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Running Head: Cardiovascular Alterations
Discussion 1: Cardiovascular Alterations
Cardiovascular Alterations
Cardiovascular Alterations causes a poor quality of life to the patient beyond implicating the
family to economic burden on the health care system. It is caused by the heart murmurs or the
sound generated by irregular turbulent blood flow in the heart causing alteration in normal heart
functions. Heart murmur may be systolic diastolic, or continuous. Systolic murmurs are common
to children where it starts at the beginning of S1 and S2. If the blood flows across aortic valve
and pulmonary valve, it may be distorted by several factors. You need to have a focus on
coronary heart and heart failure for you to explain the clinical indicators of acute coronary
disorder. Cardiovascular alterations in persistent pressure model are arbitrated by elevated
sympathetic tone to the heart. This means that a sportsperson is prone to these conditions during
acute activity where athletes collapse during a sporting event. During examination, the child had
a grade II/VI systolic murmur heard loudest at the apex of the heart which means that turbulent
blood flow in the heart and blood vessels is faint but easily audible(Huether & McCance, 2014).
As a nurse I understand that many heart murmurs are not harmful and require no treatment
however, there are exceptions where the heart can be damaged or be overworked. The child has
no medical history linking him to valve problems. Medical examination was conducted at low
energy level. The child collapsed due to mitral or aortic stenosis where the valves on the left side
narrowed obligating the heart to work extra hard to pump blood to the rest of the body. The heart
wearied out causing a heart failure.
As a doctor, never ignore or assume the condition of a person even though they admit failing
acute symptoms. Many patients do not recognize or give false statements. In this case, I would
diagnose for the following tests to determine whether heart murmur is innocent or if it is caused
by valve disease. Electrocardiogram (ECG) will measure the electrical activity of the
heart(Huether & McCance, 2014). Chest X-rays will determine whether the heart expands due to
Cardiovascular Alterations
heart valve disorder. Echocardiography is essential to map the structure of the heart. I would
have recommended medicine to prevent blood clots and minimize irregular heart beat before
referring the child to a specialist for medication and surgery. The specialist will give diuretics to
purge excess salt in the body and improve heart pump. If a specialist finds anything abnormal, a
surgery is necessary to correct defects and contain heart valve disease.
Clinical trial data have been used to recommend a dose-dependent improvement, LV function
and has reduced mortality and hospitalizations of β-blocker users. Medical practitioners are
obligated to conduct physical examinations of all sportsperson despite their age due to rising
cases of heart failure in course of the sport(Lucita, 2015). A physician will determine whether
the sportsperson has a normal heart or suffers from cardiovascular alterations. You can miss
these alterations if you do not conduct a concise examination. You should then refer patients to
specialists for further follow up and management. Once you determine the condition of the heart,
use your knowledge to diagnose and treat the disorder at early stages. Medical history of all
sportsperson should be made available to doctors in the sporting department. The patients on the
other hands are unaware of the symptoms and/or may give wrong symptoms which complexes
the exercise and contributes to future medical risks.
Cardiovascular Alterations
Huether, S. & McCance K. (2014). Understanding Pathophysiology, (6th Ed), St. Louis, MO::
Lucita, J. (2015). Cardiovascular Nursing, (5th Ed). Mumbai: Elseiver India
Cardiovascular Alterations
Discussion 2: Anaphylactic Shock
Cardiovascular Alterations
Anaphylactic shock entails a systematic type 1 hypertension that may lead to death. It is
caused by venom induced by food, latex, drugs, and hymenoptera. There are several ways of
treating anaphylactic shock like Hi and H2 histamine, fluid therapy among others however,
treatments does not substitute for epinephrine. The treatment of anaphylactic shock varies
depending on a patient’s physiological response to the alteration. Immediate medical
intervention and emergency room visits are vital for some patients, while others can be treated
through basic outpatient care(McPhee & Hammer, 2014). A patient with medical history
associated to anaphylactic shock should be educated on management strategies. The disorder
occurs to people of all ages.
You can refer a patient for emergency care or you can treat him/her as an outpatient, it all
depends on the symptoms. Signs and symptoms of anaphylactic shock are categorized into
four parts: mucocutaneous, respiratory, cardiovascular, and gastrointestinal. If the conditions
are serious than the mucocutaneous, they are considered severe and the patient is referred to
specialists for further treatment. In this case, we are going to deal in incidences of allergies
induced by dietary change.
Gastrointestinal manifestations include nausea, vomiting,
abdominal cramps, and diarrhea. A patient diagnosed with anaphylactic shock is given a firstline treatment with epinephrine besides other adjuvant treatment. If the condition is severe,
the patient is transferred to emergency rooms.
Diagnosis is done in an acute setting of a clinic with brief medical history to speed up
treatment. The history involves previous instances of anaphylactic shock and introduction of
new intakes besides insect bites. Some conditions that mimic treatment like vasovagal events,
mastocytosis, pheochromocytoma, cardiac arrhythmias, scromboid poisoning, panic attacks,
and seizures are identified(McPhee & Hammer, 2014). . The doctor will now determine the
Cardiovascular Alterations
kind of treatment for the patient. For example, If the patient has no history of anaphylactic
shock, instant medication should be given before transferring the patient to emergency rooms.
If there is a new intake in the body, instant attention is necessary.
The patient factor affects the process of anaphylactic shock due to functional disorder in
the bowel which is not working properly. The nurse should have a good history of the patient
before sending her to the theater. She should given her a first-line treatment to save the
situation before it was too late. Irritable bowel syndrome(IBS) or spastic colon occurs to
people after change in diet or excessive consumption of certain foods. A patient diagnosed
with IBS should avoid caffeine and increase fiber intake in the diet. Stress also causes the
disorder and a patient should be subjected to stress management. There are a variety of
medicines that can be subscribed to such people.
McPhee & Hammer (2014) argue that anaphylactic Shock can be caused by
gastrointestinal with manifestations like nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, and diarrhea. It
can be prevented by a good lifestyle, good bowel habits and cancer screening. If your family
has Anaphylactic Shock history, you should be screened ten years before the age of your
deceased family member who had similar conditions. It is important to give a first-line
medication to persons affected by Anaphylactic Shock. Screening helps determine growths in
the tissues lining in the colon and rectum. Signs and symptoms determine the nature of
Cardiovascular Alterations
Jacobsen, C., & Gratton, C. (2011). A case of unrecognized prehospital anaphylactic
shock.Prehospital Emergency Care, 15(1), 61–66.
McPhee, S. & Hammer, D. (2014). Pathophysiology of disease: An introduction to
clinical medicine ( 6th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Medical.