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Download EE 566 - Optical Communications
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EE 566 - Optical Communications Fall Description: EE 566: Optical Communications – Devices and Systems, Credit: 3. Textbook: Lecture Notes Djafar K. K. Mynbaev, Lowell L. Scheiner, “Fiber-Optic Communications Technology,” Prentice Hall, 2000 Instructors: Prof. Pao-Lo Liu Goals: The goal of the course is to enable attendess to understand the operational principles of photonic devices and their applications in optical communications systems. Topics covered include the waveguide theory, optical fibers, semiconductor lasers and detectors, noise, electrooptic modulation, acoutooptic effect, coupled mode analysis and grating, soliton, wavelength-divison multiplexing, fiber amplifiers. Emphasis is also given to their applications in optical communications systems. Prerequisite: Electromagnetic theory (EE324) and physical electronics (EE310, 311) Topics: 1. Optical communications systems 2. Review of electromagnetic theory and propagation of light 3. Waveguide theory and fibers 4. Semiconductor and fiber lasers 5. Detectors 6. Noise and principle of coherent communications 7. Electrooptic modulation 8. Acoustooptic effect 9. Coupled mode analysis and gratings 10. Wavelength division multiplexing 11. Fiber amplifier 12. Soliton 13. Novel Devices Grading: Two homework assignments (20% each), one presentation (15%), one project (25%), and one open book exam (20%) 90% A, 88% A-, 85% B+ 82% B, 80% B-, 77% C+, 73% C, 70% C-, 60% D, or F. Schedule: Wed. 18:00-20:40 PM except official, university holidays in Knox 104 Office Hours: Wed. 11:00-12:00, Bonner 215A, 645-3115x1207 [email protected] Website: http://www.ee.buffalo.edu/faculty/paololiu/566