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Design of a Self-Correcting Active Pixel Sensor
Yves Audet
Ecole Polytechnique,
Dept. of Electrical and Computer Eng.,
P.O. Box 6079, Station Centre-ville,
Montréal, Québec, Canada H3C 3A7
Tel: (514) 340-4711
Fax: (514) 340-4147
e-mail: [email protected]
Glenn H. Chapman
Simon Fraser University,
School of Engineering Science,
8888 University Dr.,
Burnaby, B.C., Canada V5A 1S6
Tel: (604) 291-3814
Fax: (604) 291-4951
e-mail: [email protected]
Digital cameras are growing ever larger in silicon area and pixel count, which increases the
occurance of defects at fabrication time, or dead pixels that develop over their lifetime. An
Active Pixel Sensors self-correcting for most common faults is created by spliting the
photodiode and readout transistors into two parallel portions with only a small area cost.
Simulations show operation is the same a single large device when no faults. When one half of
the redundant pixel is stuck at low, output over a wide current range is reduced by 1.98 to 2.01.
For one half stuck at high faults output, after offset removal, is reduced by a factor of 1.85 to
1.92. Hence self-correction of the pixel can be done with good accuracy via a simple shift
circuit and with high accuracy with digital processing. Variation in transistor threshold
voltages between the pixel halves of even 10% only causes modification of factors by 2-4%,
hence giving a small effect..
1. Introduction
Digital cameras are becoming ever more prevalent these days due to the many advantages of
digital photography over the regular film. An important trend has been the move to ever larger
detector sizes for both resolution enhancement (higher number of pixels), and uses the larger
lens systems available on existing camera systems. Currently the new generation of cameras is
approaching standard 35 mm detector sizes (though about 22 mm wide is the largest currently
available). As these detectors grow in size it becomes ever more important to avoid defects in
the detector for systems involving millions of detector cells. Furthermore in other applications
digital cameras are being put in environment that are remote or severe so that replacement of
failed systems is not possible (for example in space probes). Thus there is a need for developing
self-correcting camera systems which repair themselves.
A more recent trend has been the move from the CCD detectors to the CMOS based Active
Pixel Sensors [3]. This is occurring because CMOS detectors are easier to produce (using a
nearly standard process), less expensive, offer lower power consumption and the ability to
integrate other devices (like the A/D converters) on chip. In a previous paper [1] the authors
first proposed an alternative APS cell which offers the additional capability of being redundant,
and thus more reliable. In a subsequent paper [2] with other authors it was noted that this
design was actually a Hardware self-Correcting Hardware (HC), which could be combined with
additional Software Correction to create a very reliable system. In this paper a sample
redundant APS cell has been designed. Simulations of this cell are investigated to confirm the
self-repairing ability proposed previously.
2. The redundant pixel circuit
The hardware correction method consists of two active pixel circuits working in parallel.
Figure 1 shows the schematic diagram of the two active pixel circuits connected to achieve a
redundant pixel. Considering one active pixel circuit, the light detection mechanism is
described as follows. In normal operation, the incident light increases the reverse bias current of
the photodiode Photodiode 1. This current charges the capacitance of the photosite node
Photosite1 formed by the capacitance of the photodiode in parallel with the gate capacitance of
the readout transistor M2.1. The photosite node is precharged through the reset transistor M1.1
to a voltage level applied at the line V Pix Reset prior to the voltage integration of the
photocurrent. At the end of an integration period, the row select transistor M3.1 is activated in
order to deliver at the line Col Out1 a current inversely proportional to the voltage built at the
gate of the readout transistor. The redundant pixel of figure 1 is composed of two identical
single pixel circuits working in parallel, providing built-in redundancy for a robust active pixel
sensor array.
While this circuit from the diagram shows some duplication, in practice it does not consume
much increase in area. The photodiode area is much larger than minimum size (typically 25%40% cell area) and splitting it into two actually costs only a few percentage of the cell area. The
readout (M2.1, M2.2) and row select (M3.1, M3.2) transistors are best scaled to half size to
keep the circuit working like a full size device, so the total increase in area is low. Much of an
APS cell’s area is also taken by the row/column/power lines, which are not duplicated. Future
designs may use only a single row select transistor M3 shared between the two readout
transistors (M2.1, M2.2) to save area.
Col In
Photodiode 1
Reset M1.2
Photodiode 2
Readout M2.1
Readout M2.2
Row Select M3.1
Row Select M3.2
Reset M1.1
V Pix Reset
Col Out1
Col Out2
Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the redundant pixel
Gate oxide
V Pix Reset
Readout M2
Reset M1
Reset M1
Figure 2. Details of the pixel fabrication layers.
3. The redundant pixel self-correcting scheme
The self-correcting scheme built in the APS is designed especially to counter defects
affecting the photosite of the pixel. Figure 2 depicts a cross-section view of the important layers
involved in the fabrication of one pixel using a CMOS 0.35µm process. The P+ implant in the
N-well forms the photodiode. This same P+ implant acts also as the source of the reset
transistor M1. The readout transistor M2 is patterned separately and connected to the
photodiode through a metal line. As in many other circuits there are two most probable
outcomes from defects affecting the pixel. In the event where defects short the P+ - N-well
regions of the photodiode, the photosite is said ‘stuck at high’ and the gate of the readout
transistor is permanently connected to Vdd. The same effect will be observed if the reset
transistor stays open and is unable to discharge the photosite. Then, the photodiode current will
charge the photosite until Vdd is reached. This creates half the pixel as stuck on, so produces a
constant offset to which the signal is added. The case where defects open permanently the row
select and/or the readout transistor is also equivalent to a stuck at high type of fault since no
current will be flowing through Col Out. On the other hand, defects shorting the P+ implant of
the photodiode to the drain of the reset transistor will connect the photosite permanently to V
Pix Reset. In this condition or others where the readout transistor is permanently turned on, the
photodiode is said ‘stuck at low’. Calibration tests can identify the stuck pixels: a dark field (no
illumination) test shows the stuck at highs as half the maximum output swing plus an offset. A
light field (maximum illumination) test identifies stuck at lows by their half maximum output
swing. Only the case where the row select and/or the readout transistor are shorted is not
corrected by this scheme.
In order to achieve the self-correcting scheme, the redundant pixel used the circuit of figure 3
as a column amplifier. Here, a current mirror formed by the transistor pair M4 and M5 having
the same size, copy the added current of Col Out1 and Col Out2, Ipix, to the drain of transistor
M6. The transistor M6 is used in its linear mode of operation and acts as a simple resistor.
Hence, the output voltage Vout is given by:
Vout = Vdd − RM 6 ∗ Ipix
V Pix Reset
Col In
Redundant Pixel
Col Out1
Col Out2
Figure 3. Schematic diagram of the pixel column amplifier
Where RM6 is the output resistance of the transistor M6. Investigations of the circuit behavior
of the redundant pixel have been performed using Spectre simulations for a CMOS 0.35µm
process provided by the Canadian Microelectronics Corporation. The photosites reset voltage V
Pix Reset is set to 0.6 V and the row select transistors M1.1, M1.2 are permanently turned "on"
to establish the biasing currents during the simulations. It should be noted that when using the
redundant pixel within a pixel array, the row select transistors are only activated at the end of an
integration period, to allow the sharing of the amplifier among the pixels of a same column [1].
The results of the Spectre simulations are presented in figure 4. The output voltage of the
column amplifier Vout is plotted for three different cases: The redundant pixel is defect free
Vout_df, one photosite of the redundant pixel is stuck at low Vout_sl, meaning permanently
connected to V Pix Reset and finally, one photosite is stuck at high Vout_sh, meaning
permanently connected to Vdd. In order to simulate the light generated phtotodiode currents, a
current source of 50 nA has been added in parallel to both photodiodes. The photosite voltage
integration period is initiated by a Pix_Res impulsion shorting the photosite nodes to V Pix
Reset through the reset transistors. Then the voltages at the photosite nodes start rising, as
shown in figure 4, from the curves of the voltage at the node Photosite1, (see curve Vphoto1)
producing a ramp of a 1.36 V increase over 9 µs of integration until the Pix_Res impulsion
resets the photosite voltage. In the case of Vout being defect free, the integration voltage ramp
Vphoto1 is equivalent to the one at the node Photosite2, whereas in the suck at low case,
Photosite2 is shorted to V Pix Res and in the stuck at high case, Photosite2 is shorted to Vdd.
The three output voltages exhibit a non-linear variation. This behavior is expla ined from the
fact that the output currents Col Out1 and Col Out2 of each pixel follows a square law with
respect to the photosite voltage, due to the readout transistor operating in the saturation region.
Hence, the resulting added current value, Ipix follows a square law, which is reflected on the
output voltages according to the equation (1).
Vout _sh
Vout _df
Vout _sl
Figure 4. Output voltage results from the simulations in the case of defect free
(Vout), stuck at low (Vout_sl) and stuck at high (Vout_sh) redundant pixel.
From figure 4, we noticed that Vout_sl and Vout_sh experience approximately the same
output voltage swing, being half the one of the defect free output voltage Vout_df, except that
Vout_sh is shifted by a positive offset voltage. This offset voltage corresponds to the constant
current produce at the output of Col Out2 when the node Photosite2 is permanently connected
to V Pix Res. Having the output voltage swing in the case of the stuck at high and the stuck at
low type of defect being exactly half the defect free case, would greatly simplify and speed up
the correction algorithm. In that case, only a simple binary left shift (multiply by 2) would be
required to re-establish a faulty pixel output to the value of a defect free one once the output
voltage is converted in digital format. In order to evaluate the ratio of the output voltages for
both defectives cases, a simulation of the ratios Vout_df /Vout_sl and Vout_df /Vout_sh have
been performed for four values of photo-generated currents. These currents varying from 10
nA to 50 nA correspond to low to bright illumination of the pixel, and the ratios for the two
faults are represented by Rsl and Rsh on the graphs of figure 5. For each of the three output
voltages, their respective offset voltage have been subtracted before evaluating the ratios. In
both cases, except for the beginning of the integration period where some instability is created
due to the very small output voltage values, the ratios remain constant over the entire
integration period. For Rsl ratios of approximately 1.98 to 2.01 are observed meaning an error
of 1% compare to the ideal value of 2.00. Similarly, Rsh varies from approximately 1.85 to 1.92
meaning a maximum error of 7.5%.
50 nA
37 nA
23 nA
10 nA
37 nA
50 nA
23 nA
10 nA
Figure 5. Simulation results for ratios of the output voltages in the case of a)
stuck at low (Rsl) b) stuck at high (Rsh) faults for four values of photo-current.
4. Stability of the self–correcting scheme
Similar to any important characteristic of a given device, the characteristic of the selfcorrecting scheme must also be tolerant to the variation of process parameters throughout the
same die. In the present case of the redundant pixel design, the ratios Rsl, Rsh have been chosen
as the characteristic to evaluate the tolerance of the self–correcting scheme to variations of the
process parameters. In this design the readout transistors represent the most critical component
of the pixel since it is responsible of converting the integrated photo-current into the pixel
output current, which dictates the output voltage according to the equation (1). In order to
verify the dependence of the ratios on the readout transistor parameters, simulation of the ratios,
similar to the ones of figure 5, have been performed where the nominal threshold voltage Vtpo
of one readout transistor of the redundant pixel was varied from –10% to +10% of its nominal
value. Table 1 summarizes the results obtained where the worst ratios over the integration
period of 9 µs have been recorded. The photo-current was set to 50 nA (full illumination). The
results on the Error rows represent the difference in percentage of the ratios compared to their
values at Vtpo nominal (variation of 0%). Both ratios, present a good stability yielding an error
of +3.5% to –2.5% in the case of the stuck at low and +4% to –2% for the stuck at high. These
results demonstrate the tolerance of the self-correcting scheme to transistor threshold voltage
variations, where the error on the ratios are smaller than half the percentage of variation of Vtpo
Table 1. Simulation results for ratios of the output voltages as a function of
the nominal threshold voltage (Vtpo) variation on one readout transistor.
Vtpo variation
Error (%)
Error (%)
- 10%
5. Output voltage linearization
The ouput voltages obtained on figure 4 exhibit a non-linear progression, which could be
non-desirable for image processing and image compression. Knowing the quadratic relation
between the photosite voltages and the pixel output current, the output can be linarized. The
gate voltage of the output transistor is proportional to the photo-generated current. Iphoto, and
the integration time, t. The readout transistor being in saturation mode, the pixel output current,
Ipix, is then proportional to the square of the gate voltage, which leads to:
Ipix ∝ (Iphoto ∗ t ) 2
From equation (1), Ipix can be expressed in terms of Vout to obtain linear expression as a
function of integration time:
Ipix =
Vdd − Vout
∝ Iphoto ∗ t
RM 6
The graph of figure 6 illustrates the effect of modifying the three values of the output
voltages of figure 4 according to equation (3). An offset voltage is also subtracted from Vdd in
the case of the stuck at high output in order to establish the same initial voltage level than the
two other cases. The curves show a more linear relationship, although a non-linearity is still
detected. It is suspected that these non-quadratic effects are due to the transistors of the current
mirror and the PMOS transistor M6 used as a resistor.
While not possible with a simple circuit most digital cameras are combined with
microprocessors for image compression and correction. Algorithms for the pixel correction
using the calibration tests discussed in section 3, and these current correction formulas can
easily be handled by such on board system. Alternatively they can be corrected in by post
camera processing for systems where accuracy of images is very important.
6. Conclusion
This study has demonstrated the robustness of the self-correcting scheme proposed to
improve the yield of a large area APS sensor. It has been shown that the redundant pixel circuit
proposed with a simple column amplifier produces ratios of defect free pixel over faulty pixel
output voltages of nearly 2.0 for stuck at high and stuck at low types of fault. The value of 2.0
Figure 6. Effects of the linearization algorithm on the output voltages of figure 4.
of the ratios represents an ideal characteristic for a simple and fast correction algorithm
consisting of only a left bit shift of the digitally converted output from the column amplifier.
The ratios have been proven to be stable for different values of photo-current and over the
entire range of integration. Also, we have found that variation of the threshold voltage of one
readout transistor of the redundant pixel affected the ratios in less than half the values of
threshold voltage variation itself. Based on these simulation results a good level of confidence
is expected for this self-correcting scheme implemented on a real device
A simple mathematical transformation algorithm has been study in order to linearize the
output response of the column amplifier. This algorithm has been proven effective in removing
most of the non-linearity.
Samples of the redundant pixel design are being fabricated in a 0.35µm process. Laser
modifications of the fabricated devices will be used to induce stuck at high and stuck at low
types of fault. Focusing the laser beam at a moderate power on one of the photodiodes of the
redundant pixel will generate enough photo-current to completely charge to Vdd the
corresponding photosite in a very short time, thus, creating a stuck at high type of fault. Care
should be taken to reduce as much as possible stray laser beam reflections from reaching the
defect free photodiode during measurement. Also the laser power should be carefully monitored
to avoid damaging the photodiode. On the other hand, stuck at low type of fault could be
generated with a short intense laser pulse to induce dopant diffusion from the P+ implant of the
photodiode through the N-well and down to the P-substrate. Hence, a low resistance path will
be created between the photosite and the P-substrate, connected to the ground, producing a
stuck at low type of fault.
7. Acknowledgement
The authors would like to express their gratitude to the following founding organizations
supporting this research, the National Research Council of Canada (NSERC), Micronet and BC
Advanced Systems Institute.
8. References
[1] G.H. Chapman and Y. Audet, "Creating 35 mm Camera Active Pixel Sensors", Pro ceedings Intern. Symposium
on Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI Systems 1999, pp 22-30, Albuquerque, NM, Nov. 1999.
[2] I. Koren , G. H. Chapman , and Z. Koren, “A Self-Correcting Active Pixel Camera” Proceedings Intern.
Symposium on Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI Systems 2000, Japan, Nov. 2000
[3] E.R. Fossum, "Active Pixel Sensors: Are CCD's Dinosaurs? ", Proc. SPIE, Charge-Coupled Devices
and Solid -State Optical Sensors III, Feb. 1993 Vol. 1900, pp. 2-14.