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[Under review]
Communications Liaison Group
To act as the mechanism for agreeing the cross-organisational public relations
and marketing communications strategy for Tremough Campus development in
consultation with the two HEI partners (as indicated in the schedule of the
delegation of authority to the CEO from the Falmouth Exeter Plus Board,
paragraph 9).
For this group to be effective it requires colleagues who are working at a strategic
level within their organisations:
Falmouth, UoE and FX Plus Public Engagement Manager - lead PR for Tremough
Campus development, critical incidents and community issues
Falmouth Head of Marketing* - to cover the PR and Marketing Communications
aspect for Falmouth
* Director of Marketing & Student Affairs once in post
UoE Media Relations Manager - to cover the PR aspect for Exeter
UoE Communications and Marketing Manager - to cover the Marketing
Communications aspect for Exeter
FXU representative
Secretary: not required - self-servicing
To meet termly