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Ali (a.s.)
From Hijrah to Khilaafah of Abu Bakr
A.S. Hashim, MD
Sources of Reference
ibn Jarir al-Tabari,
Ibn Qutaybah,
Nasr, Seyyed Hossein. "Ali".
Encyclopaedia of the Holy Prophet and Companions
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire by Edward
Al-Shaykh Al-Mufid
Nahj Al-Balagha, Sermon 3
Holt, P.M.; Lambton, Ann K.S.; Lewis, Bernard. Cambridge History of
Watt, William Montgomery. Muhammad at Mecca. Oxford University Press.
In this Slide Show
Brothers-in-Faith: Muhammad and Ali
Ali, Extremely Active
The Marriage and the Family
At Badr: ‫غزوة بدر‬
At Ohod
Ali's Role in the Ditch Encounter
Ali in Khaybar
Khaybar: the Whereabouts
Missions for Islam
The Incident of Mubahala
Ghadeer Khum ‫غدیر خم‬
The Prophet’s Speech at Ghadeer Khum
Ali: 10 years in Medina
1. At Badr
2. At Ohod
3. The Ditch Encounter
4. Ali in Khaybar
5. The Incident of Mubaahala
6. The Prophet’s Speech at Ghadeer Khum
Brothers-in-Faith: Muhammad and Ali
Ali was 23 years old when he migrated to Medina.
At Medina Muhammad created bonds of brotherhood
Brothers-in-Faith consisted of one from Mecca with one
from Medina, his companions (Sahaaba)
Muhammad selected Ali as his brother, but both were from Mecca,
not from Medina. They were the only exception.
They were the only Meccan to a Meccan as Brothers-in-Faith
All others were one from Medina with one from Mecca as Brothersin-Faith
Muhammad’s choice of Ali to be his Brother-in-Faith was a great
honor for Ali
Ali, Extremely Active
For the ten years that Muhammad led the community in
Ali was extremely active in his service:
as his secretary and deputy,
serving in his armies,
the bearer of his banner in every battle,
leading parties of warriors on raids,
and carrying messages and orders.
As one of Muhammad's lieutenants, and later his son-inlaw,
Ali was a person of authority and high standing in the Muslim
The Marriage and the Family
In 623, Muhammad gave his daughter Fatima to
Ali in marriage.
Muhammad said to Fatima: "I have married you to the
dearest of my family to me."
This family is glorified by Muhammad frequently
and he declared them as his Ahlul Bayt in events
such as
Event of Mubaahala ‫ حدیث المباهلة‬and
Hadith of the Event of the Cloak. ‫حدیث الكساء‬
They were also glorified in the Quran in several cases
such as "the verse of purification“‫ آیة التطهیر‬.
The Progeny
Ali had four children born to Fatima,
They constituted the only living progeny of Muhammad.
Their two sons (Al-Hasan and Al-Husain) were cited by
Muhammad to be his own sons,
He honored them numerous times in his lifetime
and titled them "the leaders of the youth of the Heaven,
the hereafter.”
‫الحسن والحسین سیدا شباب أهل الجنة‬
Mode of Living
Theirs was not a plush life:
It was a simple manner of living with hardship.
Throughout their life together, Ali did not set great store of
material wealth.
To sustain their livelihood,
Ali worked as a drawer and carrier of water
and Fatima as a grinder of corn.
Often there was hardly any food in their house.
According to a famous Hadith, one day she said to Ali: "I have
ground until my hands are blistered." and Ali answered "I have
drawn water until I had pains in my chest."
The Marriage
Their marriage lasted until Fatima's death ten years later.
Ali always addressed Fatima as:
O Daughter of the Messenger of God.
Out of love, respect and honor to her
‫یا بنت رسول هللا‬
Although polygamy was permitted, Ali did not marry another woman
while Fatima was alive,
and his marriage to her possesses a special spiritual significance for all
because it is seen as the marriage between two great figures surrounding
After Fatima's death, Ali married other wives and fathered many
In Battles
With the exception of the Battle of Tabuk,
Ali took part in all battles and expeditions fought for Islam.
As well as being the standard-bearer in those battles,
Ali led parties of warriors on raids into enemy lands.
Ali first distinguished himself as a warrior in 624 at the
Battle of Badr.
He defeated the Umayya champion Walid ibn Ut’ba as well as
many other Meccan leaders and fighters.
According to Muslim traditions Ali killed between twenty and thirtyfive enemies in Badr battle, most agreeing with twenty-seven.
At Badr: ‫غزوة بدر‬
The Battle of Badr, was fought March 17, 624 AD (17 Ramadan 2 AH
in the Islamic calendar),
Badr was a key battle in the early days of Islam and
a turning point in Muhammad's struggle with his opponents among
the Quraish in Mecca.
The battle was a decisive victory
attributable to Divine intervention, or
by secular sources to the genius of Muhammad.
It is one of the few battles specifically mentioned in the Quran.
Most contemporary knowledge of the battle at Badr comes from
traditional Islamic accounts, both Hadiths and biographies of
written decades after the battle.
At Badr: ‫غزوة بدر‬
Prior to the battle, the Muslims and Meccans had fought:
several smaller skirmishes in late 623 and early 624,
the Muslim ghazawat had become more frequent.
Badr, however was the first large-scale engagement
between the two forces.
Advancing to a strong defensive position,
Muhammad's well-disciplined force broke the Meccan lines,
killing several important Quraish leaders
Including Muhammad's chief antagonist, Amr ibn Hisham (Abu
At Badr: ‫غزوة بدر‬
For the early Muslims:
the battle was the first sign that they might eventually
defeat their enemies in Mecca.
Mecca at that time was one of the richest and most
powerful cities in Arabia
The Meccans fielded an army three times larger than
that of the Muslims.
The Muslim victory also signaled to other tribes that
a new power had arisen in Arabia
and strengthened Muhammad’s position as leader of
the often fractious community in Medina.
Abu Sufyan Bypassing the Muslims
Abu Sufyan’s caravan
from Syria to Mecca
Changed Direction and
Bypassed the Muslims Route of Abu Sufyan
Quraish inflamed, decided
to annihilate the Muslims
The result was Badr
3000 Quraish fighters face
1000 Muslims,
Muslims triumph over the
Pagan Quraish
Ali at Ohod
Ali was prominent at the Battle of Ohod,
as well as many other battles
where he wielded a bifurcated sword known as Dhul- Fiqar.
He had the special role of protecting Muhammad
when most of the Muslim army fled from the battle of Ohod,
including Abu Bakr and Omar,
Ali and a few others stuck in defence of the Prophet exposing
themselves to impossible odds.
and in admiration the Prophet said:
“No valiant better than Ali and no sword better than Dhul-Fiqar.”
‫ال فتى اال علي و ال سیف اال ذو الفقار‬
Ali in Ohod
Ali's in Ohod Confrontation:
Kills nine of the enemy’s Flag
Defends the person of the
Repels four attacks to kill the
The Prophet said:
Yet for a Caliber as
that of Ali, and Yet
for a sword as that of
‫ال فتى إال علي‬
‫وال سیف إال ذوالفقار‬
Calligraphy: “No better brave other than Ali and
no better sword other than Dhul-Fiqar."
Ali's Role in the Ditch Encounter
Amr ibn Abd Wid crosses the Ditch at a weak point
Amr was the unconquered Hero of Quraish:
1. Amr, bragging, challenges the Muslims
2. Ali takes the challenge
3. Ali ducks all Amr’s attempts
4. Exhausted, Amr falls to the ground
5. Ali on top of Amr, Ali offers Amr Islam and safety
6. Furious, Amr spits in the face of Ali,
7. Ali lets him fight again, then Ali finishes him off
Quraish psychology is absolutely shattered
Muslims ecstatic, grateful to the Almighty.
Ali in Khaybar
There was confrontation between Muslims and the Jewish
tribes in their forts
Abu Bakr, 51 yr old, was given the leadership, but returned at
the end, not prevailing
Omar, 44 yr old, next day was given the leadership, but
returned at the end, not prevailing
Ali, 29 Yr old, was with swollen infected eyes
Ali, eyes cured, was given the leadership next day by the
Ali overwhelms Marhab, the Jewish Hero
Severe fight ensues, with Ali lifting a door for a shield
Overwhelmed, the main Fort surrenders right away, in defeat
7 more Jewish forts surrender in defeat one after the other.
Khaybar: Tomorrow I'll Give The
At Khaybar, the Prophet said:
Tomorrow I'll give the leadership
To a man who will succeed by
Allah's Will
He loves Allah and his
And likewise Allah and His
Messenger love him
َ‫ین هذه الرایة‬
َّ ‫عط‬
ِ ُ ‫أل‬
‫غدا ر ُجال یفتح هللا‬
،‫على یَدَیْه‬
ُّ ُ‫ی‬
ُ ‫هللا ور‬
َ ‫حب‬
‫ویُ ِحبُّه هللاُ ورسولُه‬
Khaybar: the Whereabouts
Khaybar is a good many miles
north of Medina
Khaybar was rich agricultural land,
owned and worked by the powerful
Khaybar collaborated with Benu
Nadheer and Quraish to annihilate
the Muslims
Khaybar posed a strategic danger
to the budding Islamic State
Khaybar had to be under the care
of Muslims, to pose no danger.
Ali at Khaybar
Ali was commander of the Muslim forces in the Battle of
He conquered the strongest fort, after which the other
forts were consequently conquered.
Following this battle Muhammad gave Ali the honorific name
which in Arabic means "Lion of Allah" or "Lion of God".
‫اسد هللا‬
Ali also defended Muhammad in the Battle of Hunain in
when the Muslim fighters ran scared in the dark including the close
leaving the Prophet with few defenders.
But Ali and a few others stayed to defend the Prophet,
Khaybar: Conquered Fort
Ruins of Khaybar
Missions for Islam
Muhammad designated Ali as one of the scribes
who would write down the text of the Quran,
which had been revealed to Muhammad during the
previous two decades.
As Islam began to spread throughout Arabia, Ali
helped establish the new Islamic order.
He was instructed to write down the Treaty of
Hudaibiya, the peace treaty between Muhammad and
the Quraish in 628.
Missions for Islam
Ali was so reliable and trustworthy:
that Muhammad asked him to carry Muhammad’s
and to declare his orders.
In 630, Ali recited to a large gathering of pilgrims
in Mecca:
a portion of the Quran that declared
Muhammad and the Islamic community
were no longer bound by agreements made earlier with
Arab polytheists.
Missions for Islam
During the Conquest of Mecca in 630, Muhammad asked
to make sure that the conquest would be bloodless.
He ordered Ali to break the 360 idols worshiped by the Benu Aus,
Benu Khazraj, Tayy, and those in the Ka'ba
The destruction of the idols was to purify it after its defilement by
the polytheism of the pre-Islamic era.
Ali was sent to Yemen one year later to spread the
teachings of Islam.
Ali was also charged with:
settling several disputes and
putting down the uprisings of various tribes.
The Incident of Mubahala
According to Hadith collections,
in 631 an Arabic Christian envoy from Najran (currently in
northern Yemen and partly in Saudi Arabia)
Traveled for about 1,000 miles to Medina, they
came to Muhammad to argue which of the two parties
erred in its doctrine concerning Jesus.
After likening Jesus' miraculous birth to Adam's
Muhammad called them to Mubaahala
where each party should ask God to destroy the lying
party and their families.
Revelation says:
Surah 3: Ayah 61.
‫فَ َم ْن َحآ َّج َك ِفی ِه ِمن بَ ْع ِد َما‬
‫اءك ِم َن ْال ِع ْل ِم‬
َ ‫َج‬
‫ع أ َ ْبنَاءنَا َوأ َ ْبنَاء ُك ْم‬
ُ ‫فَقُ ْل تَعَالَ ْواْ نَ ْد‬
َ ُ‫ساء ُك ْم َوأَنف‬
َ ‫ساءنَا َو ِن‬
َ ‫َو ِن‬
‫س ُك ْم‬
َ ُ‫وأَنف‬
ِ ‫ث ُ َّم نَ ْبت َ ِه ْل فَن َْجعَل لَّ ْعنَةُ ه‬
‫اّلل َعلَى‬
‫ْال َكا ِذ ِبین‬
The Incident of Mubahala
To prove to them that he is the Prophet, Muhammad
brought along:
his daughter Fatima
and his surviving grandchildren Hasan and Husain,
and Ali ibn Abi Talib and came back to the Christians.
Upon seeing them, one of the Christian delegates
immediately urged his companions to:
withdraw from Mubaahala for the sake of their lives
and the sake of the lives of their families.
Thus the Christians agreed to pay tribute (Jizia), and
withdraw from the Mubaahala
At the Mubaahala
The Two Weighty Matters
As Muhammad was returning from his last pilgrimage in 632,
he made statements about Ali that are interpreted very differently by Sunnis
and Shi'as.
He halted the caravan at Ghadeer Khum,
gathered the returning pilgrims for communal prayer
and began to address them:
O people, I am about to receive a message from my Lord and I, in
response, would bid you good-bye,
but I am leaving among you two weighty matters:
The first is the Book of Allah with the right guidance and light, and
The second are the members of my household, I remind you (of your
duties) to the members of my family.
These two are ever intertwined and won’t separate till they join me at the
Pool of Blessings in heaven.
The Two Weighty Matters
I am leaving to you two precious
By conforming to them You will
never go astray: [they are]
The book of Allah and
My family, Ahlul Bayt
The Prophet said to Ali:
(O' Ali) You will fight against
matters of Its misinterpretation (the
Quran), Just as you had fought on
the side of its disclosure."
‫ ما‬،‫تارك فیكم الثقـلین‬
‫ســكتم بهما لَن‬
َّ ‫إن ت َ َم‬
ُ ‫ ك‬:‫ضلُّوا بعدي أبدا‬
ِ ََ ‫ت‬
‫هللا و ِعتْ َرتي أه َل بیتي‬
‫س ْوف تقاتل على تأویله كما‬
‫قاتلت على تنزیله‬
Ghadeer Khum ‫غدیر خم‬
Following the Haj, the Prophet and multitude of others
were on their way home, including Abu Bakr and Omar.
Juhfa was an intersection between Mecca and Medina
Near Juhfa, at an oasis called Ghadeer Khum, the
Prophet delivered a speech
The Prophet stood on an elevation to be seen by the
massive crowd
He took Ali with him, raising up both his and Ali’s arms
He gave a long speech, the highlight was:
Ali is appointed as the Wali (in charge of the Ummah)
after the Prophet
The Prophet’s Speech at Ghadeer Khum
‫ي مواله اللهم وال من وااله وعاد من عاده‬
ٌ ‫من كنت مواله فهذا عل‬
‫وانصر من نصره واخذل من خذله وأدر الحق معه حیثما دار‬
O' people, whosoever I am his leader, So is Ali to
be his leader
O' lord, uphold him who upholds Ali, And antagonize him
who antagonizes Ali, And support him who supports Ali,
And impede him who impedes Ali, And let the truth be with
Ali wherever he goes
After the Speech in Ghadeer Khum
Omar came forward congratulating Ali
‫من ومؤمنه‬
َ ‫بخ‬
َ َ‫ أصب‬،‫لك یا علي‬
ٍّ ‫موالي ومولى ُك هل مؤ‬
ٍّ ‫خ ه‬
ٍّ ‫ب ه‬
Congratulations, congratulations, O' Ali! You have
become my leader And the leader of every
believer, man or woman.
Abu Bakr did likewise so did other Sahaaba
The multitude of others came to congratulate Ali
before heading home
Ghadeer Khum Nowadays
Ghadeer Khum
"For whoever I am his Mowla (leader), then Ali is his
The Shi'a regard these statements as:
constituting the investiture of Ali as the successor of
and as the first Imam;
By contrast, the Sunnis take them only as:
an expression of Muhammad's closeness to Ali
and of his wish that Ali to inherit his family responsibilities
upon his death.
Many Sufis also interpret the episode as:
the transfer of Muhammad's spiritual power and authority
to Ali, whom they regard as the Wali par excellence.
After Muhammad: at Saqifa
Having unified Arabia into a single polity, Muhammad's death in 632
signaled disagreement over who would succeed him as leader of the
Muslim community.
While Ali and the rest of Muhammad's close family were washing his
body for burial,
Simultaneously at a gathering attended by a small group of Muslims
at Saqifa,
Abu Bakr was nominated by Omar for the leadership of the
Others added their support and Abu Bakr was made the first Khalifa.
The choice of Abu Bakr was hotly disputed by some of Muhammad's
who held that Ali had been designated his successor by Muhammad
Ali: 10 years in Medina
Ghadeer Khum
In Sermon 103,
Ali: About attributes of the scholarly person
The learned person is he who knows his worth.
Suffice it for a man to remain ignorant if he
knows not his worth.
Certainly, the despised man with Allah is he
whom Allah has left him for his own self. Such a
person goes astray from the right path, and
proceeds without a guide.
If he is called to the plantation of this world he
is active, but if he is called to the plantation of
the next world he is passive.
As though what he is active for is enjoined
upon him whereas in whatever he is passive
was not required of him.
،ُ‫ف قَ ْد َره‬
َ ‫ْالعَا ِل ُم َم ْن‬
َ ‫ع َر‬
ِ ‫َو َكفَى ِب ْال َم‬
َ ‫رء َج ْهال أَالَّ یَ ْع ِر‬
;ُ‫قَ ْد َره‬
‫الر َجا ِل ِإلَى‬
‫َض ِ ه‬
َ ‫َو ِإ َّن ِم ْن أ َ ْبغ‬
،‫هللا لَعَ ْبدٌ َو َّكلَهُ هللاُ ِإلَى نَ ْف ِس ِه‬
‫سائِ ٌر‬
َّ ‫ص ِد ال‬
ْ َ‫ع ْن ق‬
َ ‫َجائِ ٌر‬
َ ،‫سبِی ِل‬
،‫بَغَی ِْر دَ ِلیل‬
‫ث الدُّ ْنیَا‬
ِ ‫ي ِإلَى َح ْر‬
َ ‫ِإ ْن دُ ِع‬
ْ ‫ثا‬
ِ ‫ ْأو ِإلَى َح ْر‬،‫ع ِم َل‬
ِ‫ال ِخ َرة‬
!‫َك ِس َل‬
ٌ ‫اج‬
ِ ‫ع ِم َل لَهُ َو‬
َ ‫َكأ َ َّن َما‬
‫ َو َكأ َ َّن َما َونَى فِی ِه‬،‫علَ ْی ِه‬
ٌ ‫ساِق‬
!ُ‫ع ْنه‬
َ ‫ط‬
In Conclusion
Ali from Hijrah to Khilaafah of Abu Bakr
Ali, Extremely Active
The Marriage and the Family
At Badr: and at Ohod
Ali's Role in the Ditch Encounter
Ali in Khaybar
Missions for Islam
The Incident of Mubaahala
Ghadeer Khum ‫غدیر خم‬
The Prophet’s Speech at Ghadeer Khum
Finally we quote the Quran:
By the Token of Time
Verily Man is in loss,
Except those who
believe and do good
works, and exhort one
another to Truth and
exhort one another to
ِ ‫ِب ْس ِم‬
‫الر ِح ِیم‬
َّ ‫من‬
َّ ‫هللا‬
ِ ‫الر ْح‬
‫ص ِر‬
ْ َ‫َو ْالع‬
‫ان لَ ِفي ُخ ْس ٍّر‬
َ ‫س‬
َ ‫ِإ َّن اِالن‬
‫ع ِملُوا‬
َ ‫ِإال الَّ ِذ‬
َ ‫ین آ َمنُوا َو‬
ِ ‫صا ِل َحا‬
َّ ‫ال‬
َ ‫ت َوت َ َوا‬
ِ ‫ص ْوا ِب ْال َح ه‬
‫صب ِْر‬
َّ ‫ص ْوا ِبال‬
َ ‫َوت َ َوا‬
Be in God’s Care
Dr. A.S. Hashim