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Black Light Newsletter
Special Edition Vol. 2 Edition 6
March 27th, 2012
No need to wait much longer, for the time we have long awaited is
rapidly approaching, and as fast as time is flying by, it will be here
sooner than we can fathom, almost like the blinking of an eye.
I’m speaking about the polar shift that relates to us and our
relation to the Earth’s central sun, surface, and outer sun as
well as the movement of constellations, stars, and planets as
they relate to the equinox.
An equinox is when a galaxy makes a complete wobbly circle around its
sun. Two moon cycles and two sun cycles complete an equinox. As
students of science, in public or private school, we have all studied
mathematical data such as the circumference of the Earth, 24,900 miles,
its radius, 3,963 miles, its equatorial diameter( distance from one side of
the earth to the other) 7,926 miles. In addition, we studied the Earth’s
rotation and its revolving. We were taught that it has a magnetic force
field which is related electrically to the active condition of the
molecules of a body or the ether surrounding it which is produced by
friction, contact or alignment of other bodies with ether, magnetism,
electrical, electrify electro, be it alive as cell or atomic as elements,
it’s all energy, but did you know that the Negroids human body and Earth
are not only controlled by the same magnetic forces but are of the
same substance. It is imperative that we pay close attention to the
precession of the equinox, or equal night, and what it means to us,
because there is something extraordinary about this cycle that we must
know. Simply stated, the precession of the equinox itself is a wobble in
the Planet Earth’s axis.
Every two hours, as the Planet Earth wobbles, its axis slowly turns in a
circle. It points to and passes through all twelve constellations of
Denderah and enters a new one approximately every 2,100-3,000 years.
Each division represents a different type of energy. Our ancient Egiptian
ancestors were fully aware of what the precession of the equinox was
and passed this knowledge on to their children, the Babylonians of
Sumeria. They were the masters of the heaven’s movement especially as it
related to the Planet Earth. They were able to calculate shifts and
returns which explains why they built pyramids in Giza to line up
perfectly with the Orion skies.
“These pyramids were built with the help of our descendants from the
skies, Extraterrestrials; angels to Christians; Anunnaqi to Sumerians,
Neteru to Egiptians. They were built as beacons so they would know
where to land their ships and recharge. Pyramids are electromagnetic
antennas that create standing columnar waves to prevent the wobbling
of the earth. Pyramids balance the magnetic fields and land masses of
the Earth after the axis shift of 23 degrees, which takes place every
50,000 years and called an Epoch. The Axis Needle completes a cycle
every 24,000 years, (equinox) and every 50,000 years the crust of the
Earth shifts like the skin of a grape. Pyramids also are a tool to help
humans advance into a higher state of consciousness and change their
Aura to a more positive frequency. It is a tuned tank antenna acting as an
inter-dimensional communication device given to humans, so that they
may learn of the positive frequency, and make contact with their oversoul and beings. It refocuses light into the two different electron
spirals, the negative field of the physical and the positive field of the
spiritual. This energy is the energy that runs the universe, which is seen
as a light forming a Double Helix, which is generated by the sides of the
pyramid, bending light and creating a vortex.” (York, Dr. Malachi Z. York,
Is there Eternal Life After Death, pp 141, 144-146)
It is important to note here the astronomical and mathematical genius
of our ancestors as it takes 2,160 Earth years of continuous observation of the night sky to even notice the slow wobble on the Earth’s axis,
so they were most definitely phenomenal in their astronomical, as well
as, archaeological aspects long before other races had a clue about
these facts. Our ancestors knew exactly what the precession was from
the beginning, long before the existence of the Bible or Qur’an. The outformation was later passed on to others like the Hindus, Mayans,
Olmecs, and Tibetans to mark the time of change and return by watching
the stars. Egiptians were known and respected as sky beings and all
others learned to record the movement of the precession of the
equinox from them. No matter whether these beings were called
Kachina, Orisha, Eloheem, Aalihat, Gods, Lords, or others, all religions
and cultures based their systems of belief on these beings or Nazdiru
who came to Earth and created Hu-min-u.
Caucasoids eventually turned to evil sky beings, Paa Shezmu, who asked
for flesh and blood offerings which are still a part of their religious
rituals today and the spirit helpers, ghosts, later called Holy Ghosts,
spooks, angels who were born by mixing the seeds with beings from the
skies with mortals. They all watched the heavens and waited for their
Gods to return. No matter what their culture, all placed great
relevance on the twelve divisions, or ages, known as the twelve ages of
the zodiac. Each age had a different characteristic affect on humans,
and represented a different constellation, thereby becoming an
Integral part of astrology, “stars” and solar biology “human body”. So,
this means we are moving into a new age which the Greeks called
Aquarius and Egiptians called The Age of Ptah, also referred to as The
Age of Phoenix or Sirius. “Since 1970 AD with the opening of the seventh
seal, we have left the Piscean Age and moved into the Aquarian Age, an
era of air, which utilizes laser beams, video, and ultra violet rays, etc.
We are in the last days and times and most people who have accepted
religion which came from the Celtics, don’t really know the truth; some
don’t want to know about the bloodlust Gods or God in the three ism’s,
Moseism, Christism, and Muhammadism. They are obliterous and haven’t a
clue about true astrology and solar biology which were replaced with
symbols such as the Star of David, still just a sun in Jewishism and
Moses’ religious symbol; the Celtic cross with a sun, star, Christ-ism and
Jesus’ religious symbol; or the crescent moon and star, a symbol of
Muhammad’s religion or Islam-ism. All these religions gave their leaders
a birthday and symbol when, in fact, there is no proof that their Moses
or Jesus, ever existed, yet, they have birth symbols such as the Bright
and Morning Star for Jesus and even gave him a birth date of December
25th, making him a Capricorn which ties into ancient astrology, a star
child, a birth date. (Revelation 22:16 in their own Bible)
It has been proven that there is a definite link between a person’s birth
and the alignment of the stars and the location of the moon with how
their lives progress. In ancient times, astrology was not used
personally, but used to assist priests, who were the astrologers, in the
protection of the people and the pharaoh who was linked to the
Nazdiru, “The Watchers”. They invented the calendar to measure time,
primarily to overstand the cycle of the Nile in order to ensure
sufficient crops. They predicted famines, moon and star movement,
eclipses and other important events. Some ancient Egiptian charts date
back to 4200BC and are still available today. The great Imhotep made
one of the first horoscopes dating back to 2767BC. Ancient astrology
is linked to Ancient Egipt. King Ramses II was a lover and believer of
astrology. His temple is constructed so that the sun shines in on the
statues of three gods inside. There is also a star map, called a star
clock in his tomb. The map can be used to map the journey of the stars
for each hour of the night, throughout the entire year. His mummy was
also covered in astrological symbols. He is an example of the
importance of astrology to our ancestors. ( After
the invasion of Alexander, the Great “killer” in 332BC. Europeans stole
this knowledge and individual horoscopic astrology began.
Although the Sun, Re is 93 million miles away from the Planet Earth, it is
a major entity in astrology. Solar flares affect the weather and put the
worldwide communication network in danger. It also affects humans
and the earth’s magnetic fields, but without the sun’s radiation, there
would be no life on this planet. Since the 1800’s, astronomers have
noted spots on the sun, appropriately called Sunspots. Some years,
there would be no spots. Other years, the sun would be as blotchy as a
teenager’s face with acne. The amount of radiation we receive is determined by these sun spots. Researchers found that throughout history
events such as wars, uprisings, revolutions peaked around the Sunspot
The moon also has an affect on the planet and humans. It moves the
Earth’s oceans, creates tides, influences weather, and is comparative to
a person’s moods. Also, mating, birth patterns, human emotions and
health are affected. The fact that more events take place the day
before and after a full moon is no coincidence. Recent extensive
research has established numerous links between regularly occurring
human behavior and external natural cycles not only from solar radiation as aforementioned, but also the phases of the moon. For example,
one report by the American Institute of Medical Climatology stated that
the appearance of the full moon marked a monthly peak in psychotically
oriented crimes such as murder, arson, dangerous driving, and kleptomania. Statistics showed that more murders occur during the full and new
moons with a decline in numbers during the first and last quarter
moons. Health is also affected by the full moon cycle. A Florida study
indicated that 82% postoperative bleeding crises occurred nearer to
the full moon rather than the new moon. Clearly, during the full moon,
it is a dangerous time for surgery. Females menstrual and ovulation
cycles are tied into the influence of the moon. So, it is a fact, scientifically, that the heavens have a definite affect on humans, and anyone who
says otherwise is sleep or just plain ignorant! (
As stated earlier, we have all studied the Earth’s circumference, diameter, and radius. Each has an affect on everything or everyone around or
near to them and so does the Planet Earth. Both the sun and moon have
major phases and they relate to us and our lives, therefore, it makes
sense that if the earth were facing in a different direction to the
heavens, that there would be a definite influence on us. This influence,
or change, occurs every time the axis of the Planet Earth rotates into a
different constellation and a new position. Every thing on Earth is in a
constant state of change. According to our ancient records even the
energy force of the planet changes locations on the surface at two
very specific points on the procession of the equinox. These are the
points when the direction of the axis of the Planet Earth begins to point
toward the center of the Galaxy and when it begins to point away from
the center. This change will occur on December 21, 2012 AD from
3:00AM to sunrise, the darkest hour on up to the edge of the constellation. We will have had three eclipses and for the first time in 12,920
around 13,000 Earth years, it will be moving toward the center of the
galaxy instead of away from it, and for the next 2,160 Earth years, the
axis of the Planet Earth will be moving through the constellation of
Also, every 12,000-13,000 years, an event takes place that will change
nature and history. This event began in 2009AD and when the polarity of
the Earth’s energy forces change to the opposite pole and simultaneously change location on the Planet Earth’s surface, it will not only
wake up the Negroid people living near this sacred point which is Africa,
but all Negroids anywhere on Earth. This event will mark the rebirth of
the true seed, “Nut and “Geb”. These facts do not appear in any religion
or church, temple, mosque of their religious world of fictions. It will
also mark the renewal of our records after 24,000 years, 6000 of
those years being blinded by a white light of evil teachings of ghost,
spirit worship. It will change the meaning of “spiritual” elevating us to a
higher spiritual path based on fact and fate, not fiction. Our growth
will be at the hands and designs of our Nazdiru according to a set of
Divine Plans. Anun-Re, the female power in the center of the Earth will
have her turn to rule, and she will lead humans into a new age in every
aspect of life by 2009-2013. This will be obvious and so powerful to the
entire planet and her rule will grow continuously for 6,000 years.
Linked to nature and the sun, moon, and Earth, the female is mother and
mother is mathematical though not always mathematically perfect since
life is based on the “Fibonacci Series (0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8,13) which only
approximates the Golden Mean “a medium between extremes”. So,
Nuwaubians, December 21, 2012AD, is the mathematical date when this
occurs. We Nuwaubians will know it is time as Wu-Nuwaupu is incorporated into the Negroids minds and hearts, therefore, we need to get it
into the hands of all Negroids which will greatly impact their
consciousness. Wu-Nuwaupu’s power will not readily be seen until it
reaches its height in the near future. As the Earth’s axis faces away from
the center of the galaxy and the Earth’s base energy coming from its
center moves to a new surface location, this change will result in a
“spiritual overstanding and practice filtering down eventually to all
Nuwaubians, renewing what was and is ours.”
The solar plexus of Geb “Earth”, the heart seat of emotion of the planet
is female emotion or energy in motion. The male, having an X chromosome
along with his Y, his emotional seat is his solar plexus called love and
the center of the planet, the central sun, heat, warmth, the symbol of
life. With no heat, the body is dead. Without heat, all life on the planet
will die. Women produce high levels of heat with her counterparts the
sun and the moon, and after heat comes water, as in Tefnut, the Primeval
Goddess, Deity of Moisture. So, the woman has warmth and moisture in
her womb where all life goes through three stages or Triple Darkness,
therefore, all life whether human body or the Planet Earth comes by
way of heat and moisture to germinate. The time is now for the Man, Geb,
as Nunet’s emotional movement by the heart, to relocate to a new location, albeit it just left the Middle East, where the spiritual energies have
left and evil 6-ether forces have taken over causing bloodshed and killing. Where their religions began, it shall never return there, and as in
Africa, where a new spiritual energy of Wu-Nuwaupu has appeared from
the West, it will dramatically affect Africans who live in Africa and
accept Wu-Nuwaupu. This will also affect the entire planet with our
renewing of 9-ether forces which is the Planet Earth’s energy force.
Simply, from a human perspective “the Planet Earth and the Negroid’s
body are the same brown soil, black mud and are identical energetically.
The massive energy fields are exactly the same, and every electromagnetic geometrical field within the force field of the Earth is exactly
identical to African, Negroid persons on Earth everywhere.
The energy streams of each race originate at the base of the spine, the
Negroid having nine, the Davidians- eight; the Mongoloids-seven, the
Caucasoid female having six and her male counterpart having only five.
Because the Caucasoid is part beast canine and born with a tail called a
coccyx (an extended spine) his emotional seat is off, so he has no soul,
“Baa”, only a “Kaa” spirit and “Akh” ether, but only 6-ether each with a
different purpose for the various stages of human development. One of
these is for sexual energy and linked to our DNA genes and the most
familiar. Tamma-Hu Caucasians, the living jackal, dragon, monster try to
bring this kind of energy out of Negroids and others to control the
mind and body; your will power is gone once you give over to sexual
pleasure. The problem is during the last male cycle of the Middle East,
the female has given over her sexual powers to the male and most don’t
even know how to find the Grafenberg, or G spot, which leads to her
reaching high levels of arousal and because of this, she has suffered
since “she did not have her orgasms to raise her inner powers,” and
transform back into the Goddess Mother she is. She is beginning to not
settle for less, and penetration is not necessarily the answer as it is
pain, not pleasure.
All kinds of perverted sex acts are sought by the Caucasoid, whether
with objects or animals, and they want you to act the same as they
practice voyeurism. There was a time when the male would openly kill a
Negroid male for simply looking at a Caucasoid female sexually for fear
of gene mixing. Once the sex seat connects with the emotional seat that
binds their love by lust, the Caucasoid female with 6 seats will become
one with her Negroid sex partner. In these last days, the Caucasoid is
putting everything he can out there to weaken the sexual powers being
drained by them as they feed. Unfortunately, the Negroid man being weak
by mental sex falls asleep, never to know what the female experiences.
These powers change the way one feels and their interpretation of the
Here is a reiteration and breakdown of what we can actually look forward to as a result of these energy force and polarity direction shifts:
First, Nuwaubians everywhere will wake up.
Second, those who accept Wu-nuwaupu will be elevated to a higher
Third, our records will be renewed as there will be a renewal of the
9-ether forces synonymous with the Planet Earth energy forces, and we
will get back what was and is ours.
Fourth, females who previously gave up their powers to males will
regain them for 6,000 years.
Nuwaubians, all this will affect us as we live and breathe for it is a part
of the change and return which is our destiny. “It is our time and the
female’s time to rule!”
Ra-et Merit Seshat
Primary Sources:
York, Dr. Malachi Z.; Actual Fact #14 The Procession Change 2012 A.D.
Is There Eternal Life After Death?
Other Sources:
Nuwaubian Center ( [email protected])
Website: (site is working progress)
Mut Sent Nehisi
Ra-et Merit Seshat
Anuket Maat Re
Setep Kher Atum
Hira Nebt Ankh
Amen Ra
Sutukh Meduty Atun-Re
Khety Mery Ib
Harkhuf Kefa
Atun Re