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Renaissance End-of-Unit Study Guide
1.What does Renaissance mean and why?
Renaissance means rebirth because during the Renaissance, new ideas were born and old
ideas were reborn.
2. What does the term classical works refer to?
It refers to works from ancient Greece and Rome.
3. What is humanism?
Humanism is an admiration of the the values and teachings of ancient Greece and Rome and a
focus on the individual.
4. What caused the rise of the middle class?
Increased trade caused the rise of the middle class.
5. What caused the rise of patrons and how did they help artists?
Italian cities grew and there were more and more merchants and craftsmen. These merchants
and craftsmen became patrons as they had enough money to help other write, study, and make
works of art. They were also admired and celebrated for the works they paid to have created.
Patrons would provide artists with food, clothing, and shelter.
6. What techniques and interests support the idea that the Renaissance was marked by an
interest in the natural world?
An increased interest in certain subjects led to a greater understanding of the natural world.
Also, Renaissance artists developed techniques that allowed them to paint the human body in a
very realistic way.
7. How was Leonardo da Vinci a great example of the the belief that anything is possible?
Leonardo was a very curious man with a huge imagination and a lot of talents.
8. Which of Michelangelo’s works of art is described as a “strong, muscular human form”?
9. How does Raphael’s The School of Athens represent the idea that man can do anything?
The painting shows many scholars and philosophers learning about a variety of ideas.
10. What family was a very influential source of patronage in Florence?
The Medici Family.
11. What individual was one of the most important patrons in Rome?
The pope.
12. Why did patrons support artists?
Their support brought them a lot of fame.
13. How did Machiavelli think a prince should rule his people?
He believed a wise leader cannot and should not keep his word when keeping it is not to his
14. How did artists in northern Europe embody features of Renaissance art?
They realistically portrayed the tiniest details in works of art.
15. What advice did Castiglione give to Renaissance courtiers?
They should be loyal and able to do everything well.
16. How did some Renaissance women (Isabella d’Este, Lavinia Fontana, and Sofinisba
Anguissola) challenge what was expected of women during the Renaissance time period?
These women were rulers, patrons of the arts, and artists which went against what society
expected of them; society expected them to marry and have sons.
17. During the Renaissance, how could you tell someone was wealthy by looking at their
Wealthy persons would be wearing fur and silk clothing.
18. How did the city of Antwerp in northern Europe impact artists from northern Europe, like
Venice and Florence in Italy did for the artists there?
Antwerp was a busy trading city with many banks and businesses and many wealthy people
ready to buy works of art.
19. Why was The History of Don Quixote de la Mancha so popular?
It was a very funny story.
20. When Shakespeare performed his plays, how did the audience act?
Audiences were rude, noisy, and threw objects on stage.