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Lab 4-2
Unit 4 – Inheritance, Lab Activity 4-2
The basic rules of inheritance were set forth by a Monk working alone
in a quiet monastery in Austria nearly 150 years ago (1865). While the rules of
inheritance he discovered have been greatly modified and added to, his work is an
excellent place to start. Mendel used peas as the, ‘model organism,’ with which to
understand genetics. Rather than boring old peas you will study simple inheritance
using dragons as your model organism. Dragons are very different from peas but the
rules are the same for peas, dogs, fish, dragons, and even humans.
Research Question
What are the basic rules of inheritance?
1 Dragon Genetics
this activity you will work in either a group of two or by yourself. The class will
take two class periods to complete the exercise but you may do the work on your
own time as well. You will use a computer modeling program to study the inheritance of
various traits of dragons. If you are interested in the dragon that lurks within you take the
quiz at;
1) Use the program called, Geniquest. You must sign onto the site at
using the information provided by your teacher.
2) Once you have logged in select the Geniquest Intro activity.
3) You will use the Intro and Rules, Meiosis, and Pedigree and genes portions of the
Into Activity.
4) Work through the Intro and answer the following questions;
a. What does having a dominant trait mean? _____________________
b. What does having a recessive trait mean? _____________________
c. What kind of trait is fancy tail? _______________________
d. What kind of trait is having wings? ____________________
e. What kind of a trait is fire breathing? ___________________
f. What does phenotype mean? __________________________
g. What does genotype mean? ___________________________
h. What genotypes produce a fancy tail dragon? __________________
i. What genotypes produce a winged dragon? ____________________
j. What are the phenotypes that correspond to the following genotypes;
i. LL __________________
ii. Ll ___________________
iii. ll ____________________
k. Does it matter if the dominant gene is first or second? ________
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Lab 4-2
l. How many different colors can a female dragon be? _________
m. Write a set of rules that lets you predict the color of a female dragon if you
know only the genotype.
5) Now work through the second section, ‘Meiosis’ but stop after the third page (the
programs asks about the mother dragon producing the correct eggs), then answer
the following questions.
a. What is meiosis? ________________________
b. What does meiosis produce ?
male _________ female _________
c. Compared to the initial cell (before meiosis) how many chromosomes are
in each cell at the end of meiosis? ______________
d. Why is it important that the chromosome number change? ____________
e. Zoom in on each of the parent cells (before meiosis) and write down their
entire genotype. male ________________ female __________________
f. What are homologous chromosomes? ____________________________
g. Zoom in on each parent cell. Move the chromosomes around with your
mouse and align homologous chromosomes. Draw the male and female
parent cells (we will call these somatic cells from now on).
Male ♂
Female ♀
Perform meiosis and draw the resultant sperm and eggs
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Lab 4-2
i. What is a gamete? __________________________
j. How are the male and female gametes different?
k. Will combinations of different sperm and egg produce different offspring?
l. Look at the genotypes of the parents. Can this pair make both horned and
hornless dragons? ___________ Winged and wingless? ____________
Fire breathing and non-fire breathing? _________________
6) Do the final page in the Meiosis section. Perform the crossing over exercise.
Draw the fertilized egg that shows successful mating that produces a child dragon
with wings but no legs. Use different colored pencils to show the crossing over
done by the chromosomes.
a. What is genetic crossing over? __________________________________
Activity 2 Drake Genetics
1) Go to the website;
Launch the Geniverse Lab activity.
2) Start with Heredity: Case 1: Level training.
a. What is the genotype of a female drake with wings, no forelimbs,
hindlimbs, and a flared tail? _____________________________
b. Indicate whether the following traits are dominant or recessive.
i. Wings _____________________
ii. Forelimbs __________________
iii. Hindlimbs __________________
iv. Flared tail __________________
c. Why doesn’t the male have two copies of the Flared tail trait?
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Lab 4-2
3) Move on to Heredity: Case 2: Level training. Select the ‘Breed’ button to see the
possible offspring of the default male and female breeding pair.
a. What is the genotype of the female needed in order to meet the
‘Breeding Challenge’?
4) Move on to Heredity Case 3.
a. Complete Challenge 1
i. What is the genotype of the female that meets the challenge #1?
ii. What were the final stats for the successful cross?
No forelimbs
b. Complete Challenge 2
i. What is the genotype of the female that meets the challenge #2?
ii. What were the final stats for the successful cross?
No wings
Flared (long) tail
Straight (short) tail
c. Complete Challenge 3
i. What is the genotype of the female that meets the challenge #3?
ii. What were the final stats for the successful cross?
No hindlimbs
No forelimbs
5) Move on to Heredity Case 4: Level training.
a. What is the genotype of the female drake?
b. What would the genotype of a male drake be if you could use him to know
all of the female’s genes with one breeding?
Your training is complete, you may move on to the Apprentice stage
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Lab 4-2
6) Move on to Heredity Case 1: Level apprentice. Before doing this level you must
have training on how to perform Punnett square analysis.
a. Use the top drake from the Parent pool as the mother and the second
dragon as the father (Warning: the program rests the ‘Parent Pool’ each
time it is run so you will not get the same parents each time – no one else
will have your set of parents either). Use the eyeglass icon to examine
drake genotypes. What is the genotype of each parent?
i. Mother _______________________
ii. Father ________________________
b. Produce a Punnett square that shows the possible offspring of these two
parents when considering only the wing trait.
c. Produce a Punnett square that shows the possible offspring of these two
parents when considering only the forelimb trait.
d. Produce a Punnett square that shows the possible offspring of these two
parents when considering both the wing and forelimb trait at the same
e. Perform the cross by pressing the ‘Breed’ button and see if your last
Punnett square predictions matched the statistics. Every time you hit the
Breed button you will get different results. Collect data from three
breeding trials using the same parents.
Wings/Forelimbs (D/D)
Wings/no forelimbs (D/R)
No wings/Forelimbs (R/D)
No wings/ no forelimbs (R/R)
Trial #1
Trial #2
Trial #3
Why is each of the results from the breeding trials different even though the parents are
the same? _______________________________________________________________
Why did the totals from the breeding trials not exactly match the Punnett square analysis
results? _________________________________________________________________
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Lab 4-2
7) Move on to Heredity Case 2: Level apprentice. This is a hard one and will
challenge your understanding of inheritance. Read through the challenge. Try
several trials and look at the statistics as you go along. Be sure to try breeding
some of the offspring with each other (quite acceptable in the world of Dragons
and Drakes). Describe your solution to the genetics problem below. Provide data
from the Geniverse site as well as Punnett squares to support your conclusion.
Even if you don’t arrive at a definitive solution you should present what you
conclude for credit. (Hint: determine how the trait is not inherited and that will
help you to figure out how it is inherited).
Greg Ballog
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