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What is the Solar System?
I Arrangement
The Sun – in the middle on the chair, 8 planets around (8 pupils)
II Presentation of the Solar System
1. Student 1 - introduction
Welcome in the Universe. The address- the galaxy, Milky Way. We are the Solar System.
There are our astronomical objects. The Sun in the centre and orbiting planets: Mars, Venus,
Earth, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune. There is the Moon orbiting the Earth.
Student 2 presents the history of Universe
The theory of Big Explosion
Most scientists think, that the universe is the result of Big Explosion, which was billions years
ago. Nowadays, it is almost widely accepted theory by cosmologists, which describes the
origin of the Universe. The idea of it comes from that the Universe expands, so it had to be
very small in the past, and its density was large. The base of this theory is the assumption that
about 15 billion years ago every present today matter was concentrated in a single
infinitesimal point of infinite high temperature. Some time it started to expand and cool very
fast. This rapid expansion today we call the Big Explosion. The scientists think, that million
years after the Big Explosion gases joined into clouds. The galaxies were created from these
clouds later, the planets were created from the clouds, gases and rocks. The Universe expands
that's why the galaxies move away more and more from each other.
2. Student 3 – The Sun
The Sun is the central star of the Solar System. 8 planets orbit the Sun, including Earth and
other celestial bodies. The Sun is the brightest object on the sky. Its surface temperature
measures 5500 oC, and inside 14 milion oC. Its surface area measures 139000 km. The Sun is
one of the two hundred billion stars of our Galaxy.
3. Student 4 – Mercury
Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun. It’s the smallest planet in the Solar System.
For Mercury, the circulation around the Sun takes about 88 days. Mercury’s rotational
period lasts 58,7 days. It last approximately 2/3 of the year. The temperature is from 179 to 430 degrees Celsius. Practically it hasn’t got the atmosphere.
4. Student 5 – Venus
Venus is the second planet from the Sun . After the Sun and the Moon, it's the brightest
astronomical object in the sky. Venus is very similar to the Earth. Venus appears first in the
sky shorty after sunset. Its surface is covered with volcanic craters and ravines. Venus orbits
the Sun in 255 ( two hundred and fifty-five) days. It has got a dense atmosphere mainly
consisted of carbon dioxide. It's almost as big planet as the Earth.
5. Student 6 – Earth
Earth is the third planet from the Sun in the Solar System. It's the only place in the Universe
where life exists. The life appeared one billion years after it formed. There is one natural
satellite- the Moon, which orbits the Earth. The human first time left the Earth in 1961.
6. Student 7 – Mars
Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun. This planet’s name comes from the name of the
Roman god of war- Mars. It’s “the Red Planet” because of large amounts of iron oxide on its
surface. Mars is internal planet with a thin atmosphere, having ourface features reminiscent
both of the impact craters of the Moon and the volcanoes, valleys, deserts and polar ice caps
of Earth. The presence of water on this planet and thus the conditions for life are most likely.
7. Student 8 – Jupiter
Hello! My name is Jupiter! I was named this way in honour of important God- the Jupiter. I
am the fifth planet from the Sun. It is known that I have got at least 66 moons and very weak
layout of rings. My broad magnetic field is fourteen as strong as the Earth's. My friends,
Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and I are members of the group called 'the gas giants'. I am the
heaviest and the largest planet of the Solar System.
8. Student 9 – Saturn
I'm Saturn. I'm the sixth planet from the Sun. I'm a gas giant. You can see my beautiful
aureole by telescope. I've got milky-white colour. My rotation around my axis is about 10
hours. My rotation around the Sun is very long: about 29 years and 167 days. I've got 2
spheres: troposphere and statosphere. I've got the most beautiful system of aureole in the
Solar System.
9. Student 10 – Uranus
Welcome! I'm Uranus. I was discovered in 1871 by Frederick William Herschel. My hot half's
temperature is 213oC, and cold is -270oC. It takes me 84 years to go around the Sun, so I have
to toil and wait. My twin brother is Neptune. I have some methane in my atmosphere, which
makes me blue-green colour. I've got 27 moons.
10. Student 11 – Neptune
Hello! I'm Neptune. I'm blue gaseous planet. My name comes from the Roman god of sea
Neptune. My twin brother is Uranus. I'm the eighth planet from the Sun. I have got thirteen
moons. In my area the temperature is minus two hundred and ten Celsius degrees. I make a
full rotation around m axis within eighteen hours. I'm as heavy as seventeen planets Earth.
11. Student 12 – Moon
Hello! I am a natural satellite, the Moon. So far I am the only celestial body on which an
astronaut has walked. Due to my low weight I have got much weaker gravity than the Earth,
and I don't have the atmosphere. I move around the planet in twenty seven days and it is equal
with my axis rotation. During the Soviet and American missions in 1969, the astronaut took a
step on me for the first time consist of three types of rocks. Among them is one with the
darkest and the most spectacular colour and it is called `the sea rock`.
12. The simulation of planets' circulation.
13. Goodbye words.