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1.0 Introduction
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
Education is about the process of seeking knowledge. As seeking knowledge is compulsory in
Islam, thus Islam gives a great emphasis on education. This topic will discuss about the core of
Islamic education that is its philosophy and concept. Apart from that, this topic also will touch on
ethics in teaching and learning, types and pattern of education institution in Islamic history as well
as roles, rights and responsibilities of all parties that involve in the education process, be it
individual, family, society, scholars or government.
2.0 Learning Outcomes
By the end of lesson, the students should able to:
2.1 Grasp the concept of Islamic education
2.2 Value Islamic education in comparison to other forms of education
2.3 Discuss the teacher-student relationship
2.4 Explain the roles, rights and responsibilities of parties involved in education
2.5 Explain the impact of Islamic education on Muslim’s life
3.0 List of Topics
3.1 The Philosophy and Concept of Education
3.2 Ethics in Teaching and Learning Process
3.3 Roles, Rights and Responsibilities
3.3.1 Individual
3.3.2 Family
3.3.3 Society
3.3.4 Scholars
3.3.5 Government/Rulers
4.0 Terminologies
4.1 Tarbiyyah
A process to educate, shape, and train the human potential based on Islamic
teachings which are universal in nature and also based on Al-Quran and AlSunnah
4.2 Tauliah
A kind of official permission that allows a person to teach Islamic teachings in the
context of religious administration in Malaysia. It is issued by religious
department of each state.
5.0 Topics
5.1 The Philosophy and Concept of Education
What is education? In Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, education has been
defined as “a process of teaching, training or learning, especially in schools or colleges,
to improve knowledge and develop skills”. In the manual of Islamic Studies of OUM
(2009), it has been defined as an effort a process to teach, train, and shape an individual
in various aspects such as spiritual, physical, emotion, mental and moral.
In Islam, the word “tarbiyyah” is used to explain about education. Its root word is “rabba”
which means to grow and expand. Education is Islam is defined as a process to educate,
shape, and train the human potential based on Islamic teachings which are universal in
nature and also based on Al-Quran and Al-Sunnah (Islamic Studies, OUM, 2009). Prof.
Dr. Abdul Halim El-Muhammady (1993) defines education as “a process of educating and
training the mind, body, soul and emotion of human beings based on the revealed
sources: Al-Quran and Al-Sunnah, the experience of Salaf al-Salih and accepted
(mu’tabar) intellectuals; to produce the pious people who are capable to carry out the
responsibility as the khalifah of Allah SWT on this earth, in seeking happiness for the life
in world or the Hereafter”.
Philosophically, Islamic education should be able to produce an individual who is pious
slave to Allah SWT and khalifah of the world. Let us look at the Islamic Education
Philosophy of the Ministry of Education, Malaysia:
”Islamic Education is an on-going effort to disseminate knowledge, skill and
appreciation of Islam based on Al-Quran and Al-Sunnah to shape the attitude,
skill, personality and view of life as the servant of Allah SWT who has the
responsibility to develop himself, the society, environment and the nation towards
success in this world and eternal happiness in the Hereafter”
Thus, if the education unable to shape attitude and personality of an individual as well as
fail to produce a pious slave to Allah, the philosophy of Islamic education is not
achievable and the meaning of Islamic education is not materialized.
Based on the above definition, concept and philosophy of education, Islamic education
can be categorized into two parts (Islamic Studies, OUM, 2009):
a) Micro-Islamic Education (Fard ‘Ain)
It refers to teaching and learning of all Islamic religious knowledge which
compulsory to Muslims and must be the first priority to be given by Muslims. It
covers aqidah, fiih, tafsir, hadith, akhlaq and other branches of Islamic
knowledge. The great Muslim scholars in past had undergone this education first
at their childhood before learning the worldly knowledge.
b) Macro-Islamic Education (Fard Kifayah)
This refers to the process of seeking and disseminating the worldly knowledge
for the benefit of human beings in this world. It includes science, mathematics,
geography, history and many others.
Identify the differences and similarities between the concept of education as defined by
the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary and Prof. Dr. Halim El-Muhammady.
5.2. Ethics in Teaching and Learning Process
To ensure that the process of education is blessed (barakah) by Allah SWT, easy
and effective, Islam has outlined the ethics of students and teachers. In Islamic
education, the Arabic term “‫ ”طالب العلم‬is used for “student” which means “the one who
demands knowledge”. In this sense, it is the duty of the student to strive and struggle in
the process of learning because it is he/she who wants knowledge. It is the student who
approaches his/her teacher (mu’allim) and asks him to share his knowledge and not the
teacher who initiate the process.
In the past, there was a considerable degree of competition among the master’s
in one field of study at the madrasahs, and a sign for a scholar’s excellence was the great
number of students he was able to attract for each lecture. The students were expected
to choose their teacher based on his reputation and his knowledge, and so new students
would attend a lecture of all masters and examine him thoroughly before deciding.
Students would test a lecturer’s knowledge by openly asking questions and were
Naturally, a student has to respect his/her teacher but respect shall not mean
that a student shall not question his teacher or not agree with his opinions. The process
of learning is an active process and needs personal involvement and engagement. There
is a story about a famous scholar who was asked by the Sultan to become his son’s
private tutor but the scholar refused to go to the palace for the first lesson. Then, the
Sultan asked him: “Why do you insult the prince? You keep him waiting!”. The
scholar replied: “The first lesson I want to teach him today is to honor knowledge.
And in order for the prince to honor knowledge, he has to honor me. It is he who
desires to learn, therefore he has to come to me.”
In general, the ethics of students and teachers as below (Islamic Studies, OUM, 2009):
Ethics of Students
a) Good intention that is to seek Allah’s pleasure
b) Have a clean heart when facing a teacher
c) Pay attentions
d) Always love and respect the teacher
e) Good behavior while learning
Practise the knowledge
g) Honor knowledge by honoring the teacher
h) Always ask from Allah SWT to bless the teacher
Ethics of Teachers
a) Good intention and sincere to teach for the sake of Allah SWT
b) Love the students
c) Give good counsel
d) Sincere in teaching
e) Admonish students with wisdom
Always display noble behaviour
List down other ethics in teaching and learning process which are not mentioned above.
5.3 Roles, Rights and Responsibilities
After understanding the concept and philosophy of Islamic education above, it is clear
that all members of Muslim society have roles, rights and responsibility to ensure the
success process of education. In a Muslim society, individual Muslim, family, society,
scholars and ruler must work together in ensuring the success and effectiveness of
education. Now, let us look at the roles, rights and responsibilities.
a) Individual Muslim
Seeking knowledge is fard ‘ain for every Muslim and he has the right to get education
in his society. No one can be denied of this right. The family, society, scholars and
the ruler must provide facilities for each individual to have access to knowledge.
Once all the necessary facilities have been provided, the individual Muslim must
struggle at his best to gain knowledge for his own benefits, family, society and the
country later. Every Muslim who is called ‘student’ must not ignore the opportunity of
seeking knowledge.
b) Family
Parents are responsible to educate their children with both fard ‘ain fard kifayah
knowledge but the emphasis must be given more on the fard ‘ain. The children must
start their learning with knowing Allah SWT, followed by shari’ah and akhlaq or
simultaneously learnt. The Islamic knowledge should be accompanied by other
worldly knowledge (fard kifayah) for their daily needs in life. Parents who fail to
provide education to their children without a valid reason are sinful because they are
fulfilling their responsibilities as parents and do not care about the future of their
parents. It is the right of the children to get the fitting education in their life.
c) Society
The society in general also must play its role in education. The members of society
must put effort to provide facilities for the process of education to take pale such as
school and place for teachers to live. In Malaysia, for instance, during the
colonization era, the Muslim community had built religious school on their own
expenses to let their children learnt Islamic knowledge. After independence, the
government took over the religious schools to make it more efficient and effective.
d) Scholars
It is responsible of scholars to deliver their knowledge to the people. They should
encourage intellectual discussion among them. The discussion should be attended
by seekers of knowledge. Apart from that, the scholars are not supposed to ask for
reward or payment from the people but it is not wrong to ask for that. However,
reward should not be the main objective of scholars in delivering knowledge. The
pleasure of Allah SWT and His reward should be the goal of the scholars.
e) Ruler
The ruler is responsible to provide suitable, sufficient and edequate infrastructure and
facilities for education from the lowest to the highest level like early childhood
kindergarten, primary and secondary schools, colleges and universities, financial
support, administrators as well as teachers training centers. The ruler also must
make sure that all its citizens have access to education. Besides that, the ruler also
should encourage intellectual discourse among its citizens by not putting restriction
on scholars to deliver their knowledge as long as the scholars are not going astray
from al-Quran and al-Sunnah. Enforcing restriction on recognized and well-known
scholars such as all scholars must get “permit or tauliah” before being allowed to
deliver Islamic knowledge will cause rigidity and closed mind among the citizens. The
citizens should be given opportunity to improve and expand their knowledge without
restriction except if the knowledge sought contradicting the Islamic teachings.
In some Muslim countries, a mazhab of ahlul sunnah wal jama’ah (school of thoughts of
Islamic teachings) has been declared as the official mazhab that should be followed by its
citizen. The citizens are restricted from receiving knowledge that comes from other
mazhab scholars or scholars who do not bind themselves with one mazhab but
propagate the importance of following al-Quran, al-Sunnah and al-Ijma’. To ensure that
no elements of other mazhab spread in the country, all scholars must get “PERMIT or
TAULIAH” from religious department before being allowed to teach the people. Do you
think that the ruler of the country has fulfilled its responsibilities in education? Why?
6.0 Lesson Summary
Education is very important and becomes as a tool to produce knowledgeable society
and society that has vision. Education is Islam is not merely focusing on developing the
physical aspect but also the spiritual aspect of an individual. Education in Islam should be
able to produce an individual with good behavior besides good knowledge in certain area
of studies. The Islamic education must give priority to the seeking of religious knowledge
first before moving to the worldly knowledge. All parties in a country should play their
roles to ensure the success of education.
7.0 Self Assessment
7.1 Which of the following is true about Islamic education?
I. Improving knowledge and develop skills
II. Developing various aspects of human potential such as spiritual, physical, emotion,
mental and moral.
III. Everlasting process
IV. Stops at Phd level
A. I only
B. I and II only
C. II and III only
Answer: B
7.2 Education without a process of ta’dib may result in an individual who is ________
A. excellent in all aspects
B. skillful but not really ethical person
C. morally good and really professional
D. ethical but not successful in his work
Answer: A
7.3 In Islam, acquiring the knowledge is a part of Ibadah. It is ___________
obligatory (wajib)
permissible (mubah)
not recommended (makruh)
recommended (sunnah)
answer: A
7.4 The main source of knowledge in Islamic educational system is __________
Islamic values
Islamic sciences
Human’s intelligence
Answer: A
7.5 The real possessor of knowledge is ___________
Allah SWT
Rasulullah SAW
Answer: A
7.6 The basic requirement in achieving the objectives of Islamic education is ____
A. improvement of the life quality
B. pure intention for the pleasure of Allah
C. comprehensiveness of the training aspects
D. development of good human personality
Answer: B
Adam is a lecturer. He always rejects his students’ assignments even though the
students manage to fulfill all the requirements.
Based on the statement above, it can be concluded that Adam _________.
A teaches his students sincerely
B understands the students’ feelings
C underestimates his students’ capacity
D explains clearly to the students his expectation
Answer: C
True/False Questions
1. Islamic Education is a training that covers physical and spiritual training.
2. Education in Islam is based on al- Qur’an and Sunnah.
3. Social training is not important in Islamic educational system. ______
4. In order to actualize the aims of Islamic educational system, the first step is
we have to purify our intention of learning for the sake of Allah. _______
5. The main source of Islamic education is Allah.
6. Islamic educational system is based on the idea of belief in oneness of Allah.
7. In Islam, teaching knowledge to the others is not compulsory. ______
8. Moral values, action and responsibility are the important aspects that are
emphasized in Islamic education.