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Reflexive and Reciprocal
The reflexive verb construction
How to conjugate the reflexive verb
 The reflexive verb is identified in the infinitive
by the presence of the reflexive pronoun “se”
 So infinitives will look like this:
LAV (stem)-AR (ending) SE (reflexive pronoun)
Conjugation into indicative
 When you conjugate a reflexive you
assign the verb to each person (1st,
2nd , 3rd, singular or plural) by making
a change to the ending and/or stem.
 Then, you assign the appropriate
reflexive pronoun in front of the
 The finished conjugation results in
two words.
(one word infinitive)
Me lavo
Me acuesto
Te lavas
Os laváis
Te acuestas Os acostáis
Se lava
Se lavan
Se acuesta
Two word conjugated
The infinitive
 Sometimes the reflexive verb will stay
in the infinitive when used in
“+ infinitive” constructions
 In those cases, the reflexive pronoun
can also go before or after the
construction and must agree with the
subject of the sentence…
Examples of the “+ infinitive”
 Voy a lavarme. (3 word sentence)
 Me voy a lavar. (4 word sentence)
 Ella va a acostarse.
 Ella se va a acostar.
Examples of the “+ infinitive”
 Tienes que ducharte.
 Te tienes que duchar.
 Pensamos cepillarnos los dientes.
 Nos pensamos cepillar los dientes.
 When using the constructions that include
the gerund (the progressives) the reflexive
pronoun can go before or after the
Me estoy lavando.
Estoy lavándome.
Ella se está acostando.
Ella está acostándose.
 Just make sure the reflexive pronoun
agrees with the subject of the sentence.
Uses of the reflexive verb
 True reflexive action: action done
and received by the same person.
 Subject = Object
Example verbs include:
 lavarse
 vestirse
 afeitarse
to wash oneself
to dress oneself
to shave oneself
 Actions in the daily routine (ex. grooming)
Uses of the reflexive verb
 Reciprocal Reflexives: the same
action reciprocated between two
individuals or two groups.
 Actions will be done to…
 …themselves or each other
 3rd person plural (ellos or ellas)
 …ourselves
 1st person plural (nosotros)
Reciprocal Reflexives
 Se querían mucho, es una lástima que se
 Sin embargo, ellos se ven (el uno al
otro) cada dos semanas.
 ¿Cuándo vamos a reunirnos para
Uses of the reflexive verb
 Pseudo-reflexive action: express a
change of emotion (to get… or to
Example verbs are:
aburrirse- to get bored
alegrarse- to become happy
cansarse- to get tired
dormirse- to fall asleep
enojarse- to become angry
olvidarse –to forget
enfermarse – to get sick
estoy aburrido/a
estoy *alegre
estoy cansado/a
estoy enojado/a
estoy enfermo/a
Uses of the pseudo-reflexive
verb, con’t.
 You can also use some verbs with an adjective to
describe changes in mood/disposition:
 PONERSE + adjetivo
nervioso/a – Me pongo nerviosa en la clase.
pálido/a - Se puso pálido por la sorpresa.
rojo/a - Se está poniendo rojo por el chiste.
 VOLVERSE + adjetivo
loco/a – Casi me volví loca estudiando para el examen.
imposible – Mi novio se ha vuelto imposible. ¡No lo soporto!
 HACERSE + profesión ; LLEGAR a ser
Rafael se hizo abogado.
Y su esposa, Lola llegó a ser profesora también.