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Classical Greece and Alexander the Great
Early Greece
A. Main Idea
1. The earliest cultures in Greece, the ______________ and the
Mycenaeans, were trading societies, but both disappeared and
were replaced by Greek ____________________.
B. Minoans
1. Developed as early as ______ BC; Lasted nearly _______ years.
2. Writing - ______________ (not related to languages of mainland
Greece) – can’t translate so little is known about them.
3. Minoan ships sailed over ___________ Sea – colonies and trade.
4. Rapid Decline: civilization fell apart suddenly, possibly from
________________ – volcanic eruption near Crete.
5. Eventually conquered by warlike ___________________.
C. Mycenaeans
1. Small _______________, intense competition, frequent warfare,
and powerful kings - considered __________ Greeks, spoke form
of Greek language – Linear B writing.
2. Traded with ______________, copied writing and became great
3. War (________________), drought, famine – played part in end
of Mycenaean civilization.
4. By end of __________ BC, cities mostly in ruins; dark age
followed -Greek civilization almost ___________________.
D. Greek City-States
1. A new type of society emerged in Greece in the 800s BC. The
society was centered on the __________, or city-state. Each polis
developed ____________________, with its own form of
government, laws and customs.
2. Polis, center of daily life, __________; Greeks fiercely loyal to
their polis.
3. Polis built around high area, called ______________ - used as
fortification and included temples, ceremonial spaces. _______,
public marketplace, below.
4. Shops, houses, temples, gymnasium, athletes’ training grounds,
public bath, and sturdy wall for defense.
E. Political Systems of Greek City-States
1. Each major polis had a different political system that developed
over time.
2. Corinth, an ______________, ruled by a few individuals.
3. Athens, birthplace of ______________.
4. _________, one of mightiest city-states, but least typical –
military state with ______________ council.
F. Athenian Government
1. Most governing done by ________________ - some elected
officials had special roles.
2. Among elected officials, ________________ who led city in war
- another elected official, the _____________.
3. The archon acted as head of both assembly, Council of _______.
4. Archons elected for term of ______ year, but could be re-elected
many times - public servant, could be _________________ from
office, punished if ____________ to serve people well.
G. Sparta
1. ______________: Slaves given to Spartan citizens to work on
farms so citizens did not have to perform manual labor – train for
2. Emphasis on war not due to fondness for fighting - way to keep
_________ in society - helots outnumbered Spartans ___ to ___.
3. Examination of ____________; boys: ______________ school at
age 7; At 20 boys became ________________, foot soldiers;
remained in army ______ years before becoming citizens.
4. Women trained in gymnastics for physical fitness, to bear strong
children; had right to own ________________.
5. Led by _______ kings - military commanders. Decision-making
was largely left to _______________ council of elders.
H. Gods and Heroes
1. Much of what is known about early Greece comes from studying
Greeks’ ______________, __________.
2. Myths, stories told to explain ______________ phenomena,
events of distant ________, where they came from, how they
should live, cope with uncertain world.
3. Greeks believed gods would protect them, city-states in exchange
for proper rituals, sacrifices – the 12 most important lived on
Mount ______________.
4. Greeks also told myths about ___________, used to teach Greeks
where they came from, what kind of people they should be, etc.
5. Sacred locations: Delphi and ______________.
The Classical Age
A. Main Idea
1. The Classical Age of ancient Greece was marked by great
achievements, including the development of ______________,
and by ferocious wars.
B. Athenian Democracy
1. The prosperity of Athens was due in large part to its stable and
effective government - world’s first ______________________,
a form of government run by the __________.
2. Not always democratic city – kings, then aristocrats. Politician
Draco attempted to reform laws, but still harsh. Harshness of
laws ______________ dispute between ______________.
C. Cleisthenes
1. Took over Athens in 508 BC - ______________ set stage for
Athenian democracy
2. Broke up power of ________ families; divided Athens into 10
tribes for elections (based on population) for the Council. Each
tribe ________________ one general to lead Athenian army
D. The Nature of Athenian Democracy
1. As democracy, Athens ruled by the people, but not all people
able to take part in government - ______ of total population.
2. Only free ______ Athenians over age 20 who had completed
military training allowed to ______.
3. Those allowed to take part in government expected to: vote,
serve in office, juries, and the military.
4. Athenian democracy consisted of three main bodies —
______________, ____________________, and ____________.
Women, immigrants, children, slaves had no role in government.
5. Those allowed to take part in government expected to: ________
in all elections, serve in office if elected, serve on juries, serve in
_______________ during war.
E. Height of Democracy
1. Athenian democracy consisted of three main bodies: _________,
_________________________, ______________.
2. _________________: Included everyone eligible to serve in
government; all present voted on laws, all important decisions;
called _____________ democracy. Most governing done here.
3. Council of 500: created by Cleisthenes; wrote _________ to be
voted on by full assembly.
4. Courts: Members could number up to ________; chosen from the
assembly; heard trials, sentenced criminals.
The Persian Wars
A. Causes of Conflict
1. In the early _______ BC, the Greek city-states came into conflict
with the vast ____________ Empire, a larger, stronger opponent.
2. Roots of Persian Wars lay in region of ____________, in what is
now Turkey - Ionian city-states founded as __________ colonies,
fell under Persian rule, ________ BC.
3. Ionian Greeks unhappy with Persian rule - wanted independence
- _______________, 499 BC.
4. Ionian Greeks asked fellow Greeks for help - ____________ sent
aid, ships - Persians put down revolt - revolt made Persian
emperor _____________ angry enough to seek revenge planned to punish Ionians’ allies, especially Athens, by attacking
Greek mainland.
B. First and Second Persian Invasions
1. ______ BC, Persians set out to fulfill Darius’s plans for revenge.
2. Fleet carrying tens of __________________ of Persian troops set
out for Greece - came ashore near town of _________________,
not far from Athens.
3. The Athenians were warned in advance and eventually defeated
the Persians – Marathon and _________.
4. Greek victory at Marathon ____________ both Greeks, Persians.
5. Persians humiliated, furious - Darius planned _______________
invasion, but died before invasion launched.
6. Son _______________ vowed revenge, continued to plan attack
on Greece. 480 BC, _______ years after first invasion, Xerxes
set out for Greece.
7. Xerxes eventually __________________ due to the efforts of the
__________________ at _________________________ and his
navy was defeated by Athenian war ships.
The Golden Age of Athens
A. The Golden Age of Athens
1. As leaders in the Persian Wars, ______________ and _________
became the two most powerful, influential city-states in Greece.
After the wars, Athens entered a golden age as the ___________
of Greek culture and politics.
2. After Persian Wars city-states banded together to defend each
other, punish Persia - largest, richest member was ___________.
3. ____________________________: Alliance’s treasury kept on
islands of Delos; Athens controlled ships, money; League grew
in members, power.
4. Some members resented Athenian _____________________ –
upset that substantial amount of money for rebuilding Athens
came from shared treasury of the League.
5. Members who tried to quit _________________ by league fleet,
forced back into alliance - League became Athenian _________.
B. The Age of Pericles
1. Much of the rebuilding of Athens was due to one man - _______,
a skilled politician and gifted public speaker
2. 460s, elected one of Athens’ __________, became Athens’ most
influential politician
3. Great champion of democracy: introduced _____________ for
those who served in public offices, on juries; encouraged
Athenians to introduce ________________ elsewhere
4. __________ of the arts: commissioned building Parthenon, other
monuments - hired artists, sculptors to decorate them
5. Wanted Athens to be most _____________ city in Greece
6. Believed it had best government, noblest people, monuments to
prove _____________.
C. The Peloponnesian War
1. As the leader of the Delian League, Athens was the richest,
mightiest __________ in Greece. Being rich and mighty brought
many powerful rivals, the greatest of which was _____________,
which wanted to end its dominance.
2. ___________ head of ___________________________ League,
allied city-states - formed 500s BC, to provide protection,
security for members.
3. ______________ built between Delian, Peloponnesian Leaguesmutual fear led to war between Athens, Sparta.
4. Athens feared ______________ might of another league - Sparta
feared loss of ______________.
5. 431 BC, the two declared war - lasted many years.
D. The Course of the War
1. Initially neither side gained much advantage - Sparta, allies
dominated __________; Athens, allies dominated _________.
2. Athenians avoided land battles; neither side won more than
____________ victories.
3. 430, 429 BC, ________________ struck Athens, changed course
of war. After plague, fighting heated up until _______________
in 421 BC.
4. 415 BC, war broke out again; _____________ took to sea as well
as land, destroyed Athenian fleet; Athens surrendered 404 BC.
5. Peloponnesian War almost destroyed ________________; Sparta
also exhausted by war.
E. Cycle of Warfare
1. After victory, Sparta’s army tried to act as Greece’s __________
2. Sparta’s wealth, resources badly strained, power worn down Spartans could not keep control of Greece.
3. City-state of _____________ defeated Sparta, could not maintain
control either - struggle for power led to long cycle of ________
that left all Greece vulnerable to attack.
4. 340s BC, _____________________, Greek-speaking kingdom to
north, swept in, took control of all Greece.
Greek Achievements
A. Main Idea
1. The ancient Greeks made great achievements in _____________,
______________, art, and architecture that influenced the
development of later cultures and ideas.
B. Greek Philosophy
1. Despite condemnation of Socrates, the people of ancient Greece
were great believers in __________________ - philosophia,
meaning “the love of ______________.”
2. Earliest philosophy traced to 500s BC; reached height in ______
during 400s, 300s BC.
3. Socrates: first First great Athenian philosopher ______________
of questioning; interested in __________ concepts of human life
- truth, justice, virtue.
4. Plato: The ______________: _________________ should be led
by philosophers, Founded the __________________ – school for
5. Aristotle: emphasis on ____________, __________;
C. Greek Literature, History, and Drama
1. ______________ Epics: Iliad and the Odyssey - tell stories of
_______________ War.
2. __________: last year of war, two heroes—Achilles and Hector
_______________: story of heroes from the war, with Odysseus
who was forced to wander the sea - became basis for the Greek
_________________ system.
3. Created ___________ poetry: lyric poems do not tell _________,
but deal with emotions, desires. _______________ (woman):
daily life, marriage, love. Pindar: poems commemorated public
events, like __________________ Games.
4. Greek authors wrote about and analyzed own past – Herodotus,
Thucydides (______________ sources), and Xenophon.
5. Greek Drama – Athenian roots; two kinds ______________ and
6. ___________________: Focused on hardships faced by Greek
heroes. ________________: many comedies were satires, plays
written to expose flaws of society.
D. Greek Architecture and Art
1. Athenians wanted their city to be most beautiful in Greece - built
magnificent temples, theatres, public buildings. ______________
massive temple to _______________ - begun, 447 BC, took 14
years to build.
2. The Greek orders: ____________, ____________, __________.
3. Particularly adept at ______________ human form; studied
people at rest, moving (lifelike, not ______________ copied by
4. __________________: few original works remain; scenes from
everyday life, or from myths, legends. Primary colors were red
and black.
Alexander the Great and His Legacy
A. Main Idea
1. Alexander the Great formed a huge empire, spread Greek culture
into __________ and many parts of _______, and paved the way
for a new civilization to develop in those areas.
B. Alexander the Great
1. ________________ rose to power and took control of Greece in
the years that followed the ____________________ War, 431404 BC .
2. Philip II (Alexander’s ________) became king of Macedonia
(359 BC), ________________ army, and conquered a weakened
Greece (except Sparta).
3. Philip II’s conquests might have continued, but he was
________________ (336 BC).
4. Title, plans for conquests fell to son, Alexander the Great
5. Alexander faced almost immediately with _________ in Greece.
6. Set out to reestablish __________ - used harsh measures to show
rebellion not tolerated
C. Empire Building
1. With Greece under control, Alexander decided to build empire;
334 BC, led army into Asia to take on _____________ - 1 year
later - ______________.
2. Moved south to Phoenicia, __________; welcomed as ________,
named new __________.
3. Destroyed Persian army near Gaugamela (Iraq); caused Emperor
___________ to flee - Alexander the ________ of Persian world.
4. Alexander not satisfied with size of Empire – moved through
________, ________ (at this point, ________ refused to go any
farther – Alex forced to turn back).
D. End of the Empire
1. Alexander’s empire ____________ world had ever seen;
however, in 323 BC, Alexander fell ill while in ____________.
He died a few days later at age ____ without naming ______.
2. ______________ fought each other for power.
3. Power struggle results in three kingdoms: ____________ became
king of Macedonia and Greece; Seleucus ruled ____________
Empire; ____________ ruled Egypt.
E. The Hellenistic World
1. By bringing together a number of diverse peoples in his empire,
Alexander helped create a new type of culture. It was no longer
purely Greek, or Hellenic, but ________________, or Greeklike.
2. Alexander made conscious effort to bring people, ________
together - appointed officials from various ____________ to help
3. Built dozens of new cities, encouraged ___________ settlers to
move into them.
3. _________________ Egypt: center for trade, culture, and _____.
F. Life in the Hellenistic World
1. Shift from Hellenic Greece to Hellenistic world brought drastic
changes to lives: how people were governed - _______________
no longer main political unit, replaced by kingdom (__________,
not democracy).
2. Hellenistic women gained rights to receive education, own ____.
G. Hellenistic Achievements
1. Blending of _____________ brought significant changes exchange of ideas from different cultures - new advances in
_______________, literature and ___________.
2. Philosophy: _______________ - students rejected pleasure,
wealth, social responsibility, and live according to nature;
_______________ - to find pleasure, develop close friendships
with people who share similar ideas; _______________ - with
emphasis on reason, self-discipline, emotional control and
personal morality.
H. Art and Literature
1. Hellenistic artists learned to convey _____________, movement
in works, especially sculpture; _____________ became much
more common as subject of art, literature.
2. ________ stories became popular form for first time; writings
focused on _____________ events in people’s everyday lives.
I. Science and Technology
1. _____________: geometry; _____________________ size of the
earth. Hellenistic scientists studied the movement of the
________; the makeup and inner workings of the __________
2. _____________________: math + physics = compound pulley,
mechanical screw.