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Renaissance Notes
Renaissance means__rebirth_____. The Renaissance was a time of creativity, it was a time
when people changed the way they viewed themselves and their world. During the Middle
Ages society was focused on the church and their afterlife. Most important thing was salvation,
after death. During the Renaissance people focused on _living life to its fullest, arts and
education__________. There was a shift from focusing on the sacred (religious) to focusing on
the secular, worldly (not religious). At the heart of the Renaissance was the intellectual
movement called _humanism_____, that focused on the Greek and Roman cultures.
During the Renaissance Education, writing, and art flourished. People questioned the Status
Quo- _the way things are______________.
Art work of the Renaissance was more realistic and detailed. Artist used _perspective_,
a technique that made images appear to be three dimensional on a flat surface. The art of the
Renaissance reflect a change in societies values as the images in the artwork became less
religious and more about the common people or even the Great Thinkers of the Past as in
Raphael’s School of Athens. Writers also wrote about the Human experience, not just religion.
Many wrote in the vernacular, __the common language of the people___., instead of Latin. This
allowed people to be able to read the information.
The Renaissance began in Italy for three different reasons
1. Rome sits at the heart of Italy and as we see the Renaissance is largely based on Greek
and Roman culture. The people of Italy were surrounded by Roman architecture and
2. Italy had established trade with Asia and the Middle East after the Crusades and was a
very prosperous, rich area.
3. There was a large wealthy merchant class there. These people were interested in the
arts and education and had the money to support the movement. These Patrons,
wealthy people who pay artist and writers to produce their works, supported artist
like Di Vinci and Shakespeare. The _Medici__ family of Florence were the most
important to funding the movement.
The Greatest Renaissance Masters were the TMNT , they were all Italian.
Slowly the Renaissance moved north to France, Belgium and other European countries and
reached England in the 1500’s. The Flemish painters are credited for creating _oil__ painting.
The Greatest writer of the Northern Renaissance was __William Shakespeare_____. Between
1590 and 1630 he wrote __37__plays, that are stilled performed worldwide and hundreds of
sonnets. Shakespeare’s plays deal with human emotions that with stand the test of time
because we can all relate to jealousy, love, comedy, ambition etc. His Plays include__Hamlet,
McBeth, Romeo and Juliet, Taming of the Shrew, MidSummer’s night Dream, King Lear, .
Renaissance Questions Write Question and answer on another piece of paper.
Define the following
1. Renaissance
2. Sacred
3. Secular
4. Humanism
5. Status Quo
6. Perspective
7. Vernacular
8. Patron
9. How did focus change from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance?
10. What happened during the Renaissance?
11. How did art change during the Renaissance?
12. Why was writing in the vernacular so important?
13. Why did the Renaissance begin in Italy (3 reasons)?
14. Who was the greatest writer of the Northern Renaissance?