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From populations to communities Chapter 9 - new book a fundamental question... what determines a species’ abundance and distribution role of conditions and resources migration intra- and interspecific competition predation and parasitism combination of those effects... ==> need to view the population in the context of the whole community why? each exists within a whole web of interactions each responds differently to abiotic conditions • Community matrix illustrating how each species may interact with several others in competitive interactions • Plant species: 1, 2, 3 • Grazes: 4, 5 • Predators: 6, 7 • Predator-prey interactions: 6 and 4; 5 and 2 Multiple determinants of the dynamics of populations Questions • • • Why are some species rare and others common? Why does a species occur at low population densities in some places and at high densities in other places? What factors cause fluctuations in a species’ abundance? Methodology: need to know… • • • physiochemical conditions, level of resources available, organism’s life cycle, and influence of competitors, predators, parasites, etc AND how all these factors influence abundance through birth, death, dispersal and migration Numbers… data • • • What numbers cannot tell us Some estimate of the numbers of individuals in a population But A record of numbers alone can hide vital information • • • 3 human populations – with identical number of individuals One could be doomed to extinction…one could grow steadily.. What information is needed? Need to estimate the number of individuals + different age, sex, and size • • • Many populations are stable – but stability does not mean nothing changes (a) population dynamics of annual sand-dune plant during an 8 year study; (b) irregular irruptions in abundance of house mice in agricultural habitat in Australia. Abundance index = # caught per 100 trapnights. What to Emphasize? Constancy… fluctuations • • We look for stabilizing forces within populations to explain why the populations do not exhibit unfettered increase or a decline to extinction • Example: density-dependent forces • We look for external factors, weather or disturbance, to explain the changes Can the two sides be brought together to form a consensus? Is abundance determined or regulated? Determined • • The precise abundance of individuals will be determined by the combined effects of all the factors and all the processes that affect a population – whether dependent or independent of density Thus – must look at the determination of abundance to understand how it is that a particular population shows a particular abundance at a particular time and not at another time Regulated • • Regulation is the tendency of a population to decrease in size when it is above a particular level but to increase in size when it is below that level Can occur only as a result of one or more density-dependent processes that act on rates of birth and/or death and/or movement (a) Population regulation with: (i) density-independent birth and density-dependent death; (ii) densitydependent birth and density-independent death; and (iii) density-independent birth and death; (b) population regulation with density-dependent birth and density-independent death. Death rates determined by physical conditions with differ in three sites. • • • • Some populations in nature are almost always recovering from the last disaster (a) Others are usually limited by an abundant resource (b) Or by scarce resource © Or by sudden episodes of colonization (d) Key factor analysis • • • Calculate k-values for each phase of the life cycle Identified key phases (not factors) in the life of a study organism k-values measure the amount of mortality: the higher the k-value, the greater the mortality • k = killing power For a key factor analysis: need a life table Static life table Records numbers of survivors of different ages – different numbers of individuals in different age classes Great care is required: can only be treated and interpreted the same way if patterns of birth and survival in the population have remained much the same since the birth of the oldest individuals (which happens rarely) Learn: age structure Cohort life table Records survivorship over time Used more for annuals since nonoverlapping generations List: age classes (or stages of organism’s life); number of individuals surviving; proportion of original cohort surviving to start of age class; fecundity schedules (number of seeds); fecundity (mean number of youngest age class produced per surviving individual of each class; sum of proportion and fecundity Important questions • • • How much of the total ‘mortality’ tends to occur in each of the phases? What is the relative importance of these phases as determinants of year-to-year fluctuations in mortality and hence of year-to-year fluctuations in abundance? • • Mortality during a key phase -- a phase important in determining population change – will vary with total mortality A phase with a k-value that varies randomly with total k will have little influence on changes in mortality, and little changes in population size Regression coefficient: relationship between phase mortality and total mortality Regression coefficient Density-dependent • • K-value should be highest (mortality greatest) when density is highest Two phases for beetle population • Summer adults (key) • Older larve • What does all this mean? Acorns, mice, ticks, deer and human disease • • • • Lyme disease caused by a bacterium carried by ticks Ticks live on mice and deer – but can bite humans # of mice, # of ticks, # of deer – related to # of acorns produced in oak forest • • Big acorn crop tick larvae 8 times higher than poor acorn crop plus 40% more ticks on each mouse Mice and tick populations fall and rise with availability of acorns How? • • Mice eat acorns Abundance of mice when larval ticks are active increases infected nymphs Thus: risk of human exposure to Lyme disease affected by mouse density in the prior year and by acorn production 2 years previously Movements… • Dispersal • • • Cannot ignore immigrants and emigrants • Patches • • Migration: can be a vital factor in determining and/or regulating abundance Very important when populations are fragmented and patchy • Habitable site or Dispersal distance Need to identify habitable sites that are not inhabited Overall size of the pop can be determined by accessibility of patchy resource as by total amount of resource Metapopulations: dispersal + patchiness • • Metapopulation: comprises a collection of subpopulations, each one of which has a realistic chance both of going extinct and of appearing again through recolonization • Less emphasis is given to the birth, death, and movement processes going on within a single subpopulation More emphasis is given to the colonization (=birth) and extinction (=death) of subpopulations within the metapopulation as a whole Temporal patterns in community composition • • Founder-controlled and dominance-controlled communities Community succession • Patch dynamics • • Community organization is the focus • Combination of patchiness and dispersal different dynamics than one homogeneous patch • Disturbances – via gaps 2 different kinds of community organization • Founder controlled • • All species are good colonists and essentially equal competitors Dominance controlled • Some species are strongly superior competitively Founder-controlled • • • • Species are approximately equivalent in their ability to invade gaps and can hold the gaps against all comers during their lifetime Probability of competitive exclusion in the community as a whole may be much reduced where gaps are appearing continually and randomly Examples… • Tropical reef fish (in general) • • • Extremely rich in species Great Barrier Reef (Australia) – numbers range from 900 to 1500 species Vacant living space is the crucial limiting factor unpredictability in space and time when a resident dies or is killed Competitive lottery • Species richness maintained at high level Breed often; produce large clutches of dispersive eggs; larvae are the lottery tickets; first to a vacant space wins Competitive Exclusion Principle What it says • • What it does not say • If two competing species coexist in a stable environment, then they do so as a result of niche differentiation – i.e. differentiation of their realized niches If there is no differentiation amongst their niches, or if it is precluded by the habitat, then one competing species will eliminate or exclude the other • Does not say: whenever we see coexisting species with different niches we can jump to the conclusion that this is the principle in operation. Each species on close inspection may have its own unique niche Need proof of interspecific competition • Remove one species. Does the other species increase its abundance or survival? Dominance-controlled • • • Some species competitively superior An initial colonizer of a patch cannot necessarily maintain its presence there Disturbances that open up gaps lead to reasonably predictable sequence of species – because different species have different strategies for exploiting resources Community succession • • Early species: good colonizers and fast growers Later species: tolerate lower resource levels and outcompete early species • community succession • Early succession species midsuccession climax stage Skip pages 302-306 Food webs • • • No predator-prey, parasite-host, or grazer-plant pair exists in isolation Each is part of a complex web of interactions with OTHER predators, parasites, food sources, and competitors within its community We want to understand these food webs • • To understand the whole, we need to have some understanding of the component parts Let’s focus on systems with at least three trophic levels (plantherbivore-predator) and consider not only direct but also indirect effects that a species may have on others on the same or other trophic levels Trophic levels Food webs • Deliberate removal of a species from a community can be a powerful tool in unraveling the workings of a food web • Removal – might lead to an increase in the abundance of a competitor • Removal – might lead to an increase in the abundance of a prey Or… …Indirect effects.. • • • Removal – might lead to a decrease in competitor Removal – might lead to a decrease in the abundance of a prey Question is: what is more powerful: direct or indirect effects? Indirect effects… • Feral cats threaten native prey (birds) with extinction on islands • What to do? • Eliminate the cats? • • What about the rats - which have also colonized the island? Removal of the cats would relieve pressure on the rats – and thus increase not decrease threat to the birds Trophic cascade • When a predator reduces the abundance of its prey and this cascades down to the trophic level below – such that the prey’s own resources increase in abudnance • One example: 2 yr experiment. Predation by birds experimentally manipulated in an intertidal community on the NW coast of the US to determine the consequences for 3 limpet species (which the birds eat) and their algal food • • • When birds are excluded -> barnacles increase in abundance at the expense of mussels, and 3 limpet species change in density Removing predation by birds increased goose barnacle abudnance + light-colored limpet (L. digitalis) decrease in mussel area (due to competition) might have led to decrease L. pelta (which eats mussels) but L. strigatella is worse competitor so L. pelta unchanged Plus plant change: algal cover decreased – because limpets eat algae and barnacles compete with algal colonization Top-down or bottom-up control of food webs? Top-down • Predators control abundance of herbivores and exert top-down control Bottom-up • Plants exert bottom-up control In a trophic cascade, top-down and bottom-up controls alternate as we move from 1 trophic level to another Top-down or bottom-up? Why is the world green? Or does the world taste bad? • • • Is the world green because topdown control predominates green plant biomass accumulates because predators keep herbivores in check • • Even if the world is green (assuming it is), it does not necessarily follow that the herbivores are failing to capitalize on this because they are limited, top down, by their predators. Many plants have evolved defenses Herbivores may be competing and their predators may be competing World is bottom-up Population and community structure and food web structure • Are there food web structures that are more stable than others? • What is stability? • • • A resilient vs a resistant community • Resilient: returns rapidly to former state • Resistant: little change A fragile vs a robust stability • Fragile: remains unchanged but alters completely in large disturbance • Robust: remains roughly the same in the face of larger disturbances Stability: in the face of disturbance • Disturbance – loss of one or more populations from a community Keystone species • • • removal of this species would lead to significant changes throughout the food web, producing a community with a very different species composition one whose impact is disproportionately large relative to its abundance Can occur at any trophic level (not just predators) • • Conventional wisdom: increased complexity = increased stability But mathematical models do not support this argument • Conclusions differ depending on whether we focus on individual populations within a community or on aggregate properties of the community (such as their biomass or productivity) Food webs… 1. Number of species they contain 2. Connectance of the web (fraction of all possible pairs of species that interact directly with one another) 3. Average interaction strength between pairs of species • • Increases in # of species, increases in connectance, and increases in average interaction – all tend to decrease the tendency of individual populations within the community to return to their former state following a disturbance (resilience) Thus – community complexity leads to population instability • • • What is found in real communities – and not in models? • • Keep in mind that: • • The only communities we can observe are those that are stable enough to exist Data on interaction strength for whole communities are unavailable – so assume contant Recent studies: • • Connectance may decrease with species number …or… May be independent of species number … or … May even increase with species number Conclusion? • Stability argument does not receive consistent support from food web analyses either Summary of this chapter • • there are multiple determinants of the dynamics of populations Dispersal, patches and metapopulation: movement can be vital factor in determining and/or regulating number • • There are temporal patterns in community composition No predator-prey, parasitehost or grazer-plant pair exists in isolation