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Exam 3 Study Guide
Anatomy 25-Spring 2016
Chapter 7—Axial Skeleton (part 2)
Identify the four spinal curvatures and explain when each forms.
Identify the sections of the spine—cervical, thoracic, and lumbar—and know how many vertebrae are in
each. Be able to distinguish vertebrae of each section and know which characters are unique to each
Identify the vertebra prominens and other spinal processes on a person’s body.
Define kyphosis, lordosis, and scoliosis.
Identify the major characters of a typical vertebra and be able to find them on all types of vertebrae:
Vertebral foramen
Spinal cord location
Vertebral arch
Superior and inferior articular facets
Spinous process
Transverse process
Understand how vertebrae articulate together, and understand how ribs articulate with vertebrae.
Understand the makeup of vertebral discs
Identify the atlas and axis and know which number vertebrae both are. Also understand how the atlas
and axis articulate together and explain their functions.
Identify the following bones a markings:
o Anterior tubercle
o Anterior and posterior arches
o Transverse foramen
o Dens
o Transverse foramen
o Spinous process
Cervical vertebrae
o Bifid spinous process
o Transverse foramen
Thoracic vertebrae
o Costal facets and demifacets
Lumbar vertebrae
o Base and apex
o Promontory
o Sacral foramina
o Transverse ridges
o Sacral hiatus
o Manubrium
o Body
o Xiphoid process
o Suprasternal notch
o Clavicular notch
o Costal notch
True ribs
o Articular facets
o Head and neck
o Angle
o Costal groove
o Junction with costal cartilage
False ribs
Floating ribs
Costal cartilages
Understand how to distinguish a male and female coccyx
Chapter 8-Appendicular Skeleton
Understand and identify which bones make up the pelvic girdle and the pectoral girdle, and which bones
articulate with the girdles.
Identify the bones in the upper and lower limbs.
Distinguish between male and female pelvises
Identify the hallux and pollex
Identify and explain the function of the three arches of the foot.
Define bunions, pas nevus, pas cavus, and congenital clubfoot
Identify the following bones and bone markings. Understand how all the bones articulate:
o Sternal end
o Acromial end
o Acromion
o Coracoid process
o Spine
o Glenoid cavity
o Subscapular fossa
o Lateral border
o Medial border
o Supraspinous fossa
o Infraspinous fossa
o Head
o Neck
o Surgical neck
o Greater tubercle
o Lesser tubercle
o Capitulum
o Trochlea
o Lateral and medial epicondyles
o Radial fossa
o Coronoid fossa
o Deltoid tuberosity
o Intertubercular sulcus
o Olecranon fossa
o Head
o Neck
o Styloid process
o Ulnar notch
o Olecranon
o Radial notch
o Styloid process
Carpal bones
o Scaphoid
o Lunate
o Triquetral
o Pisiform
o Trapezium
o Trapezoid
o Capitate
o Hamate
Metacarpals (I-V)
Phalanges (I-V, proximal, middle, and
distal, as appropriate)
o Greater trochanter
o Head
o Neck
o Surgical neck
o Lesser trochanter
o Patellar surface
o Lateral and medial condyles
o Lateral and medial epicondyles
Os coxae (coxal bones)
o Ilium
o Ischium
o Pubis
o Iliac crest
o Anterior superior iliac spine
o Anterior inferior iliac spine
o Posterior superior iliac spine
o Posterior inferior iliac spine
o Acetabulum
o Obturator foramen
o Subpubic angle
o Symphysial surface
o Ischial tuberosity
o Greater sciatic notch
o Lesser sciatic notch
o Iliac fossa
o Auricular surface
o Tibial tuberosity
o Lateral and medial condyles
o Medial malleolus
o Lateral malleolus
o Head
Tarsal bones
o Talus
o Calcaneus
o Navicular
o Medial cuneiform
o Intermediate cuneiform
o Lateral cuneiform
o Cuboid
Metatarsals (I-V)
Phalanges (I-V, proximal, middle, and
distal, as appropriate)
Chapter 9 – Articulations
Understand the trade-off between mobility and stability in articulations. Give examples of the most
mobile and stable joints.
Explain joint classifications: fibrous, cartilaginous, synovial; synarthrosis, amphiarthrosis, diarthrosis.
Understand the structure and function of the following types of joints. For each joint understand its
classifications and give an example of that type of joint in the body.
Understand the function of these features of synovial joints, and be able to identify them in a model or
Fibrous layer
Synovial membrane
Articular capsule
Joint cavity
Articular cartilage
Bursa / tendon sheath
Understand the functions of ligaments and tendons and explain the differences between them.
Describe the movement of the following types of joints and give an example of each type of joint.
Hinge joint
Plane joint
Saddle joint
Condylar joint
Pivot joint
Ball-and-socket joint
Describe and recognize the following types of angular motion:
Flexion / Extension
Lateral flexion
Abduction / Adduction
(and hyperextension)
Lateral rotation /
medial rotation
Elevation / Depression
Dorsiflexion / Plantar
Protraction /
Opposition /
Pronation / Supination
Inversion / Eversion
For each of the following joints, understand the bones involved and describe the type of joint. Identify
each joint on a model or diagram.
Sternoclavicular joint
Acromioclavicular joint
Glenohumeral joint
Elbow joint
Radiocarpal joint
Hip joint
Knee joint
Ankle (talocrural) joint
Intertarsal joints
Tarsometatarsal joints
Interphalangeal joints
(PIP and DIP—hand
and foot)
Carpometacarpal joints
Identify the ligaments in the knee.
Explain the effects of aging and disease on the joints. Describe the following conditions: arthritis, gouty
arthritis, osteoarthritis.