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IWF 2012 – General Public Program (22-23 march 2012)
Eumetsat avec le concours de Météo-France
Du temps au climat
EUMETSAT is the European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites. Its
mission is to provide national weather services of its member states data, satellite images
and essential products for meteorology and climatology. Professional Eumetsat and MétéoFrance explained what these data and how they are used.
Météo Suisse
Le mini bureau du temps
Using their tool, the Météo Suisse explained how they develop a forecast and how it is
"decrypted" to allow its use for a TV weather report.
Organisation météorologique mondiale
Prévention des catastrophes naturelles
Natural disasters can be avoided.
WMO for the prevention and mitigation of natural disasters is a top priority.
Société Météorologique de France
Combien pèse un nuage ?
Clouds contain huge amounts of water. How do they not fall on our heads, as feared our
ancestors the Gauls? Understanding clouds is to understand the weather, the rosy disaster,
but also the water cycle and its influence on climate.
Association J'aime ma planète
L'impact de notre consommation sur le climat
Raise awareness of the environmental impacts of our consumption patterns, particularly on
climate change this participatory workshop aimed. Through four items, students were asked
to analyze the embodied energy behind their lifecycle (from design, raw material extraction,
manufacturing, transportation, use, recycling, and management at the end of life).
WWF Genève avec le Panda Club
Quelle est ton empreinte écologique ?
The ecological footprint is a measure of the pressure of man over nature. This tool assesses
the surface of the planet required for a population to meet its consumption of resources and
absorb waste and pollution generated. Students were able to test their knowledge with the
game of 10 questions on the ecological footprint.
Geneva Environment Network
Ozzy et Zoe Ozone, défenseurs de la planète
The ozone layer is a thin shield that covers the Earth and protects us from harmful UV rays.
It is composed of molecules of ozone, such as Ozzy and Zoe which together form a safety
net that blocks most of these harmful rays. Ozzy and Zoe Ozone, the defenders of the planet
are descended from home in the stratosphere for a few hours to WMO and help them
understand what the ozone hole in the ozone layer and why it must protect themselves from
the sun.
European Space Agency
Ma Terre vue de l'Espace
The workshop revealed the role of weather satellites in case of extreme weather. Young
visitors were able to measure the impact of climate change on the oceans (increased ocean
temperatures and result in rising sea levels ...), local climate, the diversity of environments ...