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Assignment 03.02 The Aztecs
[write your name here]
What Do I Have To Do?
Task: You will create a storybook about the origin, growth, and fall of the ancient Aztec
culture. The storybook will have five sections and should be written like you are
TELLING A STORY from start to finish. It is up to you to decide what five aspects of
Aztec history you will present in your story. However, it is important you remember to
tell about the origin, growth, and fall of the Aztecs. Each section of the story must also
have an image that goes along with it.
Audience: Imagine that you are making this book to read to a group of fourth graders
and the goal of the book is to teach them about the rise and the fall of the Aztecs.
• Your storybook must have five sections. Each section should explain a unique part
of the Aztec story.
• Your storybook must specifically tell about their origins, how the civilization
expanded, and what factors led to their collapse.
• On each page should be the text of the story along with an image that goes along
with the story.
Page 1 [give the name of the 1st aspect you will talk about here –
requires aspects are origins, growth, and fall]
[explain the “aspect”, that is
something about their culture,
• [Insert picture here]
Page 2 [give the name of the 2nd aspect you will talk about here
– requires aspects are origins, growth, and fall]
[explain the “aspect”, that is
something about their culture,
• [Insert picture here]
Page 3 [give the name of the 3rd aspect you will talk about here –
requires aspects are origins, growth, and fall]
[explain the “aspect”, that is
something about their culture,
• [Insert picture here]
Page 4 [give the name of the 4th aspect you will talk about here –
requires aspects are origins, growth, and fall]
[explain the “aspect”, that is
something about their culture,
• [Insert picture here]
Page 5 [give the name of the 5th aspect you will talk about here –
requires aspects are origins, growth, and fall]
[explain the “aspect”, that is
something about their culture,
• [Insert picture here]
Grading Rubric