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Name __________________________________
Date _____________________________ Act 2.4 Key
Read and Reread Note-Taking Guide Chart for Expository Text
Title: How Did Artists Help Spread the Ideas of the Renaissance? Author: Rees, Anderson Gerrits, Allaire
Source: Our Worldviews: Explore, Understand, Connect
Pages: 62-63
I can statement: I can explain how artists influenced society in the development of a humanistic
worldview during the Renaissance.
First Reading
Second Reading
Third Reading
Fourth Reading
Paraphrase the opening
and closing paragraphs
Identify and define five
key words that are
necessary for you to
understand your reading.
Paraphrase of the topic
sentence of body
paragraph 2 and 3
Additional information of
importance including the
last selection
For many people…
Perspective: the
ability to show 3
dimensional objects
on a 2 dimensional
surface or canvas.
Humanism started to
reveal itself in art in
the Renaissance.
Renaissance Artists
The Renaissance, for
many people is
characterized by the
changes that occurred in
D worldviews
art. Changing
were simultaneously
occurring with new
artistic styles, techniques
and materials.
Renaissance artworks
were masterpieces that
have stood the test of
Commodity: a
material trade item;
product or good.
Patron: a giver of
money to support
somebody like an
artist; a customer.
Renaissance art began to reflect
the new thinking of humanism
Religious themes
continued to
dominate art in the
14th and 15th
Now that it…
As art became profitable,
good artists found it
important for them to
sign their works. Some
painter went so far as to
include their own image
into paintings as
secondary figures. It was
a time of creative artistic
In the 15th century,
classical Greek and
Roman myths and
other secular ideas
begin to emerge in
Summary of Article:
Renaissance Artists developed
new artistic styles, techniques
and material in line with the
changing worldviews.
Green Light
Supported by wealthy humanist
Techniques would include more
lifelike painting using dissections
to develop proportions and the
introduction of perspective.
Different themes began to
emerge including myths and
individual portraits
Art began to be so good it
became a commodity (something
to sell)
Artists traveled more as their
works became known
Gain respect for their intellect
and creative genius
Artists started to sign their works
Yellow Light
Red Light
During the Renaissance, artists became more interested in the secular world
around them. They became inspired by not only religious themes but by
Islamic, Roman and Greek writing, art, and architecture. They began to
experiment with styles, techniques and materials leading to more lifelike
portrayals. Wealthy patrons supported artists as their works became
desirable commodities. In return artist began painting and signing portraits.
Name __________________________________
Date _____________________________ Act 2.4 Key
Relate: Answer the following questions
How did artists help spread Renaissance ideas?
 Artistic styles changed portraying humanist subject matter or religious works in humanist styles;
their art reflected the humanist philosophy.
 Artistic styles, techniques and design reflected changing worldviews; artists traveled more and
shared their works and ideas.
 As artists became more respected, their humanist ideas and artistic works were taken more
How did the signing artistic creations show a changing worldview? How was this change representative
of humanism?
 Signing of works indicated individuals, not only collective groups were considered to be
important; sometimes an artist incorporated their own portraits into a painting.
 Artists were valued because their works added joy to life on earth. Previously, people were
concerned primarily with life after death; felt there was no need for joy on earth. Humanism
valued a rich life on earth.
How might Renaissance art have reflected a new sense of identity and self-esteem among artists and
those who commissioned their works?
 Renaissance art reflected a new sense of identity and self-esteem among the artists for they were
able to interpret the world as they saw it and in turn gained more respect for their works.
 Patrons commissioned specific artists because they valued the artist’s personal interpretations of
the world. The choice of artist would reflect the patrons sense of identity and self-esteem.
 For the first time, artists were commissioned to paint family and individual portraits for wealthy
families– demonstrated a sense of pride in oneself and in one’s family and joy in living.
Reflect: Respond to the following question. (
Do you think art in all of its forms still influence the development of our worldview? Explain.
Even though popular art forms have changed over time, paintings have given way to television and movies; it still
exerts a great influence on how people see their world. Take television, for example, young children sense of
materialism is greatly reinforced by the commercials they see while watching cartoons. What child hasn’t gone to
their parents after seeing a commercial for a toy, say Kung Fu grip GI Joe, and told, not asked, their parent for it.
We can see individualism reinforced in our society by the way we revere celebrities much as Da Vinci and
Michelangelo must have been in their time. Finally, we secularism in movies whether it be real life dramas or in
altered realities of science fiction. These movies pose questions to us about the world we inhabit or hope to
inhabit one day. So, yes, art in all its forms still has a resounding influence in the development of our worldview.