Download 4/5, 4/7 biology worksheet Definitions: ∆G, Activation energy

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4/5, 4/7 biology worksheet
Definitions: ∆G, Activation energy, enzyme (how they speed up the reaction), co enzyme, co-factors, transition state,
allosteric regulation(activation, inhibition), competitive inhibition, ATP, ∆G for making ATP or breaking down ATP into
ADP+P, resonance structure, coupled reaction, cellular respiration, reduction reaction, oxidation reaction, NAD+(NADH),
stability comparing with energy level.
1. Which of the following statements is true?
a. Exergonic reaction means activation energy is bigger than ∆G
b. Exergonic reaction means starting material has lower energy than the products
c. Exergonic reaction states that the molecule has less energy after the reaction
d. Exergonic reactions means it needs enzyme to proceed.
2. You went to walma*t and you saw an old lady buying whole bunch of vitamins and Zn, Mg supplements. And
you ask her “Hi, I was wondering if you know why you need to take those” and she answered,
a. Because these are co-enzyme and cofactors that your body need.
b. Because all of my friends take these
c. Because this is what helps you from getting old
d. Because it increases my activation energy and I get more energy.
3. Which of the following choices is not true about enzymes?
a. They are mostly composed of protein
b. Higher turn over rate means lower affinity
c. Turn over rate : enzyme = -Kd value : receptor (similar relationship)
d. Enzymes decrease the activation energy by increasing the effective concentration of substrate, proper
orientation of substrate, create proper microenvironment for a reaction and move the substrate to
transition state.
4. Matching
a. Allosteric activation
i) when the product binds to allosteric site to stop the reaction
b. Allosteric inhibition
ii) example of this is G-protein
c. Allosteric site
iii) other substrate binds to active site so the reaction can’t happen.
d. Competitive inhibition
iv) G-protein binds to this then the enzyme is now active
e. Negative feedback
v) when something is bound to its allosteric site, the enzyme is inactive
5. What is the ultimate goal of metabolism?
a. To get thinner, and get in a better shape
b. To break down ATP to cAMP
c. To make more G-protein
d. To make more ATP
6. Why does ATP contain high energy? (why is it so unstable?)
a. Because of it is made up of nucleotide.
b. Because oxygen is negatively charged and it repel each other
c. Resonance stabilization
d. Only b and c
e. All of the above
7. Let’s suppose that making flower out of red paper and glue requires ∆G=45kCal/mole(I know. I’m just assuming
and making this up)(please assume this is a biology-related experiment). How many ATPs would you need for
this reaction to happen?
a. 3 ATPs
b. 7 ATPs
c. 100 ATPs
d. You wouldn’t need any ATPs because it’s not really biology-related experiment.
The reason why I said it requires energy to make flower from red paper and glue is because it is an example of
a. Catabolic reaction
b. Anabolic reaction
c. Exergonic reaction
d. None of these. Because it’s not really biology-related experiment.
Let’s suppose that when you make red paper and glue out of this same flower, how many ATPs can you make?
a. 3 ATPs
b. 7 ATPs
c. It would require ATP because you are tearing the flower apart.
d. 10 ATPs
When you have an atom that are more electronegative, would this atom more likely be reduced or
oxidized?(circle one) When you say some molecule is reduced it means it (loses, gains) electron and therefore
it’s charge goes (up, down). As a result this molecule is going to (gain, lose) Hydrogen molecule.
Cellular respiration’s ∆G is -686 kcal/mole therefore it can make 32-34 ATPs. Why do we don’t want the cellular
respiration reaction happen at once? Briefly explain. (2 reasons)
12. List the following molecules from highest energy to low energy. How could you tell?
Acetic acid
stearic acid