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The Renaissance Spreads North
 1200-1300 most cities were in Europe were in Italy
 By the 1500 the necessity for cities grow to Northern
Renaissance reached large cities like London, Paris, and
Trade the movement of artists and scholars, and the
development of printing helped spread the Renaissance ideas
The Renaissance Spreads North
 Trading Goods and Ideas
 Trade grew and the Hanseatic League emerged- which
controlled trade throughout Europe
It helped protect from pirates and other hazards from trading,
built lighthouses and training ship captains
Along with goods ideas were also shared with others
Italian artists fled to Northern Europe and brought their
humanistic ideas.
 They fled because of the clashes going on between Northern
countries and Italian city-states
Some Northern Europeans traveled to Italy for education and
brought back there humanist ideas and started universities in
Northern Europe
The Renaissance Spreads North
 A Book Revolution
Johannes Gutenberg- created the printing press or moveable type.
Others had attempted and influenced Gutenberg's ideas but he is
accredited with the invention
Text was quickly printed on both sides of the paper
Before this time the only way to copy was by hand
Moveable type made printing books, and other printed material
cheaper and fast. This made it easier to distribute information
First production was a 1,282 paged Bible
The printing press quickly spread throughout Europe and eventually
the world
New ideas were spread
Printed materials spread throughout Europe
Philosophers and Writers
 Northern Renaissance humanist began to develop
their own ideas and writings on theology, fiction, and
 Erasmus
Some northern philosophers combined Christian ideas with
humanism to create Christian humanism
Erasmus was the leading Christian humanist
Wrote about a pure and simple Christian life without rituals
and politics of the church
This helped with the discontent with the Roman Catholic
His works were later banned by the church
Philosophers and Writers
 Sir Thomas More
 Humanism was introduced to England by Italians living there
and English who had studied in Italy
 During Erasmus stay in England he became friends with Sir
Thomas More.
 More wrote Utopia, a humanist book which criticizes English
government and society and gives a vision for a perfect society
based on reason
 His title Utopia has become the common word for the ideal
Philosophers and Writers
 William Shakespeare- considered the greatest
English playwright of all time
Was inspired by ancient works of literature
He expressed humanistic ideas like natural science and the
complex nature of humans in his plays
His use of language and choice of words and themes made his
plays appeal to the uneducated as well as the educated
His played help spread the ideas of the Renaissance
Plays focused on the lives of realistic people
Shakespeare's plays help bring theatres to London and provide
a pass time for the people
Philosophers and Writers
 Christine de Pisan
 Work important works which focused on women and the role
they played in society
 She grew up in France in the court of Charles V, once her
husband died she had to leave court and she took up writing to
support herself and her 3 children
 She wrote a biography on Charles V, and many works about
women’s view and role in society
 Most famous book was The City of Women
 She was one of the few to champion for equality and education
for women
 Artists in the Northern Renaissance were influenced
by those in Italy
 They adopted Italian technique
However, the Italians focused on the beauty of humans and
were heavily influenced by the ancient Greeks and Romans the
Northern artist depicted people in a more realistic way
 Albert Durer
 German painter, heavily influenced by the Italians and made oil painting specific
to Northern artists which suited the desire for extreme detail in their paintings
 Jan van Eyck
 Flemish painter who focused on landscapes and domestic life
 Used symbolism in their paintings to merge everyday life and
 Han Holbein
 German painter that used objects to symbolize the subjects of his portraits
 Pieter Brueghel
 Showed scenes of peasants life but was heavily influenced by Italian artists.
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