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Roman Times
Volume 1
government does not have enough
money to pay the soldiers so they raise
taxes. The Roman government is
falling because its lack of money.
By L. Gutierrez and D.
The vast Roman Empire is falling.
After the Empire split into east and
west it has been very difficult to
defend. Germanic people have been
attacking Rome. Most of Rome is being
taken. How can we win this war?
One of the first nomadic people that
have been attacking Rome have been
the Huns. They are an Asian nomadic
people and have become a vast
empire. They first appeared in Europe.
They a ferocious army who has
thousands. They have defeated and
taken most of Rome.
Later in 486, the Franks began to
conquer land. The Franks had a
military leader, Clovis. They had
settled in Germany. Clovis founded the
Frankish kingdom which has grown
large. They have taken most of the
Eastern Empire.
As Rome falls, the nomadic groups
become stronger. The weakening army
has made Rome easier to beat. So far
the Huns are destroying cities and
taking over land. The Franks are close
to conquering the Western Empire.
These two nomadic groups are the
worst, what will happen when the
Roman Empire falls?
No Money to
Run Empire
By A. Galang and D.
The Roman Empire stopped
expanding and since then the economy
has gone down, many people have
been affected. Since the stop of the
expansion, Rome has been making less
money . To keep the government in
function, the taxes have to be raised,
but the poor can’t pay. This has
caused the poor to riot.
Because of the taxes,the
poor are unable to pay, they no longer
have money to provide for
education,family,and housing. The
poor are getting angry and are starting
to riot. Farmers are also getting
poorer. Agriculture has gone down
from the overuse of soil. Not only has
this affected the farmers, but this has
brought down the Roman economy.
The soldiers are asking for
higher pay from the government. The
Low income
and High
by B. Escobar and J.
Breaking news! Rome is beginning
to fall! The poor people are not
receiving enough money. This means
they can't have education. The taxes
just keep climbing, it looks as if they
won’t stop! The wealthy are moving to
the hill, why is it fair for them to be
higher than the rest?
More and more things seem to be
going wrong. Taxes keep rising. The
agriculture is failing horribly.
Involvement in the government is
decreasing. Will we survive this hard
So many places have been affected.
We’re losing crops, farm land, and
jobs. The military is becoming less
and less helpful.
These factors just make things
worse. The military doesn’t want to
follow orders from the government
and practically doesn’t care anymore.
People don’t want to help out and do
public service. The government is in a
dilemma so land has stopped
Holy Family School
Seventh Grade Social Studies Production
Roman Times
By J. Altmayer and I.
Today something we
worked so hard to get is our downfall,
our beautiful land. We don’t have
enough men to defend our borders.
Outside invaders also threaten to
attack our land.
Our vast empire has gotten
to hard to control. We are few in men
and legions. The men we do have do
not pledge loyalty to Rome, but to
individual commanders. Our
politicians have been corrupt. People
are paying them to do things that
aren’t right. They are more interested
in financial gain than doing a service.
The Germanic people ran
from an Asian people called the Huns.
They are ran into us.They are invading
Rome for our wealth. They also want
better land for farming. Now the Huns
are beginning to invade. Clovis, a
leader of a group called “The Franks”
took our good land in 486. He took
our blessed Gaul. These men our
ruining our land, and our Rome that
our ancestors worked so hard to get.
We need to join the great
army of Rome to stand up to these
invasions! We need to get the
politicians to be just and right, and
not take bribes! Finally, we need to
make the soldiers of our great Roman
Empire be loyal to Rome and not to
individuals! Be safe during these tragic
Volume 1
Decline in
By M. Gallo and T.
The Rise of
By M. Zwart and D.
Jesus, also known as the son of
God to Christians, was crucified earlier
this year. Jesus was born in Bethlehem
between 6-4 B.C. He started his
Christian preachings around the age of
4 or 5 years ago in Rome. Jesus spread
Christianity quickly in the past couple
of years and the Romans did not like
this. They killed many Christians,
including Jesus, who was crucified as
an innocent man.
This past year,his followers,
or disciples, spreaded and preached
his teachings. Rome’s government has
grown weaker already in these past
months. He said he was the Son of God
and people believed him and started to
follow him. More and more Romans
started to follow him and not the
Roman Gods. Most of the emperors in
Rome did not like this, but some
Roman emperors became Christians
instead of following Roman beliefs.
Jesus told his disciples to love one
another, which was the exact opposite
of what our Roman leaders taught us
to do. We were told to always resolve
something with violence. Christianity
is on the rise, and right now, nothing
seems to be stopping it.
The Roman empire is suffering
a great difficulty with economics.
Everyone in Rome is suffering. Every
city is beginning to crumble. The
poor and rich are becoming separated
more each day. The poor are losing
their jobs and education, as a result
there has been a lack of jobs. Instead
of working on farms, the farmers are
using slaves instead. This was just the
the beginning of the fall of Rome.
Other aspects, such as
agriculture, are suffering as well. The
farmland is being destroyed with
overuses of it, and constant war.
Harvests are producing fewer crops
due to poor far. The use of slavery is
just making it worse. Instead of
giving Romans the jobs on a farm, we
are downgrading our population.
Another major problem that
Rome is facing is a loss in our
military. Roman soldiers are becoming
less willing to follow orders and less
loyal to the government. Because of
the soldiers, citizens are also
becoming less loyal and less involved
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Roman Times
in public life. As time passes Roman
leaders are becoming more interested
in getting rich than in public service.
As this is happening many citizens are
losing their pride and trust in
Economic and
of Rome
By C. HendersonPendergast and M. Tanasi
News Flash: Rome is
falling! Oh No! Rome’s empire is
growing weaker by the minute. The
patricians and the Plebeians are upset
with each other. The patricians are
rich and the plebeians are poor. The
patricians have so much more and are
treated way better than the Plebeians;
this is causing an uprising by the
The Plebeians are very upset.
The empire has stopped expanding
which caused the taxes to rise, which
they obviously can’t pay. The poor are
not able to become educated due to
the taxes, so they started rioting.
Rome then began to fall. Rome
continued on for 200 years without
officially falling.
All of Rome’s problems are
happening in Rome, Italy. Some other
challenges that are occurring were
throughout Italy and Western Europe.
This is all happening because Rome
grew weak and stopped expanding.
Rome is struck with a series of
problems that will cause it to grew
weaker later on and eventually fall.
Rome will eventually split into the
Western and eastern empire.
From the
Inside Out
By A. Slocum and J.
Economic and social
differences are causing the decline of
Rome. If we don’t stop this, our once
wonderful, beautiful, and powerful
empire is slowly, but surely, declining
and one reason is that we have
stopped expanding. There hasn't been
a conquest in years and sources say
other empires don’t see us as a threat
Our military is not as strong or
driven as they used to be. They don’t
have the urge to fight for our empire,
to make it better, but they want the
one thing everyone wants these days:
money. Our military is splitting and
now our soldiers are loyal to
individuals who lead them, not Rome.
Citizens have to pay taxes for what
seems like everything these days and
we’ve even had to pay non-Romans to
defend us as soldiers do!
Hunger. The decline of agriculture
has added to the problems we’ve been
Volume 1
having also. The soil has been
overused and played out, making it
hard to grow crops. As agriculture is
declining, decreasing, hunger is
spreading, and the population is
decreasing rapidly each day. These are
the reasons that our beloved Rome is
falling and if we do not fix these
problems, Rome could just become a
whisper in Time.
Conflicts of
By K. Adriano and C.
“Our religion is slowly but surely
falling apart.” It all started when
emperor Nero decided to persecute us
christians in 64 A.D.
A few years back, the Byzantine
empire changed Christianity. We were
divided into East and West. Here in
the Western empire, we lean more
towards Roman Catholic, while the
Eastern empire leans more towards
Eastern Orthodox. The Popes and
emperors often disagreed, they both
considered themselves to be in charge.
One if the largest disagreements in
our faith, occurred in the eighth
century. In 730, Leo the third, a
Byzantine Emperor decided to ban the
the use of our icons(symbols). Icons
were banned because the emperor
thought it was belief in false gods.
Because of this event, our Pope
removed the Byzantine Empire from
the church. The conflicts of the
religion led to a huge schism.The
result of the schism of 1054 was the
birth of two new christian religions,
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Roman Times
our current religion, Roman Catholic
Church in the west, and Orthodox
Church in the east.
All these events led up to how us
catholics are living our lives today.
Our bishop is leading us successfully
on the right path as followers of Jesus.
Although our previous empire has
fallen, we have remained strong. We
have remained strong through wild
The Split of
By C. Beadles and C.
The Roman Empire is
splitting! Diocletian has decided to
split the Roman Empire into east and
west! Diocletian has decided that
something has to be done, or the
Roman Empire will fall. Diocletian’s
decision is bold but practical. Rome is
simply too big to be lead by one
Rome decided that they
didn’t have enough funds to support
their provinces. Money was needed,
and Rome had to find new lands to
conquer and tax. Rome needed money
it didn’t have.
Diocletian will be the ruler of the
Eastern Roman Empire, and Maximian
will be the ruler of the Western Roman
Empire. Diocletian has decided that the
new capital will be in the city of
Nicomedia, and Maximian’s capital will
be Milan. Diocletian even chose a
Caesar! He has chosen Galerius.
Galerius will be an apprentices. He
will be given a piece of territory to
govern until Diocletian dies or retires.
Maximian’s ceasar will be
Although this is going to be a big
adjustment, in the long run Diocletian
believes it will be worth it. The Roman
Empire will be easier to manage and
will have better control. Rome may be
two countries now, but we will
continue to be allies in case of
invader. We will keep you updated
with the information as it occurs.
Clash with
By E. Watkins and R.
As our Byzantine Empire
grew, our popes and emperors are
clashing. The emperors are interested
in our religious matters. The pope
supported the use of icons. Therefore,
he is removing the Church from the
The disagreements are leading to a
schism. The result are creating two
new Christian religions: the Orthodox
church in the East, and the Roman
Catholic church in the West. Both of
these churches are continuing to
embrace many of the principles of
Christianity. Each church has different
structures and beliefs that the
Byzantine emperor, Leo III, banning
the use of religious images used by the
set them apart. The most significant
differences are occurring in the area of
the Church state relations.
The pope owns not just the church,
but also the kings and emperors as the
Volume 1
Roman Catholicism develop. The
emperor of the Eastern Orthodox rules
over the patriarch. The schism
describes how the Byzantine Empire
developed its own civilization. Rome’s
ideas , customs, and institution are
important in developed of Western
Our Byzantine Empire are
splitting the church into Eastern and
Western churches. It has been a very
hard time for everyone in Rome. We
will keep you updated on information
about this schism.
By: A. Gutierrez and A.
For many years there was a tribe of
Germanic people, who live beyond the
border of Rome. The Germanic tribe
who is known to come from Asia and
they began pushing the borders of
Rome. Their reasons from invading
Rome differed, for some people the
invasion was to join Rome’s wealth.
For some other people they were
fleeing a tribe called the Huns.
Clovis, the leader of a German
group called the Franks, conquered
the remaining land eventually. The
remaining land they have conquered
was the province of Gaul which is
modern France and Switzerland. Clovis
has now decided to found a Frankish
kingdom that will grow very large and
The western empire crumbled,
but the eastern side has survived the
terror. The civilization will become
the Byzantine Empire. It will remain in
power for about another thousand
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Roman Times
years because of the new ruler
Justinian I.
By K. Sarbaum and W.
Rome was invaded in 486 A.D. They
were invaded by the Germanic
peoples. The German invaders were
wicked people, who were very poor.
The German invaders town was
trashed, and they wanted revenge on
Rome for when they raided the
Germanic peoples country.
The Germans went to war
against the Romans. They went to
Rome to conquer the land. The
Germans won the war and got the
Roman land. The Germans conquered
the land and got it for themselves to
add to the Roman map.
The Germans came to conquer Rome in
two ways. They came by boat and
horseback. Clovis was the leader of the
Germans. He founded a Frankish
kingdom that would grow large and
powerful. The Germans came easy
ways for them.
between the
Rich and
By A. Wagner and A.
Incoming News!
Poor striking against
The story here is that the
poor do not want to be taxes like the
rich. The poor say they are treated
worse than the rich. In some cases
they are don’t even have the right to
vote. This conflict between the rich
and the poor is taking place all other
the Roman Empire - not just in Rome.
In Rome, will this bring down the city
or will it make it better?
Some say the government
likes the rich better because they have
more money to pay taxes. The poor
are upset because of how the rich live.
The rich live in the hills which are a
better part of town and the poor lives
down at the bottom. In the hills, the
rich are away from the noise and smell
of the city. The poor are in the city
near the noise and smell. Also, many
of the rich have indoor plumbing that
the poor can’t afford.
The rich get better
education and better jobs because they
have money to pay for schooling. A
better education leads to better jobs.
The rich have servants which include
many of the poor. The servants do
everything for the poor.
Life was difficult for the
poor. The poor will sometimes
abandoned their newborn babies in
hopes that the babies would find a
better home. Because of the way they
were treated the poor started a war
Volume 1
which the rich won. The rich are able
to buy better supplies that the poor
have no access to. Because of the war,
the rich now let the poor participate in
government because they didn’t want
another war with the poor. In this
case, the poor benefited from the war.
The conflict between the
rich and the poor has the potential of a
lot of unhappiness. In the case of
Rome, this lead to war which in the
end benefited the poor.
By K. Perez, D.
Laudemann and G.
Breaking News in Rome! It
is no longer whole! Diocletian has split
Rome into two empires, the east and
the west. Diocletian decided to make
this choice because he thinks it will
make it easier to govern. Diocletian
and Constantine both rule the empires
together. Read ahead to find out more
about this exciting event!
Diocletian and Constantine are
taking a bulled step of dividing the
empire into the east and west.
Diocletian's decision of splitting the
empire led to many other good
decisions. Diocletian was succeeded by
Constantine. Constantine is deciding to
take two steps of great significance to
change the empire. His first decision is
that he has stopped attacks on
Christians. Constantine also allowed
Christians to worship freely. His
second decision is that he moved the
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Roman Times
Capital from Rome to a Greek city
known as Constantinople.
As you have seen ,Diocletian
and Constantine, have both helped our
empire become stronger. These two
emperors have both made a huge
impact on Rome. Diocletian made the
split and Constantine made two big
steps of choice, which made history in
Rome. Hopefully this change will
continue for many more years!
Romans and
Volume 1
Jesus is preaching about. Jesus has
gained many followers and the
religion of Christianity is continuing to
spread. Jesus is saying things about
the “God”. `
Jesus was born in the
roman province of Judea. He practiced
judaism growing up, until “God” told
him to talk about being the “Son of
God”. Us romans believe that they are
many gods, but jesus is teaching us
about one. Jesus is also teaching right
now how there is a kingdom afterlife
called heaven for people who follow
“God”. The Roman leaders are
debating on whether they should kill
Jesus or not.
By I. Sanchez and L.
ROME- The belief of
Christianity is becoming more
successful! Christianity is a Religion
taught by Jesus. Jesus claims that he
is “The son of God”. Jesus started
preaching as a young adult. Some of
Jesus’ teaching are based off of
Judaism. The Roman Empire thinks
that the only thing they should do is
fight and gain more land, but Jesus is
teaching to love one another. He is
troubling many Roman and Jewish
leaders. They view him as a threat.
The Jewish and Roman
leaders are so troubled they are killing
people who are following Jesus. Some
people are keeping it a secret that they
are a follower so they won't get killed.
Emperor Tiberius, disagrees with what
Holy Family School
Seventh Grade Social Studies Production