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Organic compounds
Vital to life
Indispensable to body functions
Needed in minute amounts
Noncaloric essential nutrients
Two classes of vitamins:
Fat-soluble: A,D, E, K
◦ In general, absorbed into the lymph
◦ Travel in blood in association with protein carriers
◦ Stored in the liver or with other lipids in fatty tissues;
some can build up to toxic concentrations
Water-soluble: B vitamins, vitamin C
Absorbed directly into blood stream
Travel freely in blood stream
Most are not stored to any great extent
Excess excreted in urine
Lower risk of toxicity than fat-soluble vitamins
A, D, E, K
◦ Found in fats and oils of foods
◦ Require bile for absorption
◦ Stored in liver and fatty tissues until the body needs
Body can survive weeks of consuming foods
that lack these vitamins
◦ As long as a diet as a whole provides average
amounts that approximate recommended intakes
◦ Excess vitamins A and D from supplements can
easily reach toxic levels
Deficiency is likely when diet is consistently
Fat malabsorption diseases can cause loss in
Extraordinarily-low-fat diets
low in fat-soluble vitamins
dissolved undigested fat
Maintenance of body linings and skin
Immune defenses
Growth of bones and the body
Normal cell development
Excessive beta-carotene will not cause
vitamin A toxicity
◦ However, it can cause people to turn a bright yellow
due to deposition in subcutaneous fat
Roles of vitamin D
◦ Regulation of blood calcium and phosphorus levels
 Often at a genetic level
 When more calcium is needed vitamin D acts to raise
blood calcium levels
 Draws calcium from bone
 Promotes calcium absorption
 Promotes calcium retention by the kidneys
◦ Functions as a hormone
◦ Plays a role in the brain, heart, stomach, pancreas,
skin, reproductive organs, some cancer cells,
stimulates cell maturation
Deficiency promotes:
◦ High blood pressure, some cancers, type 1
diabetes, heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis,
multiple sclerosis
Too Little Vitamin D - A Danger to Bones
◦ Rickets
 Vitamin D deficiency disease in children
 Characterized by abnormal bone growth
 Bowed, or knock-knees, outward-bowed chest, knobs
on ribs
© 2006 Thomson-Wadsworth
Older individuals may have painful joints and
muscles due to low vitamin D levels
Osteomalacia, the adult form of rickets
◦ Characterized by an overabundance of
unmineralized bone protein
◦ Most often occurs in women with low calcium
intake and little exposure to the sun and who go
through repeated pregnancies and periods of
Too Much Vitamin D - A Danger to Soft
◦ Most potentially toxic of all vitamins
◦ Toxicity symptoms include: appetite loss, nausea,
vomiting, increased urination, increased thirst,
severe form of psychological depression due to
effects on the central nervous system
If overdoses continue: dangerously high
blood calcium level, forcing calcium to be
deposited in soft tissues
Not essential in the sense
that the body can make
all it needs with the help
of sunlight
How Can People Make a Vitamin from
◦ Most people rely on exposure to sunlight to
maintain adequate vitamin D nutrition
◦ UV exposure to a cholesterol compound in the skin
transforms it into a vitamin D precursor which is
absorbed into the blood
Skin synthesis of vitamin D poses no risk of
◦ The sun itself begins breaking down excess vitamin
D made in the skin
◦ Sunbathers are at risk of skin damage and skin
 Sunscreens with SPFs of 8 or above can reduce these
risks, but they also prevent vitamin D synthesis
In most places, during warmer months, just
being outdoors when the sun is overhead,
even in lightweight clothing, promotes
sufficient skin synthesis of vitamin D
Factors affecting sun exposure and vitamin D
◦ Skin color, air pollution, city living, clothing,
geography, indoor lifestyle, season, sunscreen, time
of day
◦ African and Mexican Americans, may border on
vitamin D insufficiency
◦ Small amounts from butter, cream, fortified
◦ Fortified milk, sunlight
◦ Only two fortified plant sources exist: margarines
and certain cereals
Consists of four tocopherol compounds
◦ Alpha, beta, gamma, delta
◦ Alpha-tocopherol is the standard for vitamin E
The Extraordinary Bodyguard
◦ Antioxidant
◦ Damage that results when free radicals formed
during normal metabolism disrupt the structure of
cellular lipids, DNA, proteins
Free radical activity may lead to cancer, heart
disease, or other diseases
Vitamin E is preferentially oxidized, thus
protecting cells
Supplements do not provide health benefits
However, supplements may improve the
immune response in healthy elderly people
Vitamin E Deficiency
◦ Wide variety of symptoms in laboratory animals,
most symptoms not reproduced in humans
◦ Vitamin E is widespread in food, making it difficult
to create a vitamin E-deficient diet
◦ Body stores large amounts in fatty tissues
◦ Cells recycle vitamin E
Infants born before the transfer of vitamin E
from the mother to the infant
◦ Potential anemia
Adults: loss of muscle coordination and
reflexes with impaired movement, vision, and
Associated with fat malabsorption diseases
◦ disease or injury to the liver, gallbladder, pancreas
Low intakes likely when extremely-low-fat
diets are consumed for years
Vitamin E is destroyed by food processing
and heating
Chronically low intake may play a role in
other diseases
◦ Low body stores of vitamin E and selenium promote
viral virulence
No toxicity from food sources
Ordinary supplemental doses over a period of
months do not seem to induce toxicity
In humans, occasional reports of breast
soreness in women, nausea, intestinal
distress, fatigue, emotional distress , and
other vague complaints
Large doses may increase the effects of
anticoagulant medications
Brain hemorrhages may occur in smokers
taking 50 milligrams/day for over 6 years
Widespread in foods
◦ Most raw oils
◦ 20% of dietary vitamin E comes from vegetable oils
◦ 20% from fruits and vegetables
 None of which qualify as a good source
◦ 15% from fortified cereals and other grain products
Smaller amounts from meat, poultry, fish,
eggs, milk products, nuts, seeds
Wheat germ is a good source
Animal fats have almost no vitamin E
◦ Synthesis of blood clotting proteins
 Does not improve clotting in those with diseases such
as hemophilia
 Interferes with function of blood thinners
◦ Synthesis of normal form of bone proteins that bind
minerals to bone
 Adequate intake may reduce risk of hip fracture
At birth newborns are given a dose of vitamin
K to hold them until vitamin K-producing
bacteria establish themselves in their
intestinal tract
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◦ Leafy green vegetables
 Cooked spinach and collard greens average 300
micrograms/3 ounces
 Lettuce, broccoli, other members of the cabbage family
average 100 micrograms/3 ounces
◦ Intestinal bacteria, canola and soybean oils,
fortified cereals
◦ 1 egg and 1 cup of milk: 25 micrograms each
◦ Unlikely in adults
 Even if they seldom eat vitamin K-rich foods
◦ At risk:
 Newborns
 Those who have taken antibiotics that kill the
beneficial, along with the harmful, bacteria in their
intestinal tract
 Low bile production
Vitamin C and the B Vitamins
◦ Cooking and washing with water leaches them out
of food
◦ Easily absorbed
◦ Excess easily excreted in urine
◦ Some can remain in lean tissues for 1+ months
◦ Never from food
◦ Can occur from the large doses concentrated in
some vitamin supplements
 Though the usual result will be to have expensive urine
The Work of Vitamin C
◦ Maintenance of connective tissues
 Formation and maintenance of collagen
 Component of bones, teeth, skin, tendons, scar tissue,
◦ Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) deficiency
◦ Hazard of long distance seagoing journeys of 200+
years ago
◦ To avoid scurvy, British sailors were given lime juice
Deficiency Symptoms
◦ Most scurvy symptoms are due to the breakdown of
 Loss of appetite, growth cessation, loose teeth,
swollen ankles and wrists, tiny red spots in the skin
where blood has leaked out of capillaries, anemia
◦ Protects substances found in foods and the body by
being oxidized itself
◦ Some oxidized vitamin C is lost and must be
replaced by the diet
◦ In the intestines, protects iron from oxidation
 Thus promoting its absorption
In the blood
◦ Protects blood from oxidation
◦ Protects and recycles Vitamin E
Supplements seem useless against heart
disease, cancer, other diseases
In test tubes, high concentrations of vitamin
C act as a prooxidant
◦ Activating oxidizing elements, such as iron and
◦ One study of men given 500 milligrams/day
showed an increase in markers of oxidation
Risk of scurvy in the U.S. is low, with the
exception of
◦ Some elderly people
 Low intakes of fruits and vegetables combined with a
poor appetite lead to low vitamin C intakes
◦ People addicted to alcohol or other drugs
◦ Infants fed cow’s milk who do not receive vitamin C
in formula, fruit juice, or other sources
 Breast milk and infant formula supply enough vitamin
Studies are yet to conclusively show that
vitamin C can prevent or reduce the severity
of colds
One group of researchers have found the
◦ Daily dosages of vitamin C, taken regularly, do not
prevent colds
The same group of researchers have also
◦ Some small benefit from vitamin C in high doses (1
gram) taken at the onset of a cold
◦ This may shorten the duration of colds by about
1.5 days and reduce the severity of symptoms by
about 40%
 The effect may be greater in children then adults
 In adults, doses near the UL (2 grams/day) may be
required to produce any effect
Both active and passive smoking introduce
oxidants that deplete vitamin C
◦ Intake recommendations are set high
 Males: 110 milligrams
 Females: 105 milligrams
◦ Vitamin C cannot protect against the damage
caused by exposure to tobacco smoke
Food Sources of Vitamin C
◦ 300 milligrams: 1 cup orange juice for breakfast, salad
for lunch, stalk of broccoli, a potato for dinner
◦ Vitamin C in fruits and vegetables are prone to
destruction by heat and oxygen
 Fresh, raw, and quickly cooked are best
 Store properly and consume promptly
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◦ Energy metabolism
◦ Nerve processes and tissue response
Deficiency: beriberi “I can’t, I can’t”
◦ Loss of sensation in the hands and feet, muscular
weakness, advancing paralysis, abnormal heart action
◦ Wet beriberi
 Characterized by edema
◦ Dry beriberi
 No edema
 Acute
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Deficiency: Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome
◦ Alcohol abuse with severe thiamin deficiency
◦ Alcohol displaces food in the diet, impairs thiamin
absorption, promotes thiamin excretion in the urine
◦ Apathy, irritability, mental confusion,
disorientation, loss of memory, jerky eye
movements, staggering gait
Treatment: thiamin injection
◦ Small amounts in many foods
◦ Pork products, leafy green vegetables, whole grain
cereals, legumes
◦ DRI:
 Men: 1.2 mg/day
 Women: 1.1 mg/day
 Higher if pregnant or lactating
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◦ Energy metabolism of all cells
◦ Likely when thiamin is deficient
◦ May go undetected because thiamin deficiency
symptoms are more severe
◦ At risk:
 Children who lack milk products and meat
 Perhaps some U.S. elderly
◦ Treatment: A diet that remedies riboflavin
deficiencies also remedies a thiamin deficiency
Milk and milk products
Leafy green vegetables
Whole-grain breads
Fortified cereals
Some meats
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◦ Energy metabolism
◦ Pellagra
At risk for pellagra:
◦ Poorly nourished people living in urban slums
 Particularly those with alcohol addiction
◦ Still common in parts of Africa and Asia
◦ Tryptophan, which is abundant in almost all
proteins, can be converted to niacin
 Thus a person eating adequate protein will not be
deficient in niacin
◦ Niacin in the diet is stated in terms of niacin
equivalents (NE)
 Accounts for conversion of tryptophan to niacin
◦ Large doses of a form of niacin may be a part of a
treatment to lower blood lipids associated with
cardiovascular disease
 Do not try this at home
◦ Large doses of niacin can injure the liver, cause peptic
ulcers, cause vision loss
Certain forms of niacin supplements in amounts
2x-3x the DRI can cause niacin flush:
◦ Dilation of the capillaries of the skin with perceptible
tingling that, if intense, can be painful
◦ DNA synthesis
◦ Metabolism of several amino acids
◦ Because immature red and white blood cells and
cells of the GI tract divide rapidly, they are most
vulnerable to a deficiency
◦ Anemia
 Related to anemia of vitamin B12 malabsorption
◦ Diminished immunity
◦ Abnormal digestive function
Deficiency may result from
Inadequate intake
Illnesses that impair folate absorption
Increased excretion
Medications that interact with folate, or otherwise
increase the body’s need
With deficiency, some evidence for increased
◦ Cardiovascular risk
◦ Colon cancer risk
◦ Cervical cancer risk
Neural tube birth defects
◦ Range from slight problems in the spinal cord to
mental retardation
◦ Severely diminished brain size
◦ Death shortly after birth
◦ Arise in the first few days or weeks of pregnancy
 Most women eat too few fruits and vegetables to
supply even 50% of the folate needed to prevent such
birth defects
All enriched grain products are fortified with
folic acid
◦ An especially absorbable synthetic form of folate
◦ Since fortification began, folate intakes have
increased and there has been an almost 25% drop
in the national incidence of neural tube defects
 It is expected that there will also be declines in some
other birth defects and miscarriages
◦ UL for synthetic folate from supplements and
enriched foods is 1,000 micrograms/day for adults
◦ Folate can mask vitamin B12 deficiency
◦ Excess folate may be antagonistic to the actions of
some anticancer drugs
◦ Leafy green vegetables
◦ Fresh, uncooked vegetables and fruits
 The heat of cooking and oxidation that occurs during
storage destroy much of the folate in foods
◦ Eggs contain folate
◦ Orange juice and legumes contain folate
 Contain factors that may interfere with folate
◦ Milk may enhance folate absorption
◦ Of all the vitamins, folate is most likely to interact
with medications
◦ Ten major groups of drugs, including antacids and
aspirin and its relatives, oral contraceptives,
anticonvulsants, smoke interfere with the body’s
use of folate
 Occasional use of these drugs is okay
 Frequent users need to pay attention to their folate
◦ Vitamin B12 is activated by folate
◦ Folate is activated by vitamin B12
◦ Maintenance of the sheaths that surround and protect
nerve fibers
◦ Damaged nerve sheaths
◦ Creeping paralysis
◦ General malfunctioning of nerves and muscles
◦ Foods of animal origin
◦ Not in foods from plants
Deficiency results in failure of folate to make
red blood cells
◦ Therefore, a vitamin B12 deficiency causes an
anemia (pernicious anemia) identical to that of
 Large, immature red blood cells
◦ Treatment: administration of folate
 However, this allows the deficiency of B12 to continue
At risk
◦ The possibility that folic acid enrichment of grains is
masking vitamin B12 deficiencies
◦ Especially among vegetarians and the elderly
 Individuals who generally depend heavily on grains and
consume little or no meat or other animal products
◦ Malabsorption problems
The uninformed, strict vegetarian (vegan) is
especially at risk
◦ May not show signs of deficiency right away because the
body stores up to six years’ worth of the vitamin
Pregnant or lactating vegetarian women may
put their infant at risk of a vitamin B12
◦ Resulting in irreversible nerve system damage
 Recognized when the infant displays nerve and
cognitive problems that can last into childhood
All strict vegetarians must be sure to use
vitamin B12-fortified products
◦ Vitamin B12-fortified soy drink, supplements
◦ Requires intrinsic factor
 A compound made by the stomach
 The stomach’s acid liberates vitamin B12 from food; intrinsic
factor then binds to the vitamin
 The complex is then absorbed from the small intestine into
the blood
In later years, many people lose the ability to
produce sufficient stomach acidity and intrinsic
◦ Leaving them with reduced ability to absorb vitamin B12
Treatment for defective absorption is B12
◦ 100+ reactions in the tissues
◦ Needed to convert one kind of amino acid into
other nonessential amino acids
◦ Aids in the conversion of tryptophan to niacin
◦ Hemoglobin synthesis
◦ Neurotransmitter synthesis
 For example, assists in the conversion of tryptophan to
Role (continued)
◦ Assists in release of stored glucose from glycogen
 Contributing to the regulation of blood glucose
◦ Immune function
◦ Steroid hormonal activity
◦ Fetal brain and nervous system development
 Deficiency during this stage causes behavioral
problems later
Psychological depression
Greasy dermatitis
Advanced cases of deficiency: convulsions
May weaken the immune system
Evidence that low intakes may be related to
increased risk of heart disease
◦ Protein-rich foods
 Meats, fish, poultry
◦ Potatoes, leafy green vegetables, some fruits
◦ Legumes and peanut butter
◦ Women who took 2+ grams/day for 2+ months in a
mistaken attempt to cure PMS symptoms
Numb feet
Lost sensation in their hands
Eventually became unable to walk or work
Recovered after they stopped taking the supplements
◦ Energy metabolism
◦ Cofactor for several enzymes in the metabolism of
carbohydrate, fat, protein
◦ Rare diseases
◦ Consumption of 24+ raw egg whites per day, which
contain a protein that binds biotin,will result in a
 Cooking eggs denatures this protein
◦ Wide spread in foods
◦ Energy metabolism
◦ Coenzyme that plays a role in the release of energy
from the energy nutrients
◦ Plays a role in 100+ steps concerned with the
synthesis of lipids, neurotransmitters, and
◦ Rare diseases
◦ Widespread in foods