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Antidepressant Response Biomarkers:
Lessons from Lymphoblastoid Cell Lines
Ayelet Morag1, Varda Oron-Karni2,
Metsada Pasmanik-Chor2, Moshe Rehavi1,
Julia Stingl3 and David Gurwitz1,4
Faculty of Medicine & 2Faculty of Life-Sciences,
Tel Aviv University, Israel
3Institute of Clinical Pharmacology, University Ulm,
4Funding: National Institute for Psychobiology in Israel
The need of biomarkers for
treating depression
Major depression: lifetime prevalence of 10%-20%
(for men & women, respectively)
WHO estimate: by 2020 depression will become the leading cause
of healthcare morbidity in developed countries
Most common first-line antidepressants:
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs):
e.g. fluoxetine (Prozac), paroxetine (Seroxat); citalopram (Cipralex)
Other classes of antidepressant drugs:
- SNRIs: serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors
e.g. venlafaxine (Effexor)
- Tricyclic antidepressants (“1st generation antidepressants”)
- Serotonin ligands, e.g. mirtazapine (Remeron)
The need of biomarkers for
treating depression
SSRIs are the most-common first-line treatment for depression
>30% of patients do not respond to SSRIs
It takes >4 weeks to know if a patient responds to treatment
Drugs and dosages are replaced by ‘trial-and-error’
Biomarkers are needed for individualizing treatment!
Candidate Gene Studies for SSRI Response:
The serotonin transporter promoter length polymorphism
First report: 1998
12 years later: 742 PubMed papers on “SERT promoter polymorphism”
Meta-analysis verdict: no clear association with SSRI response
Genome-Wide Association Studies for SSRI Response
Genome-Wide Association Studies for SSRI Response:
No reliable DNA biomarkers found (2)
BIOL PSYCHIATRY 2010;67:133–138
Genome-Wide Association Studies for SSRI Response:
No reliable DNA biomarkers found (3)
None of these 3 studies reported results with genome-wide significance
Rare genotypes and epigenetics may have a role in antidepressant response
AOP November 2010
Genome-Wide Expression Profiling
for SSRI Response Biomarkers
The approach:
Comparing the sensitivity of human lymphoblastoid cell lines from
individual healthy donors to the growth-inhibition effects of SSRIs
Comparing the expression profiles of ‘edge’ cell lines:
LCLs with high vs. low sensitivity to growth-inhibition by SSRI drugs
Studying the genes (including deep sequencing, promoter methylation,
relevant miRNAs) exhibiting differential expression
Later: clinical samples (patients’ lymphocytes)
Lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCLs)
• HapMap and HGDP use LCLs for studying human genome diversity
• LCLs retain most of the phenotypic properties of B lymphocytes
- and can be grown for few months (vs. few days for PBL)
• LCLs faithfully represent the donor’s DNA sequence
(EBV does not incorporate into the host genome)
• The serotonin transporter is functionally expressed by PBL and LCLs
(serotonin is an immune modulator)
PBL and LCLs
express a functional serotonin transporter
SERT pharmacology is similar for brain and PBL
Gene expression in LCLs correlated with PBL
- A fine correlation is observed for gene expression in LCLs and PBL
from the same individuals (with very few exceptions)
- Over 4,100 brain transcripts are also expressed in PBL
Am J Med Genet Part B 153B:919–936 (2010)
LCLs faithfully reflect the donor’s methylome
~92% of genes show similar methylation profiles in PBL and LCLs
from the same donors
Source for LCLs:
The National Laboratory for the
Genetics of Israeli Populations (NLGIP)
SSRI biomarkers:
Phenotyping for in vitro paroxetine response
- Cells are plated in 96-well plates (20,000 cells per well) for 3 days,
with different drugs added immediately after plating
- On the third day, XTT reagent is added (last 6 h) and the absorption
is measured with an ELISA spectrophotometer
- The XTT assay reflects the activity of mitochondrial enzymes
and thereby the number of live cells
- The XTT color generation is not affected by tested drugs (last 6 h)
The XTT assay can be easily scaled-up
Large spectrum of LCLs
growth-inhibition by paroxetine
LCLs were tested for growth-inhibition (72 h) by 10 µM paroxetine
Each bar represents 3-5 experiments (each in triplicates)
Error bars represent SD for repeated experiments
Similar growth inhibition observed
by direct counting vs. XTT assay
Growth inhibition by paroxetine determined by direct counting vs. XTT (ELISA)
LCLs were exposed to 10 µM paroxetine for 72 h (in triplicate)
Paroxetine sensitivity phenotypes are stable
(new batches were thawed and tested)
Paroxetine sensitivities are independent
of cell growth rates (A) or densities (B)
Growth-inhibition of human LCLs by 10 µM paroxetine as function of:
(A) Basal cell replication rates
(B) Cell concentration immediately prior to experiments
Linear regression analysis of pooled data; R2 = goodness-of-fit values
Correlation of cell growth inhibition
by different SSRIs
Growth-inhibition phenotypes are related to the SSRI cellular pathway!
Paroxetine vs. Citalopram
Paroxetine vs. Fluvoxamine
Growth inhibition of human LCLs by paired drugs; each dot is a different cell line
R2 = goodness-of-fit values
Poor correlations for cell growth
inhibition by different drug classes
A novel drug discovery tool – see Morag et al 2010
Paroxetine vs. Beclomethasone
Dexamethasone vs. Beclomethasone
Growth inhibition of human LCLs by paired drugs; each dot is a different cell line
R2 = goodness-of-fit values
Depression treatment biomarkers:
Next phase – searching biomarkers
80 LCLs were screened for paroxetine sensitivity (healthy female donors)
Most LCLs had average sensitivities (IC50 of 10 uM paroxetine)
14 lines selected for whole-genome profiling (7 from each phenotypic ‘edge’)
Expression profiles of the ‘edge’ LCLs were compared with the
Affymetrix GeneChip Human Gene 1.0 ST array kit (28K genes)
Affymetrix Human Genome 1.0 ST arrays:
• 61 genes show >1.5-fold basal expression differences
between “edge paroxetine sensitivity lines” with p<0.001
• Our top candidate biomarker gene: CHL1
Cell adhesion molecule with homology to L1CAM
6.3-fold lower expression in paroxetine-sensitive
cells; p=2.56E-05
- Verified by real-time PCR: 36-fold difference
(compression by expression microarrays is common)
- Expressed in brain
- Implicated in cortical neurons differentiation
- Reported among schizophrenia ‘risk genes’
- Implicated in novelty-seeking behavior
Cell adhesion molecule with homology to L1CAM
Microarray expression levels correlated with
paroxetine-mediated growth inhibition phenotypes
GUSB: reference gene for LCLs
Cell adhesion molecule with homology to L1CAM
Wild type mice: L1 and CHL1 are co-expressed in the dorsal thalamus and
along the thalamo-cortical projections in the cortex
Tissue culture: L1 and CHL1 are co-localized on growth cones and neurites
of cortical and thalamic neurons
L1 & CHL1(-/-)/ double mutant mice:
Posterior shift of axons from motor thalamic nuclei to the visual cortex
L1 and CHL1 guide thalamic axons to distinct neocortical areas
Neuronal progenitor cells from CHL1−/− mice
show increased proliferation and self-renewal
- Neuronal tissue cultures from CHL1 −/− mice:
Enhanced proliferation of neuronal progenitor cells
- Neuronal progenitor cells may participate in recovery from depression!
Affymetrix Human Genome 1.0 ST arrays:
2nd ‘top candidate biomarker gene’: GAP43
GAP43: Growth-cone associated protein 43
p= 1.78E-04
Fold-difference = -1.79 (high vs. low sensitivity)
Real-time PCR = 30-fold difference
Dev Neurobiol. 2010 Nov;70(13):897-911
Affymetrix Human Genome 1.0 ST arrays
3rd ‘top candidate biomarker gene’: ENPP2
ENPP2: Autotaxin; Ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase 2
Implicated in myelin formation
p= 1.55E-04
Fold-difference = -2.45 (high vs. low sensitivity)
Real-time PCR = 6-fold difference
Some genes are expressed at higher levels in
the paroxetine-sensitive LCLs
SEPT10 shows +3.51 higher expression in the paroxetine-sensitive LCLs
Septins are cytoskeletal proteins with GTPase activity
Chromosomal localization at 2q13 is associated
with depression!
Depression treatment biomarkers :
Next phases – TAU
- Western blotting for proteins coded by ‘top candidate’ genes
- Effects of SSRI treatment on gene expression
- DNA: common SNPs, sequencing, promoter methylation
- MicroRNAs with conserved 3’UTR binding sites on ‘top genes’
Depression treatment biomarkers :
Next phases – Clinical samples
PADRE ERA-NET project (2011-2014; 0.5M Euro):
- Clinical samples from Germany, Italy, Poland
- Examine gene expression and protein levels in lymphocytes from
depressed patients with known SSRI clinical response phenotype
- Real-Time PCR for candidate genes (treatment onset)
- Search genes with best correlations for SSRI clinical response
- Build a “predictor tool” for SSRI response (with several genes)
Blood cells expression profiling biomarkers:
Eight-gene predictor for Infliximab response in RA
LCLs from healthy donors can facilitate
early-phase research
(prior to studies with patients’ samples)
- Stable phenotypes and close similarity to lymphocytes
- Unlimited resource for DNA, mRNA, microRNAs and proteins
- Cell growth may serve as surrogate drug response phenotype
(other potential phenotypes: intracellular ATP or Ca2+ )
- Essential for study design:
The drug target must be expressed in LCLs
(human lymphocytes express ~half the human genome)
This work was possible thanks to…
Microarray experiments and data analysis performed by:
Dr. Varda Oron-Karni and Dr. Metsada Pasmanik-Chor
TAU Bioinformatics Unit
Everything else:
Ayelet Morag
M.D. / M.Sc. Honors Student
Tel Aviv University, Faculty of Medicine