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Rabies and Other Disease Risks
from Free-roaming Dogs
Paris, November 5th – 6th, 2013
PROCEEDINGS ONE HEALTH: Rabies and Other Disease Risks from Free-roaming Dogs
Tuesday 5th November
08.00 – 09.00
09.00 – 09.15
09.15 – 09.30
09.30 – 10.00
Understanding the ecology of free‑roaming dogs for the purposes of rabies
control M. Morters
10.00 – 10.30
10.30 – 11.00
The welfare of free-roaming dogs Dr E. Hiby
11.00 – 11.30
11.30 – 12.00
12.00 – 12.30
Coffee break
12.30 – 13.00
13.00 – 14.00
14.00 – 14.30
14.30 – 14.45
14.45 – 15.00
15.00 – 16.30
16.30 – 17.00
17.00– 17.30
Successful rabies control: examples in Africa Prof. L. H. Nel
17.30 – 18.00
18.00 – 19.00
General discussion: small companion animal disease surveillance
Welcome and introductory remarks Dr B. Vallat (OIE) and Prof. J. Kirpensteijn (WSAVA)
Introductory comments: small companion animals in One Health Chair, WSAVA One Health Committee: Prof. M. J. Day
The role of the OIE as the international standard-setting organization for animal health and
welfare Dr A. Thiermann
General discussion: free-roaming dogs
Canine rabies virus: the disease, the problem and current global recommendations for control
and elimination Prof. S. Cleaveland
Lunch break
Successful rabies control: examples from Asia Dr M.E. Miranda
Rabies control in India Major General R. Kharb
Mission Rabies L. Gamble
General discussion: rabies control
Tea break
Small companion animal disease surveillance: current systems and how they may integrate
with the OIE WAHIS system Dr A. Radford
Evening reception
Wednesday 6th November
09.00 – 10.00
10.00 – 10.30
Rapporteur’s report (draft position statement)
10.30 – 11.00
11.00 – 11.30
11.30 – 11.55
11.55 – 12.15
12.15 – 13.15
13.15 – 13.30
General discussion: control of leishmaniosis
Canine leishmaniosis: the disease, the problem and current approach to control and
elimination Prof. C. Palatnik de Sousa
Coffee Break
Bartonellosis: a One Health approach to an emerging infectious disease Prof. E. Breitschwerdt
General discussion: parasitism and vector-borne disease
General discussion on draft position statement
Concluding statements and End of symposium Prof. M. J. Day
ONE HEALTH: Rabies and Other Disease Risks from Free-roaming Dogs PROCEEDINGS
Welcome to our 1.5 day symposium
on One Health: Rabies and Other
Disease Risks from Free-roaming
Dogs presented jointly by the
OIE and the World Small Animal
Veterinary Association (WSAVA)
One Health Committee.
As the One Health movement
gathered momentum in recent
years, it became apparent that
the major focus of new initiatives
was on interactions between
people, the environment, wildlife
and farmed animals. It was
clear to those of us who work
principally with small companion
animals (chiefly domestic dogs
and cats) that a large element of
the interaction between people
and animals was missing from
the One Health agenda. For
that reason, in 2010 the WSAVA
established its own One Health
Committee, with the remit of
ensuring the representation of the
small companion animal sector
at the global One Health table.
This we have very successfully
achieved, through a combination of
scientific publication, conference
presentations and applied projects,
and we were delighted in 2011 to
be recognized by the OIE through
the signing of a Memorandum
of Understanding between
our organizations. The present
symposium is the culmination of
the first three years’ work of the
WSAVA One Health Committee.
We have brought together
international opinion leaders
on the control of rabies and
other canine infectious diseases
that remain prevalent in African
and Asian countries, and we
hope that through our discussions
we can formulate some broad
recommendations for
addressing these significant
One Health problems.
I would like to acknowledge
members of the One Health
Committee who have helped
put together the programme
for our meeting, the BSAVA
Events Management Team
who have co-ordinated our
logistical requirements and, most
importantly, our sponsors who
have allowed the symposium to
become a reality.
The WSAVA represents some
180,000 small companion animal
veterinarians in 76 member
countries. We hope that with
the support of OIE and national
governments our members can
make a tangible difference to the
canine and human populations of
developing countries. I hope that
we have a productive meeting.
Professor Michael J. Day
Symposium Convenor
President, British Small Animal
Veterinary Association
Chairman, WSAVA One Health
PROCEEDINGS ONE HEALTH: Rabies and Other Disease Risks from Free-roaming Dogs
Rabies still causes up to 70,000
human deaths every year. More
than 95 percent of human rabies
cases are transmitted by dogs. Yet,
rabies can be prevented at animal
source; vaccination of dogs remains
the most cost-effective single
intervention that protects humans
from contracting the disease. In
most cases, vaccination of 70% of
a dog population leads to rabies
eradication in dogs.
The World Organisation for
Animal Health (OIE) raises global
awareness on the need to
control rabies in dogs. Through
the One Health concept the
OIE encourages public–private
partnerships in order to provide
help to its Member Countries
with implementing appropriate
prevention and control methods
as found in OIE’s international
standards. In close collaboration
with major donor organizations,
the OIE has already established
regional vaccine banks to support
the fight against rabies.
Rabies is an OIE-listed disease and,
as such, Member Countries have an
obligation to notify its occurrences
to the OIE. Companion animal
veterinarians play an essential role
in raising public awareness and in
controlling the disease in domestic
dogs as well as in free-roaming
dogs, but also as first sentinels to
sound the alarm.
As Director General of the World
Organisation for Animal Health
(OIE), I am pleased to co-host this
Symposium at OIE’s headquarters
and I would especially highlight the
importance of the collaborative
efforts with the World Small Animal
Veterinary Association (WSAVA),
which plays a key role in promoting
the ‘One Health’ concept and the
permanent link between human
health, animal health and the
Dr Bernard Vallat
General Director, OIE
ONE HEALTH: Rabies and Other Disease Risks from Free-roaming Dogs PROCEEDINGS
Realizing that still approximately
70,000 people, mainly children, still
die from rabies every year, makes
you realize that we as a veterinary
community need to get to action.
Rabies is a containable disease
with the proper measures and
vaccination schemes. The question
is really: why can’t we get it done?
politicians that can make a
difference. After rinderpest, rabies
should be the next disease that
will disappear thanks to the close
cooperation of all involved in the
rabies arena. This means that
human and veterinary medicine
need to work very close together
under the One Health umbrella.
As President of the WSAVA,
I am extremely proud to have a
Memorandum of Understanding
with OIE, representing the global
veterinary companion animal
community. It is a great honour
to host this extremely important
meeting at OIE (the World Health
Organisation for Animal Health), our
partner in our efforts to eliminate
this disease from the earth.
The time is here to make a
difference. The time is here to
start acting appropriately and to
get everybody together for the
same goal. Rabies is something
that really should be of the past.
Let’s prevent the disease instead
of allowing victims to come
into contact with it and spend
so much in treatments. WSAVA
is committed to battling rabies
all over the world by uniting
stakeholders and forming an
active front against the global
rabies threat.
This meeting will bring together
the major stakeholders in rabies
prevention and the veterinary
Professor Jolle Kirpensteijn
President, WSAVA
PROCEEDINGS ONE HEALTH: Rabies and Other Disease Risks from Free-roaming Dogs
Invited speakers
Professor Edward B. Breitschwerdt
Dr Edward B. Breitschwerdt is a professor of medicine and infectious diseases at North Carolina
State University College of Veterinary Medicine. He is also an adjunct professor of medicine
at Duke University Medical Center, and a Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Internal
Medicine (ACVIM). Dr Breitschwerdt directs the Intracellular Pathogens Research Laboratory
in the Center for Comparative Medicine and Translational Research at North Carolina State
University. He also co-directs the Vector Borne Diseases Diagnostic Laboratory and is the director
of the NCSU-CVM Biosafety Level 3 Laboratory.
A graduate of the University of Georgia, Dr Breitschwerdt completed an internship and residency
in Internal Medicine at the University of Missouri between 1974 and 1977. He has served as
president of the Specialty of Internal Medicine and as chairman of the ACVIM Board of Regents.
He is a former associate editor for the Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine and was a founding
member of the ACVIM Foundation.
Dr Breitschwerdt’s clinical interests include infectious diseases, immunology and nephrology.
For over 20 years, his research has emphasized vector-transmitted, intracellular pathogens.
Most recently, he has contributed to cutting-edge research in the areas of animal and
human bartonellosis. In addition to authoring numerous book chapters and proceedings, Dr.
Breitschwerdt’s research group has published more than 300 manuscripts in peer-reviewed
scientific journals. In 2012, he received the North Carolina State University Alumni Association
Outstanding Research Award and in 2013 he received the Holladay Medal, the highest award
bestowed on a faculty member at North Carolina State University.
Professor Sarah Cleaveland
Prof. Sarah Cleaveland is a veterinary epidemiologist at the University of Glasgow at the Institute
for Biodiversity, Animal Health and Comparative Medicine. After training as a veterinarian at
Cambridge University, in1988 she worked for a year in general practice before embarking on
a research career based in East Africa, addressing disease problems at the human–domestic
animal–wildlife interface. She obtained her PhD in 1996 from the London School of Hygiene and
Tropical Medicine, and subsequently worked at the Centre for Tropical Veterinary Medicine,
University of Edinburgh, before moving on to the University of Glasgow in 2008.
In terms of zoonotic diseases, she and her group work to identify animal reservoirs of infection,
to understand risk factors of new and emerging zoonotic diseases, and to design cost-effective
disease control strategies to improve human, animal and ecosystem health. Most notably, her
research on rabies has demonstrated that eliminating canine rabies in Africa is feasible and
would provide a cost-effective way of preventing human rabies deaths. She is currently working
on several livestock disease projects at the wildlife–livestock interface in Tanzania, including
epidemiological studies of endemic foot-and-mouth disease and vaccine trials for malignant
catarrhal fever, and has an integrated human–animal health research programme focusing on
zoonotic diseases that cause human febrile illness, including brucellosis, Q-fever and leptospirosis.
In 2008 Prof. Cleaveland was presented with the Trevor Blackburn Award in recognition of her
veterinary work overseas by the British Veterinary Association. She is also a founding Director of
the Alliance for Rabies Control (, which spearheads the World Rabies Day
campaigns ( and received the UK Charity of the Year award for health
care in 2013.
ONE HEALTH: Rabies and Other Disease Risks from Free-roaming Dogs PROCEEDINGS
Professor Michael J. Day
Michael Day qualified as a veterinary surgeon from Murdoch University (Western Australia) in
1982. After a period in small animal practice he returned to Murdoch to complete a Residency in
Microbiology and Immunology, and a PhD involving collaborative research with the Royal Perth
Hospital. Michael held postdoctoral positions in experimental immunology at the Universities of
Bristol and Oxford, and in 1990 returned to Bristol where he is currently Professor of Veterinary
Pathology and Director of Diagnostic Pathology. His research interests cover experimental models
of autoimmunity and a range of companion animal immune-mediated and infectious diseases.
Michael has published widely in the field of immunopathology and is author of the textbooks
Clinical Immunology of the Dog and Cat (in second edition) and Veterinary Immunology: Principles
and Practice (second edition in press). He is co-editor of the BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline
Haematology and Transfusion Medicine (in second edition) and the texts Arthropod-Borne
Infectious Diseases of the Dog and Cat and Canine and Feline Gastroenterology. He is a diplomate
of the European College of Veterinary Pathology, and holds fellowships of the Australian Society
for Microbiology, the Royal College of Pathologists and the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons.
Michael is Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Comparative Pathology. He is currently President of
the BSAVA. Michael is also chairman of the WSAVA Scientific Committee, the WSAVA Vaccination
Guidelines Group and the WSAVA One Health Committee. He is a member of the Petplan
Charitable Trust Scientific Committee and Vice President of the WSAVA Foundation. Michael is cofounder of a university spin-out company, KWS Biotest Ltd, where he is Director of Pathology. He
has been the recipient of the BSAVA Amoroso Award for outstanding contribution to small animal
studies (1999), the BSAVA Petsavers Award (2000, 2006 & 2007), the RCVS Trust’s G. Norman
Hall Medal for outstanding research into animal diseases (2003) and the Petplan Charitable Trust
Scientific Award (2009).
Luke Gamble
Luke Gamble is the founder and chief executive of Worldwide Veterinary Services (WVS) and
Mission Rabies. He graduated from Bristol University in 1999 and then completed a clinical
scholarship at Cambridge University 2001–2002 in large animal medicine and surgery, building
experience in dealing with both wildlife and domestic animals.
Luke works for WVS on a voluntary basis. He is the founding partner of Pilgrims Veterinary
Practice, a five-vet mixed practice in the New Forest, UK, and a founding director of PetAir UK and
PetAir SA.
In 2010 Luke was awarded the JA Wight Memorial Award by the British Small Animal Veterinary
Association, for outstanding contributions to the welfare of companion animals.
PROCEEDINGS ONE HEALTH: Rabies and Other Disease Risks from Free-roaming Dogs
Dr Elly Hiby
Elly Hiby is an Independent Animal Welfare Consultant and Scientific Coordinator for the
International Companion Animal Management (ICAM) Coalition. Previously she worked at Dogs
Trust as International Director, covering a range of dog welfare issues around the world, but with
a focus on humane dog population management. Prior to working at Dogs Trust, Elly worked
for the World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA) for 8 years, including leading on the
companion animal welfare programme and advising on humane rabies control internationally.
She has also worked as a technical expert with the World Animal Health Organisation (OIE), the
World Health Organisation (WHO), and the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) on dog
population management.
In 2006 whilst working for WSPA, Elly and contemporaries from Royal Society for Protection of
Animals, Humane Society International and International Fund for Animal Welfare formed the
ICAM Coalition. This coalition aims to improve understanding of effective population management
by sharing experience and data from past and current non-profit projects and by combining
knowledge to produce documents outlining best practice. In her current role with ICAM Coalition
she leads the Indicators Project, aiming to develop guidance on monitoring and evaluation of dog
population management to support academics, practitioners and funders to track progress, learn
and subsequently improve their impact through the use of measurable indicators.
Prior to joining WSPA, Elly completed a PhD in dog welfare and behaviour, with a focus on
improving the welfare of working dogs and the impact of training methods on pet behaviour.
However, her passion for animal welfare has led to work with many other species, from training
horses under the guidance of ‘horse whisperer’ Monty Roberts to surveying wild seal populations
along the UK coastline.
Maj. Gen. (Retd) Dr R. M. Kharb
Maj. Gen. Kharb is a distinguished veterinarian from India with over five decades of professional
experience. He was commissioned into the Remount and Veterinary Corps (RVC) of the Indian
Army in 1962, rose to become Director General of Corps and retired after 38 years of service.
He was decorated with the ATI VISHIST SEVA MEDAL by the President of India for rendering
outstanding services to the nation. In recognition of his significant contribution towards
advancement of veterinary science, he has also been awarded a prestigious fellowship of the
National Academy of Veterinary Sciences, India.
Currently, he is the Chairman of Animal Welfare Board of India (AWBI), a statutory and advisory
body of the Government of India, functioning under the Ministry of the Environment and Forests.
The Board has initiated several new initiatives for the welfare of animals under his Chairmanship.
He has promoted the Animal Birth Control/Rabies immunization programme in order to address
the challenge of rabies. Gen. Kharb is the first veterinarian to have been appointed as Chairperson
of AWBI in the 50 years history of the Board.
ONE HEALTH: Rabies and Other Disease Risks from Free-roaming Dogs PROCEEDINGS
Michelle Morters
Michelle was a veterinary surgeon in general practice in New Zealand and the UK (1995–2005)
before becoming IFAW Program Manager for the global Companion Animals Program
(2005–2006). Since 2007, she has been undertaking studies towards a PhD at the University of
Cambridge, while concurrently acting as a veterinary advisor to IFAW.
As IFAW Program Manager she was responsible for overseeing the development and
implementation of the strategic plan for the Companion Animals Program. This required extensive
collaboration with colleagues in over a dozen country offices and on-the-ground evaluation
of programmatic work, which focused primarily on developing communities. The aim of each
project was tailored according to local need; e.g. work in Bali and Dominica aimed to reduce the
number and improve the health of the roaming dogs, whilst in South Africa the aim was to deliver
veterinary services to impoverished communities. All project work combined facets of veterinary
services, education, adequate guardianship and local capacity building.
Together with colleagues from IFAW and academic institutions, Michelle developed policy on
population management, adequate guardianship and euthanasia and standards on primary
veterinary health care, and companion animal behaviour and modification.
As a member of ICAM, she participated in the development of population management
guidelines for dogs (published and distributed) and cats (in final development). On behalf of ICAM
and in cooperation with the WHO, Michelle evaluated the welfare aspects of vaccine delivery for
the Gates-funded rabies control program in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.
Professor Louis H. Nel
Leader, Viral Zoonosis Group, University of Pretoria
This abbreviated resumé is intended to reflect my expertise in the rabies field. I have led
numerous rabies-related research programmes that are ultimately focused on a global quest
to eradicate rabies, one of the most feared and deadly viral diseases ever known to man. Our
research relies on state-of-the-art methods in molecular biology, and specific research topics
include diagnostic development, vaccinology, immune contraception, viral pathogenesis, host/
virus ecology, molecular epidemiology and virus evolution. Apart from about 150 international
publications and regular appearances as invited speaker at scientific events, recognition for
my research and stature is reflected in international roles and activities – some of which are
described below.
In the international arena, I have championed the case of South Africa as a leader in the
developing world that can globally showcase and demonstrate the potential for dog rabies
elimination. South Africa was successful and the dog-rabies endemic province KwaZulu-Natal was
selected, along with sites in Tanzania and the Philippines. This project was launched in 2009 by
the Global Alliance for Rabies Control (GARC), who, together with the World Health Organization
(WHO), secured a 5-year sponsorship for the project from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
(BMGF). Currently I serve on the International Steering Committee for the larger BMGF/WHO
rabies control programme and I am also the custodian for the KZN project within this programme.
I have been the scientific advisor to the African rabies organization, SEARG and was the Chair and
organizer of the past five bi-annual meetings, the most recent having been held in Mozambique
(October 2011) and Tanzania (November 2013). To this end, I have personally secured all the
funding for these meetings, including the full sponsoring of nominated delegates from African
member countries.
Apart from the BMGF/WHO international rabies programme steering committee, I have served as
advisor to the WHO for some years. From 31 May 2012 I was appointed, on scientific grounds, as
a permanent member of the WHO Expert Advisory Panel on Rabies. I served as the Chair for the
WHO expert consultation in Geneva at the end of 2012.
PROCEEDINGS ONE HEALTH: Rabies and Other Disease Risks from Free-roaming Dogs
Mary Elizabeth G. Miranda
Currently Director for Asia of the Global Alliance for Rabies Control, she is a field epidemiologist
and public health veterinarian. She was Head of the Veterinary Research Department of the
Research Institute for Tropical Medicine, Department of Health Philippines. She was a Fellow of
the Field Epidemiology Training Program and belonged to a pool of early emergency responders
for the Philippine Department of Health. From 2002–2005, she was regional focal point for
rabies and other zoonoses for the WHO Western Pacific Regional Office and worked on rabies,
SARS, avian influenza and other emerging zoonoses. From 2006–2010, she was regional
veterinary epidemiologist and infectious diseases specialist for the FAO Regional Office for Asia
and the Pacific, Emergency Center for Transboundary Animal Diseases. She contributed to the
implementation of the regional capacity building project for the prevention and control of avian
influenza and other zoonoses, working with national and field veterinarians and paraveterinarians
in Bangladesh, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Timor Leste and
Vietnam. In 2011–2012, she was a member of the OIE Ad Hoc Working Group on Epidemiology.
Between 2008 and 2013, she has been on rabies outbreak missions in Indonesia, Azerbaijan and
Vietnam for the FAO/OIE/WHO Crisis Management Center.
Professor Clarisa B. Palatnik de Sousa
Professor Palatnik de Sousa is Professor of Microbiology and Chief of the Laboratory of Biology
and Biochemistry of Leishmania at the Institute for Microbiology ‘Prof. Paulo de Góes’ of the
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. She is also a level 1B Researcher of the Brazilian National
Council of Scientific and Technological Development (CNPQ), top reviewer for the journal Vaccine
(2007 and 2008) and a member of the Executive Board of the International Society for Vaccines
(since January 2009) and of the One Health Committee of the World Small Animal Veterinary
Association (since January 2011). In acknowledgement of her work in vaccinology and public
health in Brazil she received the motion of congratulation from the Rio de Janeiro City Council
Chamber. Her experience in vaccine development includes the development of the first licensed
second-generation vaccine against visceral leishmaniosis. The vaccine, called Leishmune®, was
also the first to be licensed for prophylaxis against canine visceral leishmaniosis. She led the
identification and selection of the antigen, the development of the adjuvant, the scaling-up of the
industrial formulations, the Phase I-III trials, and the tests required by the regulatory agencies,
and described the impact of use of the vaccine on decreasing the human and canine disease
in Brazilian endemic areas. She is at present investigating the potential use of the vaccine in
immunotherapy and immunochemotherapy of the disease. Dr Palatnik de Sousa contributed
to the analysis of the new legislation for registration of vaccines against leishmaniosis by the
Ministry of Health in Brazil. She is actively engaged in teaching of vaccinology and vaccine
development for undergraduate and postgraduate students, aiming to increase the number of
scientists engaged in vaccine development and of the number of vaccines used in Public Health.
Dr Palatnik de Sousa’s scientific contributions include 59 peer-reviewed publications, one Brazilian
and one Mexican patent and three international patent applications. She has been advisor for
7 MSc and 6 PhD students, 3 Post Doctoral Fellows, 15 graduate and 45 undergraduate fellowship
students. Dr Palatnik de Sousa has a BSc (Biology) from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and
an MSc and PhD (Microbiology) from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.
ONE HEALTH: Rabies and Other Disease Risks from Free-roaming Dogs PROCEEDINGS
Dr Alan Radford
Alan graduated from Liverpool University in 1993 with degrees in molecular biology and
veterinary science. His PhD started his first passion, virus evolution, and he has since developed
novel ways of using sequence analysis to monitor national virus transmission and evolution. In
2008, he received an RCVS Trust Golden Jubilee grant to sequence 50 veterinary pathogens using
next generation sequencing. Recent pathogens published on include feline calicivirus, carnivore
parvovirus, FMDV, Japanese encephalitis virus, Mycoplasma, Anaplasma and Streptococcus spp.
He is currently Reader in the Institute of Infection and Global Health, Liverpool University.
In parallel, in 2008 he helped establish SAVSNET, the Small Animal Veterinary Surveillance
Network. In 2012, SAVSNET obtained charitable status and became an exciting collaboration
between BSAVA and Liverpool University ( SAVSNET provides novel ways
to gather syndromic surveillance data economically and efficiently from companion animal
electronic health records.
Dr Alejandro B. Thiermann
Dr Thiermann is the Senior International Organizations Coordinator for the Animal and Plant
Health Inspection Services, USDA. He is also President of the Terrestrial Animal Health Standards
Commission, World Organization for Animal Health, (OIE). He has served in this Commission
since 1994. In 2001, at the request of the OIE’s Director General, USDA seconded him to the OIE
to devote most of his time to the OIE’s standard setting process and serving as senior advisor to
the Director General. Prior to coming to Paris, from October 1996 and until September 2001,
he served as Senior Trade Coordinator and Regional Director for USDA-APHIS in Brussels, with
responsibility over Europe, Africa, Middle East, Russia and the former Soviet Republics.
During 1997 to 1999 he was twice elected Chairman of the World Trade Organisation, Sanitary
and Phytosanitary (WTO-SPS) Committee. In 1994 he was elected vice-president of the Code
Commission of the OIE. In 2000 he was elected, and since 2003 has served as president of this
important standard-setting committee. He was also an active member of U.S. delegations to
the negotiation of the Uruguay Round of the WTO, the drafting of the new International Plant
Protection Convention (IPPC) and served for two years as the U.S. Coordinator for the Codex
Dr Thiermann joined USDA-APHIS in 1989 as the Deputy Administrator for International Services.
In this capacity, he promoted APHIS’ role in trade facilitation; he also led the overseas animal and
plant health eradication and control programs, such as screwworm, foot-and-mouth disease, and
Mediterranean fruit fly. Before joining APHIS, he was the National Program Leader for animal
health research under the USDA Agriculture Research Service (ARS). He began his career with the
U.S. Government in 1979 as the research leader for the leptospirosis and the mycobacterioses
research laboratories in Ames, Iowa.
A native of Chile, Dr Thiermann received his doctorate of veterinary medicine degree from the
University of Chile at Santiago, and a PhD degree in microbiology and immunology from the
School of Medicine at Wayne State University in Michigan.
PROCEEDINGS ONE HEALTH: Rabies and Other Disease Risks from Free-roaming Dogs
Introductory comments: small companion
animals in One Health
M. J. Day
School of Veterinary Sciences, University of Bristol, Langford, North Somerset, UK
Small companion animals, most
typically dogs and cats, are kept by
people for companionship or a range
of utilitarian purposes. Dogs and cats
have a close relationship with their
human owners and play an important
role in the cultures of both developed
and developing communities. The
social and societal benefits of pet
ownership are significant, with dogs
now participating in programmes
in institutions such as schools and
hospitals, in addition to their role in
family life.
The numbers of small companion
animals are significant. For example
there are an estimated 8 – 10 million
dogs living in up to 31% of UK homes
and in the USA, 72 million dogs in 37%
of homes. In developed countries the
relationship between man and dogs
and cats has deepened, with these
animals now closely sharing the human
indoor environment. The benefits of
pet ownership are unquestionable, but
this close relationship does increase
the risk of human owners being
exposed to a variety of infectious
agents carried by pets.
Of even greater significance are the
numbers of ‘free-roaming’ (i.e. stray
or community owned) dogs and cats
in the developing nations of the world,
particularly in Africa and Asia. Owned
and free-roaming dogs and cats play
an equally significant role in the lives
of people in these countries, but by
virtue of economic circumstances
receive minimal veterinary healthcare
and remain important reservoirs for
major zoonotic infectious diseases such
as canine rabies and leishmaniosis. It
is impossible to enumerate accurately
the scale of the human and animal
health and animal welfare problems
related to free-roaming small
companion animals in these countries.
For example, conservative estimates
in India suggest that there may be up
to 25 million free-roaming dogs in a
country where there are an estimated
20,000 human rabies deaths annually.
The World Small Animal Veterinary
Association (WSAVA) One Health
Committee, which promotes the closer
integration of human and animal
healthcare (‘One Health’) has published
a position paper in collaboration with
the US Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC), the World
Organisation for Animal Health (OIE)
and the World Health Organization
(WHO)1. This study provides a listing
of the key infectious diseases that may
be transmitted between dogs and cats
and man. It is well recognized that
most of the major new diseases of
mankind will have an animal origin and
dogs and cats are a potential source of
such ‘emerging diseases’.
In human, livestock and wildlife
health there are programmes of
active surveillance for infectious
disease, which monitor the global
distribution and movement of key
infectious agents. For example, the
WHO monitors human influenza virus
infection through a network of 111
centres in 83 countries. In contrast,
there is no such monitoring for the
infections that may be transmitted
between small companion animals
and man.
The WSAVA One Health Committee
proposes that this omission should be
addressed by the establishment of a
co-ordinated global disease monitoring
system involving those veterinarians
who work in small companion animal
practice. Development of such a
scheme would require significant
political will, scientific application and
financial support that might best be
achieved through a public–private
partnership. The knowledge gained
through surveillance would permit
more effective global control of small
companion animal zoonoses and
thereby reduce the risks inherent
within this most fundamental of
human relationships.
Accordingly, in an attempt to address
these issues at a global level, the One
Health Committee has convened the
current symposium and welcomes
all delegates to this key international
forum. Over the next two days, we will
hear of the challenges related to the
welfare of free-roaming dogs and the
enormity of human suffering related
to transmission of zoonoses from
these animal reservoirs of infection.
We will hear of successful initiatives
for canine rabies control in African
and Asian countries that may serve as
models for developing a strategy for
global elimination of this disease. We
will also learn of new developments in
companion animal disease surveillance
and the potential for these to be
applied globally.
The specific aims of the meeting are
to produce an OIE–WSAVA position
statement on (1) issues relating to
the ecology, diseases and welfare of
free-roaming dog populations, (2) the
control and elimination of rabies and
other zoonotic disease risks associated
with these populations and (3) ways
in which small companion animal
veterinarians can become engaged in
global infectious disease surveillance.
Day MJ, Breitschwerdt E, Cleaveland S,
Karkare U, Khanna C, Kirpensteijn J, Kuiken
T, Lappin MR, McQuiston J, Mumford E,
Myers T, Palatnik-de-Sousa CB, Rubin C,
Takashima G, Thiermann A. Surveillance of
Zoonotic Infectious Diseases Transmitted
by Small Companion Animals. Emerging
Infectious Diseases 2012 Dec [date cited].
DOI: 10.3201/eid1812.120664.
ONE HEALTH: Rabies and Other Disease Risks from Free-roaming Dogs PROCEEDINGS
Understanding the ecology of free-roaming dogs
for the purposes of rabies control
M. K. Morters1, S. Cleaveland2, A. J. K. Conlan1, O. Restif1, T. J. McKinley1,
K. Hampson2, H. R. Whey3 and J. L. N. Wood1
Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK
Institute of Biodiversity, Animal Health and Comparative Medicine, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK
Faculty of Medical and Veterinary Sciences, University of Bristol, UK
Understanding host ecology and
epidemic theory is essential for
effective disease control. We
review these aspects separately,
with particular reference to
canine-mediated rabies. Firstly,
although human and canine rabies
are effectively controlled through
vaccinating domestic dogs, culling
is still frequently carried out in
response to rabies outbreaks. Culling
is an immediate and visible response
to public concerns about rabies,
but it may also be undertaken on
the expectation that a reduction in
population density by killing dogs will
reduce disease transmission and, thus,
the incidence of rabies. We present
recent evidence that indicates that
there is, in fact, no clear relationship
between host density and disease
transmission, and that culling is
ineffective in controlling rabies.
Secondly, demographic processes
(births, deaths and immigration/
emigration) contribute to variations in
dog population density, transmission of
rabies, particularly at the global level,
and declines in vaccination coverage.
We present key findings from a 3-year
cohort study, which is the first to
generate detailed data on the temporal
variation of these processes and their
regulatory factors, including human
factors. The study was undertaken
in two communities in each of Bali,
Indonesia and Johannesburg, South
Africa in rabies-endemic areas and
where the majority of dogs were freeroaming. None of the four communities
had been engaged in any dog
population management interventions
by local authorities or animal welfare
organizations. All available dogs in
the four communities were tracked
at the individual level throughout
the study period. Key findings
include: (1) no population growth or
a progressive decline in population
size during the study period, with no
clear evidence that population size
was regulated through environmental
resource constraints; rather, the
human populations regulated the dog
populations by demand; all of the dogs
were owned and fed regularly by their
owners; and (2) a substantial fraction
of recruited individuals originated
from outside the population rather
than being born locally. Furthermore,
we consistently achieved annual
vaccination coverage above 70%
through door-to-door vaccine delivery,
even in Bali where the majority of the
dogs needed to be caught by net on
successive occasions.
Overall, these observations have
broad implications for disease (and
population) control, including: the
accessibility of dogs for vaccination
and evaluation through owners;
recognition of the importance of
human movement of dogs and its
implications for disease spread,
and consequent importance of a
local supply of puppies to meet
the local demand, and declines in
vaccination coverage; and, constraints
to reductions in disease incidence
through culling (or sterilization
programmes), which generally
assume density-dependent disease
transmission, population growth and
closed populations.
PROCEEDINGS ONE HEALTH: Rabies and Other Disease Risks from Free-roaming Dogs
The welfare of free-roaming dogs
Elly Hiby
ICAM Coalition Scientific Coordinator and Independent Animal Welfare Consultant
The presence of free-roaming dogs
can bring a range of problems,
including zoonotic disease risk, but
also welfare problems faced by the
dogs themselves. As the first species
to be domesticated, dogs have
developed the most intimate and
complex relationship with humans
(Serpell, 1996). The closeness of this
relationship means that they are
dependent on humans, with limited
ability to survive and reproduce in
the absence of resources provided
by people (Boitani et al., 1995). It is
a common misconception that all
free‑roaming dogs are unowned,
in most locations the majority of
these dogs will have an owner or at
least a number of local people that
purposefully provide resources to
specific dogs. This brings validity to the
aim of good welfare of free-roaming
dogs. People want their dogs, including
those that are not confined, in a good
state of welfare.
The ownership status of freeroaming dogs is also relevant in
planning interventions, which should
maximise the involvement of owners
and guardians who have both the
legitimacy to be involved in their dog’s
management and also will be key to
sustaining any activities in the longterm. The ownership of free-roaming
dogs also explains why inhumane
methods of disease control, such as
culling apparently ‘stray dogs’, are
not well accepted and why there is
commonly a lack of public cooperation
in such programmes.
Utilising the framework of the
five freedoms we can explore the
welfare state of free-roaming dogs
and identify where their well-being
may be challenged; this may include
methods of dog control that are not
humane. It is relevant to note that not
all challenges to their welfare are as a
result of being free-roaming. Indeed,
in evolutionary terms, confinement
of dogs is a relatively recent concept
and requires careful consideration of
dog needs to help them adapt to being
kept in this way. It may be sufficient
and more achievable to maintain
good welfare and reduce disease risk
without requiring confinement of all
dogs, although this will depend on
the country, cultural expectations
and environmental factors such as
the presence of fast moving traffic.
Reduction of the free-roaming dog
population is sometimes stated as
part of disease control, but there are
examples of where improved health
and welfare without a reduction in
numbers lead to reduced disease
incidence and a positive response
from the public (e.g. rabies control in
Colombo, Sri Lanka).
We work in a financially limited space
and so it is important that investment
is made in the right intervention. This
requires a clear understanding of the
specific aim of the intervention within
the context of the local community
and dog population dynamics. In some
locations mass vaccination of owned
dogs will be sufficient to control rabies;
in others additional aims relating to
improving dog welfare
and reducing dog bites and other
nuisance behaviours will be relevant
and hence further dog population
management may be required.
The goal of humane dog population
interventions is to establish a
sustainable system that creates healthy
dog populations with human guardians
that invest in good dog welfare,
whether the dogs are free‑roaming
or confined. There is no single
intervention programme that will work
across all locations, and understanding
where free-roaming dogs are coming
from and their current ownership
status will impact enormously on how
interventions are run.
Veterinarians have extremely valuable
and unique capabilities that can be
applied to animal and public health,
which are inextricably linked; in dogs
this will include basic health care to
reduce disease risk, reproduction
control and the most trusted source
of animal care advice for the public.
Government veterinary services can
support this work through: subsidising
services; public campaigns encouraging
good dog care; supporting access
to training for vets in small animal
medicine and surgery; and establishing
affordable access to those drugs and
consumables necessary for good
companion animal care. Companion
animal ownership has an intrinsic
emotional quality, which means that
poor veterinary standards are not well
tolerated and can be very damaging to
public trust in the profession.
Boitani L, Francisci F, Ciucci P, Andreoli G
(1995) Population biology and ecology of
feral dogs in central Italy. In: Serpell J, Ed.,
The Domestic Dog: its Evolution, Behaviour
and Interactions with People. Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge, pp. 217-244.
Serpell J (1996) In the Company of Animals:
a Study of Human-Animal Relationships.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
ONE HEALTH: Rabies and Other Disease Risks from Free-roaming Dogs PROCEEDINGS
The role of the OIE as the international standard
setting organization on animal health and welfare
A. B. Thiermann
OIE, 12 rue de Prony, Paris, France
The World Organisation for Animal
Health (OIE) with its 178 member
countries is responsible for establishing
international standards for animal
health and welfare. These international
standards are critical for the facilitation
of international trade and the
prevention of the transmission of
animal diseases, including zoonoses.
These standards also provide the
necessary recommendations and
guidelines for the prevention and
control of these diseases in national
territories. It is important to raise the
awareness of all participants, whether
representing the public or the private
sector, in order to encourage them to
become more engaged in this process.
The mechanisms for the development
and adoption of these standards
will be discussed. The OIE convenes
world-renowned experts to deliberate
and develop new or update existing
standards, based on the most recent
scientific information. These draft
texts are examined by Specialized
Commissions and then circulated
twice per year for Member comments.
The comments are reviewed by the
Commissions; the texts are modified
accordingly and resubmitted for
Member consideration. Eventually, and
usually after two years, these draft are
submitted to the General Assembly of
Members for adoption.
The Terrestrial Animal Health Code
contains standards on general crosscutting subjects, such as Quality of
Veterinary Services, Risk Analysis,
Disease Prevention and Control,
Export Procedures and Certification
and Veterinary Public Health. It
contains over 100 disease-specific
standards. The OIE adopted the first
standards on animal welfare in 2004,
and since has expanded into the areas
of transport, slaughter and killing for
disease control, laboratory animals,
and stray dog populations, as well
as standards on animal production
systems. There is also the Manual
of Diagnostic Tests and Vaccines for
Terrestrial Animals which provides
the approved methodologies for
diagnosis and approved vaccines
for the animal diseases listed in the
Terrestrial Code. The international
standards found in the OIE Codes and
Manual provide the scientific basis
for control and prevention of animal
diseases worldwide, while at the same
time, preventing unjustified trade
population control will be discussed,
to illustrate the close link between
animal health and animal welfare.
As a critical component of the
One Health process, the health of
companion animals, as well as that of
free-roaming dogs and cats, is critical
in the prevention and control of
zoonotic diseases. The presentation
is intended to encourage the use of
these international standards in the
control of animal diseases, especially
those of zoonotic potential in freeroaming dogs.
The recently updated standard
on rabies will be discussed as an
example of recommendations
to prevent diseases in animal
population as well as the control
of zoonotic risks. The standard
on animal welfare on stray dog
PROCEEDINGS ONE HEALTH: Rabies and Other Disease Risks from Free-roaming Dogs
Canine rabies virus: the disease, the problem
and current global recommendations for
control and elimination
Cleaveland S1, 2, Townsend S1, Hampson K1, 2, 3, Haydon D1, Lankester F1, 4, 5,
Morters M6, Mtema Z 1, 3, Sambo M3 and Lembo T1,2
Boyd Orr Centre for Population and Ecosystem Health, Institute for Biodiversity, Animal Health and Comparative Medicine,
College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK
Partners for Rabies Prevention, Global Alliance for Rabies Control, 529 Humboldt St., Suite 1, Manhattan, Kansas 66502, USA
Ifakara Health Institute, P.O. Box 53, Ifakara, Tanzania
Paul G. Allen School of Global Animal Health, Washington State University, Pulman, WA, 99164-7090, USA
Lincoln Park Zoo, 001 N. Clark St., Chicago, IL 60614, USA
Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Cambridge, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 0ES, UK
Rabies, caused by viruses in the
Lyssavirus genus, is a zoonosis
with a worldwide distribution.
Eleven Lyssaviruses have now been
characterized, and several more are
awaiting classification; however, the
global burden of rabies is dominated
by the problems caused by the canine
variant of the rabies virus. Although
there have been recent successes
in the control and elimination of
canine rabies, most notably in Latin
America and a few countries in Asia
and Africa, the disease remains
endemic throughout much of Asia
and Africa and poses a substantial
disease burden: (a) inflicting high
mortality, causing an estimated 55,000
human deaths per year; (b) exerting
a significant economic burden, with
costs associated with human postexposure prophylaxis in Asia exceeding
$1.5 billion per year; (c) causing
psychological impacts, as a result of the
fear and uncertainty associated with
bites from suspected rabid dogs; (d)
generating concerns for conservation,
as canine rabies is a threat to the
survival of several endangered wild
carnivore populations; and (e) having
significant animal welfare implications,
particularly in terms of attitudes
towards dogs, and management of
free-roaming dog populations.
Over the past 20 years, results from
field epidemiological research,
disease modelling and insights gained
from large-scale rabies control and
elimination programmes have greatly
advanced our understanding of the
epidemiology, control and elimination
of canine rabies. The conclusion of
these studies and analyses is that
the elimination of canine rabies is
feasible, even in wildlife-rich areas,
through mass vaccination of domestic
dogs, and without the need for
indiscriminate culling to reduce dog
population density. The research
is also providing valuable practical
insights that support the operational
planning and implementation of rabies
control measures, including methods
for estimating dog population size
and ownership patterns, the design
and organization of dog vaccination
campaigns (e.g. timing of campaigns,
vaccination coverage levels required),
and surveillance criteria for declaring
freedom from canine rabies.
These studies have identified key
epidemiological factors that contribute
to the success of rabies control, such
as uniform vaccination of ~70% of the
domestic dog population, as well as
key socio-political factors, including
effective community engagement,
inter-sectoral collaboration, and
strong political support. Conversely,
in areas where canine rabies remains
uncontrolled, progress is hampered by
two major problems: first, low levels
of political commitment, exacerbated
by lack of recognition among policymakers of the magnitude of the disease
problem, as well as the feasibility
and cost-effectiveness of control
and elimination through mass dog
vaccination; second, the misperception
that control of canine rabies is futile
without addressing rabies in wildlife
and without reducing the size of the
dog population. This presentation will
present evidence that canine rabies
elimination is feasible in Africa and Asia
through programmes that focus on
mass dog vaccination and community
participation, and that there is no
scientific justification for delaying the
implementation of control measures.
ONE HEALTH: Rabies and Other Disease Risks from Free-roaming Dogs PROCEEDINGS
Successful rabies control: examples in Africa
L. H. Nel1, N. Mollentze1 and K. le Roux2
Department of Microbiology and Plant Pathology, University of Pretoria, South Africa
Allerton Veterinary Laboratories, KZN, South Africa
Why has rabies, the most fatal
disease ever known, progressively
established as a neglected disease
throughout Africa and other parts
of the developing world, despite the
fact that it is completely preventable?
With dog rabies being a classical
zoonosis, one driver of neglect can
be an institutional juggling of the
responsibility for dog rabies control
and poor awareness or appreciation
of the public health impact of
the disease. Canine rabies is not
associated with any agricultural
importance and the veterinary neglect
of dogs is exacerbated by the fact that
dogs are typically unrestricted and
free roaming in Africa. On the African
public health side, rabies primarily
affects rural community types –
characterized by poverty, remote
location, poor infrastructure and
negligible health care. Misdiagnosis
is common and the capacity for
laboratory diagnosis is non-existent
over most of the continent. On the
global health agenda, dog rabies is
prevalent only in the developing world
and can seem less newsworthy or
important than some new diseases
with pandemic potential, such as
those associated with novel strains of
influenza or coronaviruses. In reality,
mortalities due to dog rabies, which
occur mostly in children and without
any other health risk factors, surpass
many other infectious diseases that
are perceived to be more important.
It is evident that any hope of future
control of dog rabies is dependent
on global, regional and country level
execution of a One Health approach.
New global partnerships and
roadmaps, together with associated
projects, are indeed focused on
factors such as those illustrated above
and include issues of dog ecology
and primary health care, a demand
for better disease surveillance, and
optimal approaches to the planning,
execution and evaluation of rabies
control campaigns. In this regard
examples from Africa, such as the
programme in KZN, South Africa,
demonstrate that successful rabies
control is a long-term goal that requires
substantial investment, but offers
inevitable and worthy returns.
Lembo T, Hampson K et al. (2010) The
feasibility of canine rabies elimination in
Africa: dispelling doubts with data. PLoS
Neglected Tropical Diseases 4 (2), e626.
Lembo T, Prevention PR (2012) The blueprint
for rabies prevention and control: a novel
operational toolkit for rabies elimination.
Plos Neglected Tropical Diseases 6(2).
Mollentze N, Weyer J et al. (2013) Dog rabies
in southern Africa: regional surveillance
and phylogeographical analyses are an
important component of control and
elimination strategies. Virus Genes DOI
Nel L, Le Roux K, Atlas R (2009) Rabies control
program in South Africa. Microbe 4, 61-65.
Nel LH, CE Rupprecht (2007) Emergence of
Lyssaviruses in the old world: the case of
Africa. Current Topics in Microbiology and
Immunology 315, 161-193.
Southern and Eastern African Rabies Group,
SEARG. 2012. [Online]. Available:
php?id=meetings [Accessed: 28-Aug-2012].
Weyer J, Szmyd-Potapczuk AV et al. (2011)
Epidemiology of human rabies in South
Africa, 1983-2007. Virus Research 155,
PROCEEDINGS ONE HEALTH: Rabies and Other Disease Risks from Free-roaming Dogs
Successful rabies control: examples from Asia
Mary Elizabeth Miranda
Global Alliance for Rabies Control Asia
Over 99% of human rabies deaths
today occur in Asia and Africa where
dog rabies is still endemic. Rabies is a
neglected disease of poverty, especially
affecting underprivileged communities
in developing countries. As a result of
being a non-notifiable disease in many
countries, accurate mortality data do
not exist, thus rabies is ranked low
on the priority list for disease control
programmes. In Asia, over 99% of all
human rabies deaths occur after a
person is bitten by an infected dog
and up to 60% of all deaths occur in
children under 15 years of age. The
incidence of human rabies and even
dog bites in Asia is not fully known.
Despite this, there are fewer than
five WHO and OIE Reference Centres
for rabies in Asia; since surveillance
is lacking, every dog bite is usually
considered an exposure to rabies.
Until the creation of the Global
Alliance for Rabies Control (GARC), no
organisation existed to unite the rabies
community. With no strong advocate
to bring the case for rabies prevention
to the international community,
and few reliable data to prove the
true burden of rabies, this disease
continues to be neglected and to take
a heavy toll on poor communities in
countries where dog rabies is endemic.
Tools are available to formulate and
implement strategies to control rabies
successfully. The ‘Bohol model’ as
tested in GARC’s project in the region
has proven that, in collaboration with
the local government, by eliminating
rabies in the dog population, educating
children, improving surveillance, and
empowering the local community,
human rabies will disappear.
The expansion of GARC projects in
the Philippines, and the scale-up and
replication of the ‘Bohol model’ of
vaccination for dogs and education
for people, covers two provincial and
an urban cross-border canine rabies
elimination initiative. These will protect
over 3.2 million people, among these
almost a million children who are being
reached directly with educational
materials or vaccinations. With
committed but limited local resources,
their local governments are keen to
collaborate and are advancing towards
dog rabies elimination.
GARC believes that we can build the
political will to control rabies and
scale up prevention programs that
will dramatically reduce human rabies
deaths. We will do this by empowering
communities to establish their own
rabies control programs; ensuring
the full awareness/participation of
the community on the situation,
issues, approaches taken and the
community’s key role; giving them
access to more cost-effective tools for
control and prevention; and provide
open collaboration between global
rabies experts. Urgent requests for
help to prevent rabies have come to
the Alliance from over 150 countries
as a result of coordinating a global
day of action to raise awareness –
World Rabies Day. As a result, there
is realization that there is a pressing
need to build global consensus among
the key opinion leaders and experts
to embark on a global campaign to
eliminate canine-mediated rabies
and empower countries to build and
implement their own national rabies
control strategies.
T Lembo, M Attlan, H Bourhy et al. (2011)
Renewed global partnerships and
redesigned roadmaps for rabies prevention
and control. Veterinary Medicine
International, Article ID 9231.
S. M. D. Lapiz, M. E. G. Miranda, R. G.
Garcia et al. (2012) Implementation of
an intersectoral program to eliminate
human and canine rabies: the Bohol Rabies
Prevention and Elimination Project. PLoS
Neglected Tropical Diseases, 06 Dec 2012.
S. E. Townsend, T. Lemboa, S. Cleaveland
et al. (2013) Surveillance guidelines
for disease elimination: a case study of
canine rabies. Comparative Immunology,
Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, 36.
L. Taylor on behalf of the Partners for Rabies
Prevention, Global Alliance for Rabies
Control (2013) Eliminating canine rabies:
the role of public–private partnerships.
Antiviral Research, 2, Issue, May 2013.
ONE HEALTH: Rabies and Other Disease Risks from Free-roaming Dogs PROCEEDINGS
Rabies control in India
Maj. Gen. (Retd) Dr R. M. Kharb AVSM
Chairman, Animal Welfare Board of India
Rabies is one of the most important
zoonotic diseases in India. It is
responsible for a heavy burden in
terms of loss of human and livestock
lives, as well as being a huge financial
expenditure for post-exposure
prophylaxis (PEP) vaccination of people
and animals exposed to dog bites.
The dog is the main vector of rabies
in India. Therefore, controlling the
incidence of rabies in human beings
and animals depends on controlling
rabies in dogs, which can be achieved
by mass immunization of 70% of
the stray and pet dog population.
The burden of rabies in India can be
recognized from statistics for human
lives lost (approximately 17, 400 per
annum), dog bites (approximately 17.5
million people per annum) and human
PEP (administered to approximately
3 million people and costing around
US $25 million). Most human deaths
occur in children in rural areas where
awareness and facilities for PEP are not
as well developed.
The Animal Welfare Board of India
(AWBI), a statutory and advisory
body of the Government of India,
has facilitated the implementation
of India’s Street Dogs Animal Birth
Control/Anti Rabies (ABC/AR)
Vaccination programme for the last 12
years with the help of civic bodies and
NGOs. With recent joint participatory
efforts of civic bodies and the AWBI,
approximately 1.5 million dogs are
being sterilized and vaccinated every
year, which is grossly inadequate for
the control of rabies as the population
of street dogs in India is estimated
to number 20 million. However, this
programme has successfully impacted
on control of the incidence of human
and animal rabies in Chennai, Jaipur,
Kalimpong, Ooty and Gangtok
where the programme has been
implemented on an intensive scale.
The limited infrastructure of NGOs
and the lack of adequate financial
and political support, combined with
limited availability of skilled veterinary
surgeons and dog catchers, are the
main impediments to enlarging the
scope of the programme nationally.
In order to upgrade the skills of
veterinarians, paravets and dog
catchers, the AWBI, with the help and
cooperation of international NGOs
such as Humane Society International,
Vets Beyond Borders and Worldwide
Veterinary Services, is conducting
training programmes at three training
centres in Jaipur, Ooty and Gangtok to
provide trained personal for expanding
the scope of the programme.
Public awareness about the benefits of
the ABC/AR programme for controlling
dog populations and rabies and public
support are vital for the success of
this programme. Similarly, proper
solid waste and garbage management
needs to be strictly enforced by the
civic bodies in their respective areas.
Formulation and implementation
of a National Rabies Control Policy
in India, and including rabies in the
list of notifiable diseases, could help
considerably in addressing the huge
challenge of controlling this important
zoonotic disease. Adequate financial
outlay for mass sterilization of street
dogs is also required along with mass
immunization programmes, as dogs
are prolific breeders and unless their
population is also controlled through
a humane sterilization programme, a
new crop of pups will be added twice a
year, which will impact on the success
of any immunization programme that is
carried out in isolation.
For the first time the Ministry of Public
Health, Government of India under
the One Health approach has drafted
a National Rabies Control Programme
involving human as well as animal
components under the 12th Five Year
Plan. The human component will be
implemented by the National Centre
for Disease Control and the animal
component by the AWBI covering a
dog census, mass immunization of
street and pet dogs, dog population
control using fast-track laparoscopic
techniques, registration and licensing
of dogs, responsible pet ownership
and notification of rabies cases. It is
also proposed to carry out proper
surveillance and collect authentic data
on rabies. Efforts are at hand to involve
the Department of Animal Husbandry
at the Centre and State Level, which
is considered critical for success of
mass immunization and sterilization of
street dogs. So far these organisations
have focused only on animal diseases
affecting livestock productivity and
dogs have not been included in the
livestock list. We look to OIE for help in
this regard.
PROCEEDINGS ONE HEALTH: Rabies and Other Disease Risks from Free-roaming Dogs
Mission Rabies
Luke Gamble BVSc MRCVS
Worldwide Veterinary Service, 5-7 Castle Street, Cranborne, Dorset BH21 5PZ, UK
Rabies is a fatal zoonotic disease
estimated to cause between 40,000
and 100,000 human deaths annually
worldwide.1 Over a third of these
deaths occur within India, the widely
acknowledged global hotspot for rabies
in the world, and a country which
has annually reported an estimated
25,000–30,000 human deaths from
rabies since 1984.2
Sadly, the majority of people who
die of rabies are people of poor or
low-income socioeconomic status3,
30–60% being children under the age
of 164. In India, rabies is not a notifiable
disease and with no organized
surveillance system of human or
animal cases, compounded by the fact
rural families will not always insist
on the cause of death being officially
registered, it is difficult to ascertain the
exact scale of the problem.
The main cause of transmission is
through dog bites3. In a country
with a population exceeding 1.02
billion, it is estimated that 15 million
people in India are bitten by animals
annually.9 This statistic equates to at
least one person being bitten by a
dog every two seconds. Additionally,
the impact to the Indian economy is
significant, with an estimated annual
cost of post‑bite treatment totalling
approximately $25 million.2
It is suggested that India has
approximately 25 million dogs, with
an estimated dog:man ratio of 1:36.2
Until 1998 the population of stray
dogs in India was kept under check
by civic authorities, by impounding
and euthanising unclaimed dogs.
The pressure from animal welfare
activists, combined with a humane
and progressive government under
the direction of the Animal Welfare
Board of India (AWBI) has ensured this
approach was replaced by a policy of
animal birth control.
Anecdotally, the success of this
programme relies on the sterilization
of at least 70% of the strays in a given
geographic area within 6 months. This
target is difficult to achieve, given the
large number of stray animals, large
litter sizes they can produce and the
limited resources. Hence the success
of the animal birth control programme
in controlling the stray dog population
is a continued subject of dispute and
doubt.6 Conversely, there is evidence
that national vaccination campaigns
to reduce the incidence of rabies in
environmental reservoirs have been
successful8, 10 and these are universally
accepted as the most sustainably and
effective, long-term disease control
strategies, far outweighing mass cull
approaches in their effectiveness.
Notwithstanding the detailed
academic debates around rabies and
its control, the current situation can be
summarized as follows:
India accounts for over a third of all
reported global deaths as a result
of rabies
Rabies kills a higher proportion of
children than adults
The main cause of rabies in India is
through dog bites
Many cases of rabies in India are not
reported, specifically in rural areas,
suggesting the true incidence of this
fatal disease is unknown and is likely
to be higher than official figures
Hundreds of dogs are culled
regularly, often brutally and
indiscriminately, for fear of a rabies
epidemic in many areas throughout
India (and the world)
Annual vaccination campaigns,
combined with neutering, public
education and national surveillance
programmes are proven ways to
address the endemic crisis and, if
implemented efficiently, will save
thousands of lives (both animal and
human) every year.
Mission Rabies, thanks to the huge
support from many charities, sponsors,
the WSAVA Foundation and individual
volunteers, was launched in September
2013 in an attempt to address the
rabies epidemic in India, to promote
the welfare of the street dogs and to
protect local communities.
Mission Rabies has the following
1. Establish an India National Rabies
Network – supplying effective,
subsidised rabies vaccine
throughout the country, setting
up an epidemiological database
to record, who, where and when
vaccine has been administered.
2. Thanks to the Dogs Trust and the
Animal Welfare Board of India,
utilise a unique all-terrain mobile
veterinary hospital as a teaching
unit to run surgical training courses
through the country and educate
vets in TNVR.
3. Run an annual rabies vaccination
drive through ten selected states to
vaccinate 50,000 dogs in 30 days.
Unifying NGOs and animal welfare
groups, as well as international
volunteers in the fight against
rabies. The plan is to build this up
to achieving a total of 2 million
street dog vaccinations in key rabies
hotspot areas in the next three
This presentation will outline the
results of the launch and deliver a
progress report.
Knobel DL, Cleaveland S, Coleman PG, et al.
(2005) Re-evaluating the burden of rabies
in Africa and Asia. Bulletin of the World
Health Organisation, 83, 360-368.
Sudarshan MK (2004) Assessing burden of
rabies in India. WHO sponsored national
multi-centric rabies survey (May 2004).
Journal of the Association of Prevention and
Control of Rabies in India, 6, 44-45.
Ghosh TK (2006) Rabies. Proceedings of
the IX National Conference of Pediatric
Infectious Diseases, Chennai, India.
Bulletin of the WHO (2009) 87, 885-964.
Human rabies deaths – 2004, Geneva.
Department of Food Safety, Zoonoses
and Foodborne Diseases, World Health
Organisation; 2008.
Chaudhuri S (2005) Rabies prevention and
dog population management. India’s
official dog control policy in context of
WHO guidelines. Ecollage.
John TJ (1997) An ethical dilemma in rabies
immunisation. Vaccine, 15 S12-15.
Cliquet F, Robardet E, Must K et al. (2012)
Eliminating rabies in Estonia, PLoS
Neglected Tropical Diseases, 6, e1535.
Menezes R (2008) Rabies in India. Canadian
Medical Association Journal, 178.
Expert Consultation on Rabies held in
Geneva, October 2004 (TRS 931, WHO
Presence/absence of rabies worldwide —
2006. Geneva: Department of Food Safety,
Zoonoses and Foodborne Diseases, World
Health Organization; 2008.
ONE HEALTH: Rabies and Other Disease Risks from Free-roaming Dogs PROCEEDINGS
Small companion animal disease surveillance:
current systems and how they may integrate
with the OIE–WAHIS system
A. Radford 1, F. Sanchez-Vizcaino 1, T. Menacere 1, S. Reynolds 1, R. Gaskell 1,
S. Dawson 2, P. Jones 1 and P. J. Noble 2
Institute of Infection and Global Health
Veterinary School, University of Liverpool, Leahurst Campus, Chester High Road, Neston, Wirral, CH64 7TE, UK
Animals are a hugely important part
of human societies globally, fulfilling
many different roles. Of course
some are kept to provide food, but
many others are kept as pets or
working animals, providing traction,
companionship, protection, livelihood
and independence. As well as obvious
welfare implications, their diseases
can also have considerable impact on
their individual owners and society,
financially, psychologically and,
through zoonotic transmission, as a
cause of human disease.
Surveillance programmes have
naturally developed globally to
quantify disease in some of these
animal populations, particularly for
notifiable diseases and important
zoonoses, in part to facilitate
global trade. Historically, with rare
exceptions, these have been limited to
high profile diseases of farmed species.
As a sector, companion animals (here
referring to dogs, cats and other small
pet animals) lack coordinated national
and international disease surveillance.
This is a reflection of the diversification
of this sector, and a lack of government
regulation for all but the most high
profile diseases. Animals in this sector
have many roles globally, ranging
from pure companionship to food
animals. They have played significant
roles in the epidemiology of recent
global health threats including SARS,
coronavirus, and various influenza
strains, notably H5N1. Rabies virus
remains an ever-present and serious
zoonotic threat.
Any attempt to fill this gap in
companion animal surveillance will
require simple implementation in
a cost-effective manner. This is just
beginning to happen as individual
countries seek to capture clinically
useful data largely from electronic
health records. Here we will review
these initiatives and describe one
being developed in the UK. The
Small Animal Veterinary Surveillance
Network (SAVSNET) is a charity set up
by the British Small Animal Veterinary
Association and the University
of Liverpool. It seeks to capture
demographic and disease data from
two sources: diagnostic laboratories
and veterinary surgeons in practice.
Laboratory data are collected
quarterly and include signalment,
sample type, diagnostic methodology,
test result and a proxy for geographical
origin. From veterinary surgeons we
collect data in near real time from
practice management software,
including signalment, reason for visit,
treatment and the full postcode of
where the animal resides. We also
append a novel short syndromic
questionnaire to each consultation,
making SAVSNET both a scanning
and a targeted surveillance system.
Compliance with these methods has
been very high, an important factor
for future recruitment. This allows
us to collect data on any animal
presented to a participating veterinary
surgeon, whether by an owner or,
in the case of an unowned animal,
by an animal welfare charity. Using
these approaches, we can identify risk
factors for diagnosis (laboratory data)
and syndromes (veterinary data).
At the time of writing we have
collected data on over 135,000
veterinary consultations, with
questionnaire data on diarrhoea,
respiratory disease, tumours and
pruritus. This is beginning to shed
new light on species, breed and age
susceptibility to disease, and seasonal
variation. Antibacterial consumption
and resistance is a global health
priority, and we have developed novel
ways to describe in real time the use of
these medicines in veterinary practice.
The open Standards and API
(application programming interface)
we are developing have been designed
specifically for software-independent
participation and are both scalable and
transferable globally into any setting
where companion animal health
records are electronically recorded.
The simple data capture methods
means the hurdle to veterinary practice
and laboratory participation is very
low, and compliance high. Results can
be searched spatially and temporally,
and could be mapped to other national
and international disease databases of
human and animal health. We believe
SAVSNET offers an efficient method for
internationally harmonised companion
animal surveillance.
The challenge going forward will be to
imbed companion animal surveillance
initiatives in the diverse settings in
which small pet animals are kept
globally, to generate meaningful
international coverage.
PROCEEDINGS ONE HEALTH: Rabies and Other Disease Risks from Free-roaming Dogs
Canine leishmaniosis: the disease, the problem
and current approach to control and elimination
Prof. Dr Clarisa B. Palatnik de Sousa
Laboratory of Biology and Biochemistry of Leishmania, Institute for Microbiology ‘Prof. Paulo de Góes’,
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Human leishmaniosis is the third
most important vector-borne
disease worldwide, after malaria
and filariasis. A total of 98 countries
and three regions on five continents
have reported endemic leishmaniosis
transmission. Among the leishmaniosis
syndromes, the official numbers add
up to more than 58,000 cases of
visceral leishmaniosis (VL) per year.
Based on these recent estimates,
and considering the lack of reports
from several endemic countries,
approximately 0.2 to 0.4 million VL
cases occur each year. The disease
is an anthroponosis in India and
Central Africa and a canid zoonosis
(ZVL) in the Americas, the Middle
East, Central Asia, China and the
Mediterranean. It is a severe and
frequently lethal protozoal disease of
increasing incidence and severity due
to infected human and dog migration,
new geographical distribution of the
insect vector due to global warming,
co-infection with immunosuppressive
diseases and poverty. Leishmania
donovani and L. infantum/L. chagasi
are the major species responsible for
VL. They home in on visceral organs
and result in a pentad of clinical signs:
fever, weight loss, splenomegaly,
hepatomegaly, and anaemia. If left
untreated, the disease has a high
human mortality rate mainly due to
T lymphocyte immunosuppression
(mainly CD4+ T cells) and secondary
Over the last two decades many
factors have led to an increase in the
incidence of VL. Among these are: the
geographical spread of VL in Europe,
Africa, America and Asia caused by
human migration carrying infected
dogs to areas where the specific
insect vector was already present;
the expansion of the phlebotomine
habitats due to global warming; the
increase in dog cases with a travel
history; the urbanization of the disease
after deforestation; and the frequent
co-infection in HIV-positive individuals.
The most common clinical
manifestations and clinicopathological
abnormalities found in canine ZVL
include: skin lesions, generalized
lymphadenopathy, loss of weight,
altered appetite, lethargy, mucous
membrane pallor, splenomegaly,
polyuria and polydipsia, fever,
vomiting and diarrhoea, dermatitis,
onychogryphosis, blepharitis,
conjunctivitis, keratoconjunctivitis,
uveitis, oral, genital and/or nasal
mucocutaneous and mucosal lesions,
epistaxis, and vascular, renal and
neurological disorders. Among the
main laboratory abnormalities,
hypoalbuminaemia, decreased
albumin/globulin ratio, anaemia,
leucopenia, thrombocytopenia,
proteinuria, renal azotaemia and
elevated liver enzyme activities
are described.
The ZVL epidemic has been controlled
by one or more measures including
the culling of infected dogs, treatment
of human cases and insecticidal
treatment of homes and dogs.
Mathematical models proposed that
the insecticide treatment and the
use of vaccines would be the most
effective control tools for human and
canine disease. Since the severity of
the disease is related to the generation
of T cell immunosuppression,
effective vaccines should be capable
of sustaining or enhancing T cell
immunity. Recent experimental
data obtained by the dog culling–
epidemiological control campaigns is
controversial about the effectiveness
of this approach on VL eradication.
Three vaccines are at present licensed
for prophylaxis of canine ZVL. This
presentation will summarize and
review the state-of-the-art of current
approaches to control and elimination
of this zoonosis.
ONE HEALTH: Rabies and Other Disease Risks from Free-roaming Dogs PROCEEDINGS
Bartonellosis: a One Health approach to an
emerging infectious disease
Edward B. Breitschwerdt DVM DACVIM
North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA
Bartonella species are recently
rediscovered, fastidious Gram-negative
bacteria that are highly adapted to a
mammalian reservoir host within which
the bacteria usually cause a long-lasting
intraerythrocytic bacteraemia. These
facts are of particular importance to
physicians, veterinarians and other
health professionals, as an increasing
number of Bartonella species known to
induce persistent bacteraemia in animal
reservoir hosts are being documented as
a cause of disease in animals and people.
Among numerous other examples,
Bartonella henselae has co-evolved with
cats, Bartonella vinsonii subsp. berkhoffii
has co-evolved with dogs and wild
canines, and Bartonella bovis has coevolved with cattle. Importantly, the list
of reservoir-adapted Bartonella species,
including a large number of species in
rodents that might serve as ‘pocket
pets’, continues to grow exponentially,
as new Bartonella spp. are discovered
in wildlife species. Prior to 1990, there
was only one named Bartonella species,
while there are currently 30 named
and numerous yet to be named or
Candidatus species.
Seventeen Bartonella spp. have
been associated with an expanding
spectrum of animal and human
diseases. Epidemiological evidence
and experimental transmission studies
support an important role for fleas
in the transmission of these bacteria
among cats, which can be chronically
bacteraemic for months to years with
five zoonotic Bartonella spp. Recent
reports have identified an intraendothelial, as well as intra-erythrocytic
localization for these bacteria, which
represents a unique strategy for
bacterial persistence within the host.
In addition to fleas, an increasing
number of arthropod vectors, including
biting flies, keds, lice, mites, sandflies,
spiders and ticks have been implicated
in the transmission of Bartonella spp.
among animals and people. Considering
the diversity of newly discovered
Bartonella spp., the large number and
ecologically diverse reservoir hosts,
and the spectrum of arthropod vectors,
the clinical and diagnostic challenges
posed by Bartonella transmission in
nature may be much more complex
than is currently appreciated in human
and veterinary medicine. Clearly, a One
Health Approach is needed to better
define the medical relevance of this
genus of bacteria as a cause of disease
in animals and human patients and to
develop preventive strategies so as to
avoid Bartonella spp. infections in pets
and their owners.
Because conventional microbiological
techniques lack sensitivity, bartonellosis
is usually diagnosed by PCR amplification
of organism-specific DNA sequences
and/or through serological testing,
which also lacks diagnostic sensitivity
in dogs, horses and humans. Recently,
the development of a more sensitive
isolation/PCR approach, using BAPGM
(Bartonella alpha Proteobacteria growth
medium) followed by PCR amplification
and DNA sequencing of organismspecific gene targets has greatly
facilitated the isolation or molecular
detection of Bartonella. DNA from the
blood, tissues or other biological fluids
of sick or healthy animals, including cats,
cows, dogs, horses, pigs and human
beings. Most importantly, the use of this
insect cell culture-based enrichment
growth medium prior to PCR testing
has allowed our research group to
confirm that immunocompetent human
patients, in particular veterinarians
and animal workers, can have chronic
intravascular infections with Bartonella
spp. Information relative to the
validation and diagnostic availability of
this novel testing platform for animal
and human patients can be found at
Due to extensive contact with a
spectrum of animal species, veterinary
professionals and others with arthropod
and animal exposure appear to have
an occupational risk of infection with
Bartonella spp. Therefore, these
individuals should exercise increased
precautions to avoid arthropod bites,
arthropod faeces (particularly fleas
and lice), animal bites or scratches and
direct contact with bodily fluids from
sick animals. As Bartonella spp. have
been isolated from cat, dog or human
blood, cerebrospinal fluid, joint fluid,
aqueous fluid, seroma fluid and from
pleural, pericardial and abdominal
effusions, a substantial number of
diagnostic biological samples collected
on a daily basis in veterinary practices
could contain viable bacteria.
In the context of disease causation,
Bartonella spp. have been implicated
in association with endocarditis,
granulomatous inflammatory
lesions, persistent bacteraemia and
vasoproliferative tumours in animals
and people. Recently, in the context
of One Health and global infectious
disease prevention, we proposed that
an additional postulate, the Postulate
of Comparative Infectious Disease
Causation, be added to the original
Koch’s postulates1. The increasing
number of named Bartonella spp.,
in conjunction with the high level of
bacteraemia found in reservoir-adapted
hosts, which represent a portion of the
typical veterinary patient population,
ensures that most veterinary
professionals will experience frequent
and repeated exposure throughout their
careers to animals harbouring these
bacteria. Therefore, personal protective
equipment, frequent hand washing and
avoiding cuts and needle sticks have
become more important for veterinary
professionals, as our knowledge of this
genus has improved and various modes
of transmission have been defined.
Physicians should be educated as to
the large number of Bartonella spp.
in nature, the extensive spectrum of
animal reservoir hosts, and the diversity
of confirmed and potential arthropod
vectors, the potential for persistent
bacteraemia, current limitations
associated with diagnosis and
treatment efficacy, and the ecological
and evolving medical complexity of
these highly evolved intravascular,
endotheliotropic bacteria.
Breitschwerdt EB, Linder K, Day MJ,
Maggi RG, Chomel B, Kempf VAJ (2013)
Koch’s postulates and the pathogenesis of
comparative infectious disease causation
associated with Bartonella species. Journal
of Comparative Pathology, 148,115-125.
PROCEEDINGS ONE HEALTH: Rabies and Other Disease Risks from Free-roaming Dogs