators and providing a positive voice in the shaping of pending and
future environmental regulations is another important responsibility of this subcommittee. The ES
maintains links with other associations to address environmental issues with a coordinate, effort and
with one voice to positively affect new government regulations.
To join the Environmental Subcommittee or to learn more, contact Chairperson Craig Hamilton
(503-227-5611), or AGA Technical Director Tom Langill, Ph. D. (720-554-0900 x14).
Health & Safety Subcommittee
The Health and Safety Subcommittee (H&SS) serves the after-fabrication hot-dip galvanizing
community and AGA members by addressing health and safety concerns that do or will affect
the galvanizing industry. Providing training and education is an important responsibility of this
subcommittee; such as, updating the OSHA Manual and drafting Industry Guidelines. In addition,
the H&SS develops programs and tools, like the AGA Safety Video, to address health and safety
regulations. This subcommittee also monitors issues on the health aspects of zinc. Lastly, the H&SS
maintains contact with regulators and provides a positive voice in the shaping of pending and future
health and safety regulations.
The Coating Performance Subcommittee (CPS) serves the after-fabrication hot-dip galvanizing
community and members of the AGA by researching, testing and publishing information relating
to the corrosion and field performance of galvanized steel in many different applications. This
committee develops and implements test programs for new applications of galvanized steel and for
current applications where information is missing or inaccurate. The CPS assists in publishing and
distributing information from these tests and other research to specifiers and engineers who decide
on the applicability of galvanized steel for their projects. Lastly, the CPS maintains a presence in
organizations that conduct ongoing studies of galvanized steel corrosion and field performance.
To join the Health & Safety Subcommittee or to learn more, contact Chairperson Bob Olsen
(800-330-4264), or AGA Technical Director Tom Langill, Ph. D (720-554-0900 x14).
w Phone 720-554-0900
Te ch ni c a l
Processing Subcommittee
The Processing Subcommittee (PS) serves members of the AGA by providing information on
processing issues within galvanizing plants and wherever galvanized steel is fabricated. Providing
training materials and technical support are important responsibilities of this subcommittee. The
PS also provides information on process improvements and new equipment, and develops new or
improved processes to extend the life of galvanized products or improve the efficiency of galvanizers.
Lastly, the PS plans and researches new developments in galvanizing processing to meet the needs of
the industry in the future.
To join the Processing Subcommittee or to learn more, contact Chairperson Barry Dugan
(724-773-2216), or AGA Corrosion Engineer Bernardo Duran (720-554-0900 x21).
The TechForum Subcommittee (TFS) serves AGA members by planning, scheduling, and facilitating
the annual TechForum conference for the AGA. This annual conference allows industry experts
and galvanizing researchers to present timely information on processing, coating performance,
environmental, and health & safety concerns affecting AGA members and the galvanizing industry.
TechForum provides an environment where AGA galvanizers and AGA vendors can share ideas and
build relationships within the association, as well as provide an opportunity for galvanizers to learn
about products and services offered by vendors. The TFS is also responsible for organizing tour sites
and meeting events during the annual TechForum conference.
To join the TechForum Subcommittee or to learn more, contact Chairperson Robert Woods
(216-271-1569), or AGA Technical Director Tom Langill (720-554-0900 x14).
AGA Technical Staff Contacts and Responsibilities
Tom Langill, Ph. D., Technical Director
[email protected] or
Dr. Tom oversees the AGA Technical Department and is responsible
for executing the programs outlined by the TSC. Additionally, Tom
represents the industry and presents technical information to the corrosion
protection industry and the metal coatings industry. Tom informs and
educates member galvanizers on the technology of hot-dip galvanizing,
provides technical assistance and expertise to members and/or specifiers,
and is the authoritative voice for the industry by fostering relationships
with technical organizations including ASTM International, NACE, and
the International Standards Organization (ISO).
Tom authored and presents the Process Seminar series and the Inspection
of Hot-Dip Galvanized Products course to educate member personnel,
and also developed and occasionally presents the Galvanize It! continuing education seminar. He
also writes editorials and rebuttals periodically for industry magazines and presents new technical
information and advancements to members and specifiers.
TechForum Subcommittee
Tom is always ready to troubleshoot technical and/or process concerns, whether they impact your
company individually or the industry as a whole.
w Phone 720-554-0900
Te ch ni c a l
AGA Technical Staff Contacts and Responsibilities (cont)
Bernardo Duran III, Corrosion Engineer
[email protected] or
Bernardo is responsible for providing assistance regarding technical
issues and the processing of hot-dip galvanized steel. Bernardo also
writes reports on technical topics such as acid recycling, corrosion and
inspection of metals, welding fumes, etc. as they arise.
Sally Buck,Environmental, Health, & Safety Consultant
[email protected] or
Sally is responsible for developing and implementing strategic plans
that provide environmental and safety education to members, as well
as defining trends in workplace incidents to make recommendations to
reduce or eliminate potential workplace hazards. Additionally, Sally
discovers and evaluates environmental and safety regulations that may
affect galvanizers and/or galvanizing production.
Sally writes the Cutting Edge, which highlights recent environmental,
health, & safety (EHS) news relevant to the industry, for the American
Galvanizer newsletter, manages AGA EHS studies/research, and
produces manuals (Safety Manual), EHS Notes, and other technical
materials relevant to the EHS of galvanized steel. Please contact Sally
directly with questions related to environmental, health, and safety.
w Phone 720-554-0900
He regularly writes Dr Galv articles for the American Galvanizer
newsletter and AGA Update and Galvanizing Insights e-newsletters.
Bernardo also manages AGA studies/research on performance,
application, and processing, and compiles and distributes TechNotes.
Please contact Bernardo directly with technical questions about
processing, performance, specifications, etc.
The AGA Marketing Department primarily focuses on vertical marketing, and secondarily on
horizontal markets. We have developed an extensive arsenal of marketing collateral for your use,
including publications, research, performance reports, the website, and educational
seminars. Additionally, the marketing department executes an all-encompassing marketing strategy
including tradeshows, advertising in trade magazines, direct mail, public relations, editorials, member
and specifier newsletters, annual awards program, ThinkZinc, and much more. Please refer to the
details of membership to review all of the various benefits AGA members enjoy.
Included in this packet, you will find a few examples of AGA marketing collateral, including:
• List of current publications (also can be found on
• Sample American Galvanizer bi-monthly member newsletter
• Sample Excellence in Hot-Dip Galvanizing Awards winner brochure
Additionally, the AGA strongly encourages you to log on to and familiarize
yourself with the various resources available online to the public and members only. You can find
more information about the marketing department and initiatives under “Marketing” in the Members’
only section. To gain access to the member’s only section, click on “Member Login” in the upper
right hand corner of the site, and click the “Member Registration” link. Once you fill out the form
and submit, the AGA will grant you access to the member’s only content.
The following pages provide information on how to get involved with the AGA Marketing
Department and whom to contact with questions. Welcome to the AGA!
Melissa Lindsley
Marketing Manager
Jenny Clawson
Marketing Coordinator
Cecile Elliott
Marketing Coordinator
The AGA Marketing Department consists of four staff members, Marketing Manager Melissa
Lindsley, Marketing Coordinator Jenny Clawson, Marketing Coordinator Cecile Elliott, and
Marketing Intern Raine Fryberger. The marketing department works in conjunction with its governing
body the Market Development Committee (MDC) to set the overall strategy for the marketing effort
of the hot-dip galvanizing industry. The MDC consists of 25 members; one chairperson, two vice
chairpersons, 14 representatives from the seven Regional Member Marketing Committees (RMMC),
four members from the active focus groups, and four sustaining members (zinc companies). More
information on the RMMCs and Focus Groups can be found in the accompanying information.
Raine Fryberger
Marketing Intern
w Phone 720-554-0900
Getting Involved with the AGA Marketing Department & Initiatives
Market and Product Focus Groups
The AGA currently has four active focus groups: Bridge & Highway, Electrical Utilities, Fasteners,
and Rebar. The AGA Member Handbook & Directory identifies a number of other focus groups,
which are areas of focus for marketing initiatives, but only the four listed above are recognized on the
Market Development Committee (MDC) because of their continual activity.
“To give a vertical market orientation to the marketing effort of the AGA staff and interested
members in order to maximize the impact of programs and financial resources.”
The goals and various markets/products targeted by the AGA are found in the Handbook. The AGA
and MDC evaluates these focus groups regularly, and activates or deactivates them accordingly.
Focus groups are an excellent way to get more involved with the AGA and potentially direct AGA
resources toward a market in which you are already strategically positioned or would like to be. If
you are interested in any of the four active focus groups, please contact Marketing Manager Melissa
Lindsley ([email protected]) for more information.
Regional Member Marketing Committees (RMMCs)
The AGA currently has seven RMMCs. As the name would indicate, the RMMCs are divided
geographically. The regional map (found in the Handbook) divides North America into six regions:
Great Lakes, North Central, Northeast, South Central, Southeast, and West. In order to address the
unique issues and develop more representation and feedback from the Canadian members, the MDC
has elected to create an additional committee comprised of all Canadian members. Each of the seven
regions supplies a Chairperson and Vice Chairperson who serve on the MDC.
The AGA Handbook outlines the following Mission Statement for Regional Member Marketing
Committees (RMMCs):
“To provide regional input to the programs and policies of marketing operations, and shall be
instrumental in the implementation of marketing programs within defined geographical areas.”
The additional goals of the RMMCs are listed in the AGA Handbook. The RMMCs are open to
all galvanizing and sustaining members, and is the best way to get involved in AGA marketing
initiatives. Participation in RMMCs is a precursor to becoming involved with the MDC. Please
contact Marketing Manager Melissa Lindsley ([email protected]) to learn more about
getting involved with your RMMC.
w Phone 720-554-0900
The AGA Member Handbook & Directory, which includes the association’s bylaws outlines the
following Mission Statement for Market and Product Focus Groups:
AGA Marketing Staff Contacts and Responsibilities
Melissa Lindsley, Marketing Manager
Melissa oversees the AGA Marketing Department and is responsible for
executing the programs outlined by the MDC. Additionally, Melissa is
responsible for tradeshow selection and representation, market research,
development of online marketing strategies, public relations efforts, and
creation of overall marketing initiatives. Melissa also provides technical
assistance to members, architects, engineers, and other specifiers on
proper design techniques for galvanizing, galvanized steel performance,
and applicability of galvanizing.
Melissa writes the Marketing Guru column in the bi-monthly American Galvanizer member newsletter,
and provides content and editorial input for the monthly AGA Update and quarterly Galvanizing
Insights e-newsletters. She periodically writes editorials for industry magazines, presents at industry
tradeshows, and presents the Galvanize It! seminar to architects, engineers, and other specifiers. She
takes a leadership role in educating member sales/marketing personnel through ThinkZinc, and partners
with other industry associations to forge mutually beneficial relationships.
Melissa is available to consult with members on their individual marketing efforts, and is always open
to suggestions for new and/or feedback on existing AGA marketing initiatives.
Jenny Clawson, Marketing Coordinator
[email protected] or
Jenny is responsible for tradeshow coordination and management,
managing media relations (press releases), publication development,
TechForum event planning and management, sustaining member
advertising, and specifier database management. Jenny also produces
and edits the quarterly specifier e-newsletter Galvanizing Insights, and
bi-monthly member newsletter American Galvanizer.
Jenny alternates managing the annual conference planning (including
the Excellence in Hot-Dip Galvanizing Awards program) every other
year. Please contact Jenny directly with any concerns or questions about
items listed here as her responsibilities.
w Phone 720-554-0900
[email protected] or
AGA Marketing Staff Contacts and Responsibilities (cont)
Cecile Elliott, Marketing Coordinator
[email protected] or
Cecile alternates annual conference planning management (including
the Excellence in Hot-Dip Galvanizing Awards program) every other
year. Please contact Cecile directly if you have questions or concerns
about items under her responsibility.
Raine Fryberger, Marketing Intern
[email protected] or
Raine is responsible for managing the website, media
contacts database and publication development. Raine also produces
and edits the monthly member e-newsleter AGA Update.
Raine assists in the event planning and management of ThinkZinc
and the annual conference. Please contact Raine directly if you have
questions or concerns about any of the items listed here.
w Phone 720-554-0900
Cecile is responsible for managing the continuing education Galvanize It!
seminar program, member database management, publication development,
and ThinkZinc event planning and management. Cecile produces and edits
the quarterly member newsletter ThinkZinc Tribune. Additionally, she
manages membership renewals and the creation of the Member Directory
and GalvaSource listings annually.
Welcome to the American Galvanizers Association (AGA)! The AGA Administration Department
consists of two staff members, Executive Director Philip G. Rahrig and Bookkeeper/Office Manager
Susan Bieber. The Administrative Department ensures the association carries out its marketing and
technical objectives, and runs as effectively and efficiently as possible. Now that you have joined the
AGA, you will have access to the knowledge and expertise of the staff and other members. The key
to maximizing your membership advantage is getting involved with the AGA by joining a committee
and/or attending AGA events. Please investigate the objectives and opportunities available listed in
the Member Handbook & Directory to determine where you can contribute.
Within this welcome kit, you will discover a listing of benefits members enjoy, as well as several
examples of materials the AGA develops and distributes. You will also discover a few key
membership items, including:
• Membership Certificate
• Member Handbook & Directory (including bylaws, support services, and member listing)
• Committee & Meeting Schedule
Although all of the benefits the AGA provides are important, one of the most valuable services
obtained by joining the AGA is the referral of specifiers and fabricators to you. The AGA provides
an easily accessible and prominent listing of members on our website (
Additionally, the AGA proactively distributes the membership listing as a resource to specifiers and
fabricators at tradeshows, with publication requests, and at Galvanize It! seminars.
The following pages provide information on how to get involved with the AGA technical and
marketing departments and whom to contact with questions. Welcome to the AGA!
Philip G. Rahrig
Executive Director
Susan Bieber
Bookkeeper/Office Manager
w Phone 720-554-0900
Annual Committee & Meeting Schedule
nnual Conference – Five-day conference includes two days of committee and board meetings,
and three days of education sessions addressing finance, market development, personnel, and
association matters. All committees and the Board of Directors meet on the first two days of the
conference, which is held in a resort/conference hotel in an exciting destination. The conference is
an excellent opportunity to network with other members and to mix a little bit of pleasure with
your business.
August – September
hinkZinc – Three-day marketing/sales training presented by AGA staff for member personnel
new to the industry or seeking a refresher to improve their marketing strategies and/or develop a
more solid technical background. ThinkZinc is held annually or biannually in Denver, Colorado.
all Board & Committee Meetings – Two days of committee and board meetings held at the AGA
office in Centennial, Colorado, including a committee/board and AGA staff dinner.
echForum – Three-day forum including educational sessions on new and advancing technologies
for the galvanizing industry, a MarketPlace exhibit of supplier member services/equipment, and
galvanizer/supplier plant tours. TechForum is another opportunity for networking with technical
and plant personnel at member companies.
inter Board & Committee Meetings – Two days of committee and board meetings held at the
AGA office in Centennial, Colorado.
Throughout the year
March – April
• Technical Services Subcommittee – quarterly teleconferences
• Regional Member Marketing Committee (RMMC) – 3-5 teleconferences annually,
corresponding with Market Development Committee (MDC) meetings
• Market and Product Focus Group – teleconferences as needed to address issues
w Phone 720-554-0900
AGA Administrative Staff Contacts
Phillip G. Rahrig, Executive Director
Phil is responsible for providing the infrastructure and financial means
to support the execution of the marketing and technical mission of the
association and the development of the environmental image and position
of the industry. In addition, he is the galvanizing industry liaison to the
worldwide zinc, financial, and investment community. Phil organizes
the speakers for the annual conference, writes the Point of View for
the American Galvanizer magazine, and authors editorials for industry
Phil led the execution of the online Life-Cycle Cost Calculator at, writes
and presents papers at tradeshows and other events, and occasionally presents Galvanize It! seminars.
Phil runs all day-to-day operations for the AGA, and partners with the Board of Directors to ensure the
mission of the association is accomplished.
Phil is always open to suggestions and/or feedback as to how the AGA can better serve you or the
membership as a whole.
Susan Bieber, Bookkeeper/Office Manager
[email protected] or
Sue handles all bookkeeping, accounts payable and receivable, human
resources, and miscellaneous office operations. Sue is also responsible
for the inventory of AGA publications, which includes filling and
shipping publication orders. If you have any questions about ordering
publications, billing/invoicing, etc., please contact Sue directly.
w Phone 720-554-0900
[email protected] or