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Calling Islam "Islam"
Written by Bosch Fawstin
Friday, 15 January 2010 16:10
Although Islamic terrorists, the enemy of the West, call Islam "Islam", Western intellectuals
would call it by other names...
Western intellectuals and commentators refer to the enemy's ideology as:
"Islamic Fundamentalism", "Islamic Extremism", "Totalitarian Islam", "Islamofascism", "Political
Islam", "Militant Islam", "Bin Ladenism", "Islamonazism", "Radical Islam", "Islamism", etc....
The enemy calls it "Islam".
Fawstin's book, "Propiganda"
Imagine, if during past wars, we used terms such as "Radical Nazism", "Extremist Shinto" and
"Militant Communism". Those who use terms other than "Islam" create the impression that it's
some variant of Islam that's behind the enemy that we're facing. A term such as "Militant Islam"
is redundant, but our politicians continue praising Islam as if it were their own religion. Bush told
Calling Islam "Islam"
Written by Bosch Fawstin
Friday, 15 January 2010 16:10
us, "Islam means peace" -- after 2,996 Americans were murdered in its name. He maintained
that illusion throughout his two terms, and never allowed our soldiers to defeat the enemy. And
now we have Obama, who tells us, from Egypt: “I consider it part of my responsibility as
President of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they
appear." Washington's defense of Islam has trumped the defense of America and this
dereliction of duty could well be called Islamgate.
Islam is a political religion; the idea of a separation of Mosque and state is unheard of in the
Muslim world. Islam has a doctrine of warfare, Jihad, which is fought in order to establish
Islamic ("Sharia") Law, which is, by nature, totalitarian. Sharia Law calls for, among other things:
the dehumanization of women; the flogging/stoning/killing of adulterers; and the killing of
homosexuals, apostates and critics of Islam. All of this is part of orthodox Islam, not some
"extremist" form of it. If jihadists were actually "perverting a great religion", Muslims would have
been able to discredit them on Islamic grounds and they would have done so by now. The
reason they can't is because jihadists are acting according to the words of Allah, the Muslim
God. From the Koran:
"Slay the idolators wherever you find them..." Chapter 9, verse 5
"When you encounter the unbelievers, strike off their heads until you have made a great
slaughter among them...." Ch. 47:4
Beyond the doctrine, there is the historical figure of Mohammad, who, more than anyone,
defines Islam. How would you judge a man who lies, cheats, steals, rapes and murders as a
way of life? This evil man is Islam's ideal man, Mohammad. Whatever he said and did is
deemed moral by virtue of the fact that he said it and did it. It's no accident that the only morality
that could sanction his behavior was his own. Nor is it an accident that Muslims who model
themselves after him are the most violent. For the 13 years that Mohammad failed to spread
Islam by non-violent means, he was not so much peaceful as he was powerless. It was only
through criminal activity that he gained power and a large gang of followers. But he wanted his
moral pretense, too, so he changed Islam to reflect the fact that the only way it could survive
was through force. And so, acting on Allah's conveniently timed "revelation" that Islam can and
should be spread by the sword, Mohammad led an army of Muslims across Arabia in the first
jihad. From then on, violence became Islam's way in the world. And today, acting on
Mohammad's words, "War is deceit", Muslims use earlier "peaceful" verses from the Koran as a
weapon against the ignorance and good will of their victims. Those "peaceful" passages in the
Koran were abrogated by later passages calling for eternal war against those who do not submit
to Islam. How Mohammad spread Islam influenced the content of its doctrine and therefore tells
us exactly what Islam means.
Note also that the only reason we're talking about Islam is because we've been forced to by its
jihad. And where are Islam's "conscientious objectors"? Nowhere to be found, for even lax
Muslims have been silent against jihad. But that doesn't stop desperate Westerners from
pointing to them as representives of "Moderate Islam". Far from being a personal faith, Islam is
a collectivist ideology that rejects a live-and-let-live attitude towards non-Muslims. And while the
jihadists may not represent all Muslims, they do represent Islam. In the end, most Muslims have
Calling Islam "Islam"
Written by Bosch Fawstin
Friday, 15 January 2010 16:10
proven themselves to be mere sheep to their jihadist wolves, irrelevant as allies in this war.
Recovering Muslims call the enemy's ideology "Islam", and they dismiss the idea of "Moderate
Islam" as they would the idea of "Moderate Evil". When, based on his actions, Mohammad
would be described today as a "Muslim Extremist", then non-violent Muslims should condemn
their prophet and their religion, not those who point it out.
Islam is the enemy's ideology and evading that fact only helps its agents get away with more
murder than they would otherwise. Western politicians have sold us out, so it's up to the rest of
us to defend our way of life by understanding Islam and telling the truth about it in whatever way
we can. If we can't even call Islam by its name, how the hell are we going to defend ourselves
against its true believers? One could argue that we'd be better off if the West would just choose
of the many terms currently used for the enemy's ideology. For my part, I call the enemy what
they are, "Jihadists", and our response, "The War on Jihad." But behind it all, it's Islam that
makes the enemy tick.
Despite my frustrations with the refusal of many to call Islam "Islam", I know that those who
speak out against Jihad put themselves in danger, and I respect their courage. But it's important
that we acknowledge Islam's place in the threat we face and say so without equivocation. Not
saying "Islam" helps Islam and hurts us. So let's begin calling the enemy's ideology by its name.
Let's start calling Islam "Islam."
Bosch Fawstin is an ex-Muslim, caricature artist and the author "Propiganda", a caricature
presentation of Islam. Visit his website: . This article appeared in I
nfidel Bloggers Alliance