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1. Alto: The lowest female singing voice
2. Dotted Half Note: A note that receives 3 beats of sound in 4/4 time
3. Dynamics: The symbols used in music to tell how loud or soft to play
or sing
4. Half Note: A note that receives 2 beats of sound in 4/4 time
5. Note: A pitched sound.
6. Quarter Note: A note that receives 1 beat of sound in 4/4 time
7. Soprano: The highest female singing voice
8. Tenor: The highest natural male singing voice
9. Time Signature: specifies how many beats are in each measure and
what note value constitutes one beat.
10.Whole Note: A note that receives 4 beats of sound in 4/4 time
11.Bass Clef: mainly used by the men and is also called the F clef
12.Bass: The lowest male singing voice
13.Clef: A musical symbol used to indicate the pitch of written notes
14.Grand Staff: The combination of the bass and treble staves together
which is used for notation
15.Measure: The space between two bar lines
16.Pitch: The location of a note related to its highness or lowness
17.Rhythm: The organization of music I time using long and short note
18.Staff: The horizontal lines and spaces on which music is notated
19.Tempo: The Speed or rate at which a song is sung or played
20.Treble Clef: Mainly used by the women and is also called the G clef
21.Arranger: A person who transfers music from one medium to another
22.Conductor: The leader of a musical ensemble who indicates through
gestures or conducting patterns how the music should be interpreted
by the musicians
23.Dotted Half Rest: A rest that receives 3 beats of sound in 4/4 time
24.Duet: Two performers, performing two different parts
25.Half Rest: A rest that receives 2 beats of silence in 4/4 time
26.Harmony: the result produced when two or more tones are sounded
27.Melody: a succession of single notes.
28.Quarter Rest: A rest that receives 1 beat of silence in 4/4 time
29.Solo: In music, one performer, alone
30.Whole Rest: A rest that receives 4 beats of silence in 4/4 time
31. A tempo: The Italian term indicating to return to the original tempo.
32. Accelerando: The Italian word indicating to gradually speed up.
33. Crescendo: to gradually become louder.
34. Decrescendo: to gradually become softer.
35. Forte: Italian word that means loud.
36. Legato: to play or sing notes smoothly and connected.
37. Piano: Italian word that means soft.
38. Rest: A symbol indicating a measured silence in music.
39. Ritardando: The Italian word indicating to gradually slow down.
40. Staccato: To sing short and detached
41. ¾: A time signature representing 3 beats in a measure where the
quarter note receives the beat
42. 2/4: A time signature representing two beats in a measure where the
quarter note receives the beat
43. 4/4: A time signature representing 4 beats in a measure where the
quarter note receives the beat
44. Diaphragm: a muscular partition separating the abdomal and chest
cavities and functioning in breathing.
45. Larynx: The upper part of the trachea in the human throat, also called
'voice box', 'glottis', 'vocal apparatus', the seat of the variation in tone
of the voice
Mezzo Forte: Italian word meaning moderately loud
Mezzo Piano: Moderately soft
Mezzo: The Italian term referring to medium
Range: The number of notes a particular voice can sing
Vocal Chords: The Organ of the voice by which we produce vocal
sounds situated at the top of the wind pipe