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Greg A. Smith
College of Optical Sciences
University of Arizona
1630 E. University Blvd.
Tucson, AZ 85721
(520) 621-8742
[email protected]
OBJECTIVE: Utilize technical software development skills in a research-oriented environment.
College of Optical Sciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
Ph.D. - Dissertation advisor - Dr. Poul S. Jessen
Dissertation topic = "Continuous Optical Measurement of Cold Atomic Spins"
June 2006
Optical Sciences Center, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
M.S. - Optical Sciences degree
December 2002
B.S. - Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY
Graduated with Honors in Physics (with Optics concentration)
March 1997
Rolyn Optics Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award - 2001 & 1999
Member of the Optical Society of America (since 1999)
Sigma Pi Sigma National Honor Society member (since 1996)
Assistant Research Professor
College of Optical Sciences
University of Arizona
9/11 - present
Development of optical engineering software in MATLAB
and C for manufacturing and testing of large optics. Lead
software developer of SAGUARO data analysis and
visualization software for optical engineering.
College of Optical Sciences
University of Arizona
Fall 2011, Fall 2012, Fall 2013
Teach Polarization in Optical Design Laboratory class (OPTI586L). Interactive class employs Mathematica software for
practice with and investigation of polarization phenomena.
Class includes local and distance learning students.
Greg A. Smith (page 2 of 4)
Research Scientist
College of Optical Sciences
University of Arizona
6/06 - 9/11
Lead developer in polarization ray tracing software design.
Implemented professional design process including written
specifications, source control and formal certification.
Performed polarization modeling and measurement related
projects for industrial and government partners. Specialties:
stress birefringence & polarized light scattering.
Research Associate
Optical Sciences Center (UA)
9/97 - 6/06
Work in group setting to design, implement, and analyze
results for experiments involving optical physics within an
ultra-cold atomic vapor. Primary responsibility for experiment
in one lab room within our group.
Graduate Teaching Assistant
Optical Sciences Center (UA)
Spring semester, 2001
Grading for undergraduate class titled: "Optical Systems
Analysis", setting up class web page, answering questions
during office hours as well as occasional lecturing. Received
Rolyn Optics Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award.
Graduate Teaching Assistant
Optical Sciences Center (UA)
Spring Semester, 1999
Set up experiments and guided graduate students for a "Laser
and Solid State Device" lab class. Topics included modelocking, second-harmonic generation, laser cooling, and use
of many kinds of lasers. Received Rolyn Optics Outstanding
Teaching Assistant award.
Physical Science Aide
Naval Research Labs
6/96 - 9/96, 12/96 - 3/97
Built apparatus to recoat stripped sections of fiber optics with
a polyimide material. Assisted in modification of excimer
laser to be used in creation of fiber Bragg sensors. Received
Navy Unit Commendation Award.
"Binary Pattern Deflectometry", Guillaume P. Butel, Greg A. Smith, and James H.
Burge, Applied Optics 53, (5), February 10, 2014, pp. 923-930.
"Subaperture Stitching Performance Estimation", Greg A. Smith, Chunyu Zhao, Peng
Su, and James H. Burge, Proceedings of the SPIE: Optical Manufacturing and Testing X
8838, September 7, 2013, pp. 88380D.
"Open Source Data Analysis and Visualization Software for Optical Engineering", Greg
A. Smith, Benjamin J. Lewis, Michael Palmer, Dae Wook Kim, Adrian R. Loeff, and
James H. Burge, Proceedings of the SPIE: Novel Optical Systems Design and
Optimization XV 8487, October 19, 2012, pp. 84870F.
"Optimization of Dynamic Structured Illumination for Surface Slope Measurements",
Guillaume P. Butel, Greg A. Smith, and James H. Burge, Proceedings of the SPIE:
Interferometry XVI: Techniques and Analysis 8493, September 13, 2012, pp. 84930S.
"SAGUARO: Data Analysis Software for Optical Engineering", Greg A. Smith,
Benjamin J. Lewis, Dae Wook Kim, Michael Palmer, Adrian R. Loeff, and James H.
Burge, submitted to Optical Fabrication and Testing, OSA Technical Digest (2012).
Greg A. Smith (page 3 of 4)
"Ray Tracing in Biaxial Materials", Wai Sze Tiffany Lam, Stephen McClain, Gregory
Smith, and Russell Chipman, submitted to International Optical Design Conference,
Polarization in Optical Design (2010).
"Polarization Imaging Light Scattering Facility", Hannah Noble, Greg A. Smith, Wai Sze
Lam, Steve McClain, Russell Chipman, Proceedings of the SPIE: Polarization Science
and Remote Sensing III 6682 (2007), pp. 66820U.
"Efficient Quantum State Estimation by Continuous Weak Measurement and Dynamical
Control", Greg A. Smith, Andrew Silberfarb, Ivan H. Deutsch, Poul S. Jessen, Physical
Review Letters 97 (2006) pp.180403.
“Continuous Nondemolition Measurement of the Cs Clock Transition Pseudospin”,
Souma Chaudhury, Greg A. Smith, Kevin Schulz, and Poul S. Jessen Physical Review
Letters 96, (2006) pp.043001.
"Continuous Weak Measurement and Nonlinear Dynamics in a Cold Spin Ensemble",
Greg A. Smith, Souma Chaudhury, Andrew Silberfarb Ivan H. Deutsch, and Poul S.
Jessen Physical Review Letters 93, (2004) pp.163602.
"Faraday Spectroscopy in an Optical Lattice: a continuous probe of atom dynamics",
Greg A. Smith, Souma Chaudhury, and Poul S. Jessen, Journal of Optics B: Quantum
and Semiclassical Optics 5, (2003) pp.323-329.
“Probing the Motion of Cold Atoms by Faraday Spectroscopy”, Greg A. Smith, Souma
Chaudhury, and Poul S. Jessen, Proceedings of the SPIE: Fluctuations and Noise in
Photonics and Quantum Optics 5111 (1), (2003) pp.396-400.
Personal web page - cited in “What
is the Best Way to Lace Your Shoes?” Nature 420, (December 5, 2002) p.476.
"Reconstructing Large Angular Momenta", G. Klose, G. Smith, and P. Jessen, Physical
Review Letters 86, (2001) pp.4721-4725.
"Method for recoating optical fibres with polyimide", E.J. Friebele, M.A. Putnam, C.G.
Askins, Z.J. Homrighaus, W.D. Mack, and G.A. Smith, Electronics Letters 34, (1998)
“Method for recoating fiber Bragg gratings with polyimide”, M.A. Putnam, C.G. Askins,
G. Smith, and E.J. Friebele, Proceedings of the SPIE 3044, (1997), pp.359-62.
Polarization simulation and measurement
- polarization ray tracing
Greg A. Smith (page 4 of 4)
- Mueller matrix BRDF measurements
- depolarization
- stress birefringence
- rigorous coupled wave analysis (RCWA)
Computer Skills
- Solidwoks certified (CSWA - August 2009 - #C-93URMTLMYW)
- ASAP & Photon Engineering tutorials
- Mathematica / MatLab / C / MathCad
- LabView hardware (GPIB, NI-DAQ) & user-interface improvements
- PCs / Macintosh / some Linux
Complex Laser Cooling experiment
- over 200 optical components
- machined grating stabilized diode laser mounts (near-infrared wavelength)
- acousto-optical and electro-optical components
- fiber optics (polarization maintaining single-mode as well as standard single-mode)
- UHV vacuum equipment
- experience with lasers from 10µm CO2 laser to 248nm KrF excimer laser
- machine work (milling, lathe, etc.)
REFERENCES: References available upon request