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• Each plant or animal has structures
that serve different functions in growth,
survival, and reproduction.
• Plants and animals have life cycles
that include the beginning of life,
growth and development, reproduction
and death.
• Plants are made up of different
parts. Each part has a certain job.
These parts can also help us to
identify plants.
• There are seven basic requirements
that plants need in order to grow
Plant Basic Needs
Room to grow
Carbon dioxide (air)
• Plant Structures – “parts of the plant”
– Ex. Leaves, root, stem, flower, seeds, fruit
• Leaves – help the plant make food through a
process known as photosynthesis.
• Root – help hold the plant in place and take in
water and nutrients the plant needs.
• Stem – supports or holds up the plant.
• Flower – helps the plant reproduce.
• Seeds – are made from flowers when plants
• Fruit – the edible part of a plant which contains
Plant Structures
Roots Functions
• Most roots grow in soil
or water.
• The roots hold the
plant in the ground.
• A plant uses its roots
to get water.
• The water goes
through the roots
into the plant.
• Some roots that we eat
are: carrots, beets,
turnips, radishes, and
sweet potatoes.
Stem Functions
• The stem is the part of
a plant between the
roots and the leaves.
• The stem holds up
the plant.
• The stem also carries
water and food
through the stem to
the plant.
• Some stems that we
eat are: celery,
broccoli, asparagus,
white potatoes, and
sugar cane.
Leaf Functions
• A leaf grows on the stem or
branch of a plant.
• A green plant makes food
in its leaves through a
process known as
• The leaf has tiny holes
that let water vapor and
air pass through.
• The leaves need sunlight,
air, and water to make the
food for the plant.
• Some leaves that we eat
are: lettuce, brussel
sprouts, spinach, and
Fruit and Seeds
Fruit and Seed Functions
• Seeds are made
from flowers.
• Many plants grow
from seeds.
• Fruits hold seeds.
• Some fruits that we
eat are: tomatoes,
oranges, pears,
watermelon, and
Plant Parts Quiz
• http://www.urbanext
Structures of a flower
• Petal – Surrounds the male and female parts and is
brightly colored to attract insects which help
pollinate the flower.
• Stamen – The male part of the flower which
produces pollen.
• Pistil – The female part of the flower which
contains the seeds.
• Ovary – The part of the pistil which holds the
flower’s seeds.
• Pollen – The yellowish powdery substance on the
stamen used to fertilize the plant.
• Seeds – Found inside the ovary.
Structures of a Flower
Flower Functions
• Flowers grow on
the stem of plants.
• Flowers make
seeds. Many
plants grow from
• Flowers make
fruits. Fruits hold
the seeds of the
Lets see what you learned…
• Draw a plant. Label its structures.
• Explain the function of each structure. Don’t
forget to tell how the function contributes to
the growth, survival, or reproduction of the
• Draw a flower. Label its structures.
• Explain the function of each structure. Don’t
forget to tell how the function contributes to
the growth, survival, or reproduction of the
What Am I ?
Using the vocabulary worksheet, help
your partner learn the names of plant
parts by giving clues. For example, “I
take in water and minerals from the
soil. What am I ?”
Give your partner one clue for each
vocabulary word. Once you have
completed the list with your partner,
Draw and label the following parts of a plant.