Download Top Ten Detox Foods, Herbs and Spices

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1. Milk thistle You may be familiar with herbal liver detoxifiers like milk thistle and
dandelion root. It is a potent antioxidant and helps prevent against free radical
damage from alcohol to liver. Milk thistle has proven ability to increase liver
glutathione levels and resist liver cell damage from toxins.
2. Anti oxidants e.g. NAC and Selenium. N-acetyl cysteine is a derivative of the amino
acid L-cysteine, and is a precursor of glutathione our master anti-oxidant
3. Beetroot Regular consumption of beets can enhance your liver’s ability to product the
master hormone glutathione. Because of its powerful ability to enhance detoxification
one study showed a protective benefit against toxic chemicals, e.g. carcinogens.
4. Amino Acids are molecules that detox the body and strengthen immunity for good
health. Most important ones are Methionine, Cysteine and Taurine and used for phase
II liver detox.. The main dietary sources of these are from meat, fish, poultry, eggs and
dairy products. Vegetarian sources of cysteine and methionine include nuts, seeds
and beans. The body's stores of these amino acids are depleted in the process of
detoxification, so the greater the toxic load, the more the body demands.
5. Artichoke. Cynarin from artichoke may help to support gall bladder health as well as
Phase II liver detoxification.
6. Dandelion leaf reduces fluid retention by regulating electrolyte loss from cells due to
its high content of potassium and magnesium. 7. Turmeric Root. Turmeric is a potent antioxidant and naturally manages inflammatory
activity, together with the normal elimination pathways of the liver.
8. Plant phytonutrients e.g. brassica family (brussel sprouts, cabbage etc), berries,
culinary herbs and spices have powerful properties e.g. Rosemary and Schisandra
facilitates phase II liver detoxification, and they both can help with energy and mental
9. Digestive Aids: Ensure you are taking suitable digestive aids if needed e.g. digestive
Swedish bitters or the supplement form is called Digestive Enzymes. Swedish bitters
help increase the production of digestive enzymes and hydrochloric acid, therefore
they improve your digestion.
10. Green Tea, Match Tea or Tulsi Tea. Tulsi Tea is widely regarded as an adaptogen,
meaning that it helps the body deal more easily with stressful situations. Tulsi also
encourages your body fight infections, including serious viral diseases. There is
research to suggest it can help fight swine flu. In 2011, a double-blind, randomised
trial found that capsules of holy basil leaves significantly improved T helper cells and
Natural Killer (NK) cells proving that holy basic has strong immunomodulatory effects.
This herb is also know to act like a vacuum on your blood vessels (the capillaries) and
prevent microvascular complications. This is very helpful for people with eyesight
problems, as well as kidney disease, prediabetes and diabetes.
I have many others suggestions but these are a good start. Why not try and include a few
of these into your diet over the coming days?
To your health and detox capabilities,
Warning: If you are pregnant, nursing, taking any medication or have a medical condition, please
consult your healthcare practitioner before taking any of these products. Keep out of reach of