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Following an emotional eulogy given by Julius Caesar’s second-in-command, ____________, at Caesar’s
funeral, Brutus, Cassius, and the other conspirators were run out of the city by angry rioting mob.
Meanwhile, when Caesar’s will was read, it named his 18 year old nephew ____________ as his legal heir.
Though realistically the two were rivals for power, Antony and Octavian decided to _____________ to
hunt down and defeat Caesar’s assassins.
Together, they pursued Brutus and Cassius (the last remaining conspirators) to Greece and scored
a decisive military victory at ______________________ in 42 BC
Following the battle, Brutus and Cassius __________________, leaving Octavian and
Antony as masters of the Roman world.
Octavian and Antony _____________________________ between them, with Octavian ruling the _______
and Antony taking the ________
Ruling the East from Alexandria, Egypt, it was at this time that Antony became romantically involved
with the Egyptian Queen _________________ (who also happened to be Caesar’s former lover)
But the Roman world was not big enough for both Octavian and Antony.
Their rivalry would resurface and the two would ___________ in 31 BC.
Octavian’s forces ________________ those of Antony and Cleopatra at the Battle of _________ in 31 BC.
Less than a year later, in 30 BC, both Antony and Cleopatra ___________________.
Octavian was now the undisputed master of Rome.
With his position solidified, Octavian now set out to end Rome’s century of civil war by consolidating all
power in _______________.
The Senate, filled with the supporters of Octavian, appointed him __________, ___________, and
commander in chief of the ___________ for life.
Rome’s armies would now be paid by the government, and the soldiers would swear
allegiance to ______________, rather than their generals.
Additionally, Octavian was appointed as the ‘_____________________,’ or chief priest of the
Roman religion
He was then granted the title ________________, which means ‘majestic one.’
In spite of all this, Octavian attempted to maintain the trappings of the ________________.
Nonetheless, this marks the beginning of the Roman Empire with Augustus as Rome's first official
Augustus (Octavian) ruled as emperor from ________________________.
During his reign, he made many changes and reforms to Rome and the Empire.
For example, taking power from the Senate he personally vetted and appointed all ____________,
and held them accountable by personally inspecting them.
Additionally, he replaced the publicans with paid government employees to be tax collectors.
These changes ensured that the provinces would be run smoothly and generally free of corruption.
During his 40+ years as emperor, Augustus proved to be a _______________________________________
who expanded the borders of the empire while increasing its strength and stability
He is perhaps the best and most popular of all Rome’s emperors.
However, for all of his successes, his biggest failure was that he hand-picked his own successor and never
created a process for _______________________________________.
This would be a problem, because after his death in 14 AD, the men who hold the incredibly
powerful position he created would be of very _____________ (Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, Nero)
After the death of Nero, Rome was governed by a series of emperors known as the ‘__________________’
(Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninius Pius, and Marcus Aurelius)
They were known for their skills as ______________ and their support for large building projects.
Under their leadership, the Roman Empire grew to its ________________ and experienced
its greatest ______________________.
From the time that Augustus (Octavian) came to power in 31BC until about 180AD, the Roman world
enjoyed a prolonged period of _____________________.
This 200+ year period of peace and prosperity is referred to as the _________________
Pax Romana is Latin for ‘____________________’
This time period was so stable, peaceful, and economically prosperous for the Roman world that a
number of historians view the Pax Romana to be the ________________________________,
outside of our modern age.
But one unintended long-term consequence would develop out of the Pax Romana
Because conditions were relatively peaceful for such a long period of time, Augustus and the
future emperors of this period would continuously _____________ the number of ______________
in the military.
Thus, as Rome’s territory continued to grow in size, there would not be enough troops to
As a result, _____________ by people from outside the empire would become more
and more frequent.
How did Julius Caesar’s nephew Octavian become Augustus, Rome’s first true emperor?
Who were the other ‘Julio-Claudian’ emperors who ruled after Augustus, and what was the empire like
under their rule?
Who were the so called ‘Good Emperors,’ and what characterized their reign over the empire?
What was the ‘Pax Romana?’
What is it like to live in the Roman world during this time?