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Nordic Naturals is an award-winning brand that has won recognition amongst industry experts for being the #1
omega-3 in the US. Trusted by medical professionals, health researchers and consumers alike; Nordic Naturals
has consistently met industrial purity and freshness standards for natural products. Nordic Naturals cod liver oil
is made from 100% wild Arctic cod sourced from the Norweigian Sea; no fish body oils or synthetic vitamins or
additives are ever used.
Essential fatty acids (namely omega 3 and 6) are required for proper health but cannot be produced on their
own, they can only be obtained through diet or supplementation. The two main omega-3s (DHA & EPA)
promotes a healthy immune and anti-inflammatory response and has numerous health benefits including heart,
brain and cognitive function, joint mobility, eye, healthy skin and hair and is beneficial for pregnancy and
fitura is a family owned natural nutrition company with a holistic view on health and focuses on providing a
unique product that will add to the wellbeing of customers. fitura Powerimmune is one such potent herbal
extract of the 12 most powerful immune boosting herbs that synergistically create a very potent and unique fullspectrum support for the immune system.
Earth Friendly Products’s pledge to customers is to create home care and personal use products from sustainable
resources that provides efficacy, value, and are environmentally responsible. The products will never be tested on
animals nor will the products contain any animal ingredients. Earth Friendly Products has also been awarded the
2015 Safer Choice Partner of the Year Award for producing over 40 Safer Choice-labelled products.
Stash Tea takes great pride in selecting tea gardens of the highest quality from which they purchase their teas.
Stash Tea’s teas are 100% natural and USDA and QAI certified organic. Stash Tea is also a company that is
committed to sustainable environment practices, therefore their all-new packaging is 100% recyclable.
Nordic Naturals Complete OmegaTM Liquid
Perfect healthy balanced combination of omegas 3, 6 and 9 for high-intensity support of
heart and brain health, positive mood, healthy joints, hair, skin and nails.
One of Nordic Naturals Top Sellers.
A formula that blends EPA and DHA with omega-6 GLA from borage oil and omega-9.
Provides 1,310 mg Omega-3, 500mg Omega-6 and 500mg Omega-9 essential fatty
acids per serve.
Suitable for both children (>1 year old) and adults.
Each batch of Nordic Naturals fish oil has been third-party tested to be free from
environmental toxins, including heavy metals, dioxins and PCBs.
fitura Powerimmune
An potent blend made up of 12 most well-documented, most clinically proven and most
aggressive antiviral herbs.
Ideal for building a healthier immune system when taken regularly.
Certified USDA organic and made with only organic ingredients.
Comes in different sizes; 9ml, 30ml, 60ml and 120ml. Handy for travelling purposes.
Stash Tea Company Rooibos Loose Leaf (Organic)
A unique, tasty and aromatic tea. When brewed, reddish brown in colour with a full-bodied
and slightly sweet taste.
Rooibos (pronounced as roy-boss) is an indigenous herb of South Africa that is made
from the fine needle-like leaves of the Rooibos plant.
Rich in polyphenols and antioxidants that helps to eliminate free radicals in body.
Caffeine-free and has calming properties, ideal for individuals with insomnia.
Contains high levels of zinc and alpha hydroxyl acid, which is good in achieving healthy
and clear skin.
Earth Friendly ECOS Free & Clear Natural Liquid Laundry Detergent
Environmentally friendly concentrated laundry soap made with plant-derived
cleaning agents, comes with a built-in soy-based fabric softener.
2x concentrated liquid laundry detergent that cleans and protects clothes.
Suitable for people with strong sensitivities or allergies to fragrance or essential
pH for ECOS Free & Clear is balanced to be non-irritating. No colouring is added.
Can be used in front loaders and high efficiency washing machines or for hand
Nearly one in 10 Singaporeans suffer from digestive
issues; namely indigestion, constipation or heartburn.
However, most choose to neglect or think of these
issues as unimportant. It is true that indigestion itself
is not a life-threatening illness but it can lead to a
more serious illness that compromises health, such as
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD). A sluggish
digestion can also affect your social and professional
Chronic bad breath is potentially an alarming sign of
poor digestive health, but many individuals are
completely unaware of this sign.
Gum disease, bad breath, tooth
decay are signs of bacterial invasion
in the mouth. This bacteria can
either release toxins or enter the
bloodstream & wreak havoc in
other parts of the body including the
heart. Oral hygiene should not be
taken lightly as it has an intimate
connection with overall health.
Do you know that
your mouth can
reveal your
digestive health?
Body Part
Oral / Digestive Issues
Possible Causes
Tooth Decay
Poor diet, high in refined sugars
Reflux of gastric acid that erodes tooth enamel
Mouth Ulcers
High amount of bad bacteria flora in mouth
Increased pressure on muscle due to overeating
H. Pylori infection and low gastric acid secretion
Food allergies
High fat, low fibre diet
Food allergies / Symptoms of digestive disorders
Poor eating habits
Stress / Anxiety
Gastric Ulcers
Indigestion / Bloating
Constipation / Diarrhea
The month of December is a joyful season where feasting on rich food and alcohol are all a
part of the joys of the holidays. But do you know that large portions of holiday-rich foods,
holiday stress and a lack of dietary fibre are all triggers for a churning digestive system?
When you consume large portions of food, more pressure is exerted on your esophageal
muscle, making it hard for your muscle to keep digested food down. Too much pressure
leads to food and acid reflux, resulting in heartburn. Also, eating large portions at one time
can also slow down your digestive system, resulting in stomachaches and constipation.
Therefore, it is essential to know how your digestive system works.
Know Your Digestive System From Inside Out
Mouth: Digestion first begins in the mouth where
carbohydrate-foods are broken down by enzymes in
saliva. The chewing action also breaks other food into
smaller pieces that passes through the esophagus to the
Stomach: The stomach then secretes gastric acid
and powerful enzymes that continues the process of
breaking down the food. Food in the stomach now
resembles the consistency of a liquid or a paste; the food
then moves to the small intestine.
Small Intestine: Food is broken down further by
using pancreatic enzymes and bile in the duodenum. The
jejunum and ileum is then responsible for the absorption
of nutrients into the bloodstream.
Large Intestine: Waste, left over from the digestive
process, passes through the large intestine and gets
flushed out from the body. The large intestine also helps
to remove toxins.
Under optimal conditions, the digestion process occurs in a timely manner. The body also
benefits through receiving the necessary nutrients it requires to stay healthy. However, the
current lifestyle and environment can take a huge toll on each and every aspect of digestion; this in turn compromises the integrity of other systems in the body as well.
The National Nutrition Survey 2010 findings reveals an average of 60% Singaporeans (6 in
10 Singaporeans) are consuming excessive calories and fat due to the easy convenience
of eating out. However, only 11.2% of adult Singaporeans consumed at least 2 servings of
both fruit and vegetables in a day. Nutritional inadequacy of diet can lead to problems
within the digestive system, thus supplementation is recommended to ensure your system
is running optimally.
What Are the Key Nutrients for Maintaining A Healthy
Oral and Digestive System?
Importance for Digestive & Oral Health / Function
Digestive Enzymes
Acts as a key to unlock nutrients in foods for better
Special enzyme formulations are available for individuals with
lactose or gluten intolerance.
Assists in maintaining the presence of good bacteria in
intestines and increases absorption of nutrients.
Supports healthy immune function.
Especially important for individuals on antibiotics. Take a
probiotic containing at least 2 billion daily, 30 minutes before
or after a meal.
Regulates bowel movement.
Assists in cleaning digestive tract by removing toxins and
moves waste quickly along tract.
Recommended to consume at least 25g fibre daily.
A natural sweetener that helps to reduce the quantity of bad
bacteria in the oral cavity that causes bad breath and tooth
Chamomile or
Helps to relax stomach muscles and improve digestion.
Aloe Vera & Licorice
Soothes heartburn and other gastrointestinal symptoms
Reduces excessive gas and eases stomach bloating.
Improves symptoms of diarrhea.
Shown in studies to be effective in helping stomach ulcers
due to H. pylori infection.
Probiotics (also known
as good bacteria)
Mastic Gum
VitaKids Recommends
1. Nature’s Plus / NOW Digestive Enzymes
1. Nature’s Plus Source
Animal Parade Tooth Fairy
2. Garden of Life / Nature’s Plus / Nordic
Naturals / NOW Probiotics
3. Gaia Herbs Peppermint Leaf
4. American Health Super Papaya Enzyme
5. Traditional Medicinals Eater’s Digest /
Chamomile / Ginger / Peppermint Tea
6. Nature’s Plus NutraSec Chewable
Tablets w/Gastro-Block / Gaia Herbs
Reflux Relief
7. NOW Ulcetrol
8. NOW Psyllium Husk Powder / Gaia
Herbs Chia Fresh / Garden of Life
2. Nature’s Plus Source of Life
Animal Parade Tummy-zyme /
Acidophilkidz / KidGreenz
3. Garden of Life Primal Defense Kids
4. Gaia Herbs GaiaKids
Tonic / Herbs for Kids / Wellements
Water / Nature’s Answer
5. Herbs for Kids Minty Ginger
6. Traditional Medicinals Just For
Kids Organic Tummy Comfort Tea
7. Rainbow Light Fiber
Gummies / Nature’s Plus KidGreenz /
Fruit & Veggies
This material contains general recommendations only and is not intended to replace the advice
of your healthcare practitioner.