Download Atoms, compounds and elements - Mrs. Tes de Luna`s Science Class

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Mrs. De Luna
◦An atom is the smallest , tiniest , indivisible unit of
ordinary matter.
one of the basic substances that are made
of atoms of only one kind and that cannot
be separated because it is a pure
◦ a substance that is composed of two or more separate elements with different atoms
◦ Example is water – composed of the elements hydrogen and oxygen ; contains
hydrogen atoms and oxygen atoms
Puzzle activity
◦Your group is given a box of puzzle to put
◦Once done, you are to tell, which part represents
the atoms, elements, compounds and matter.
◦Work collaboratively and avoid arguments.
◦The more pieces put together, the higher grade
you get!
Dalton’s Atomic Theory
◦ The first part of his theory states that all matter is made of atoms,
which are indivisible.
◦ The second part of the theory says all atoms of a given element
are identical in mass and properties.
◦ The third part says compounds are combinations of two or more
different types of atoms.
◦ The fourth part of the theory states that a chemical reaction is a
rearrangement of atoms.