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Mar 31st – last day to withdraw from course with a
`W' grade
If you don't know your current mark in this course,
email Jonathan ([email protected])
Less than ½ of total marks assigned so far in this
course; still time to make up points
Reading Quiz Marks:
Assignment Marks:
Review: Multicellular life vs. Colonies
Some confusion in assignment:
`when did multicellular life
first arrive?'
One common answer: 2.7 BYA
Stromatalite fossils?
Colonies of prokaryotes, not
multicellular organisms
Like mold on bread, yeast
Colony of independent singlecelled organism
Could take any organism and
transplant it – doesn't depend
on others
The Search: Our Solar System
History Of The Solar System
Planet formation
The Moon
Greenhouse effect
History of the Solar System
Planets, Comets, Asteroids, Meteorites
Protoplanetary disk
All but Pluto inhabit a plane --the ecliptic
From Earth's point of view
(tilted axis), Sun, Moon, planets
all trace out a single arc along
the sky
Dense, rocky planets near the
sun, large fluffy gas giants
further out
Planets are falling towards Sun
due to gravitational acceleration
Moving toward the side fast
enough that they miss
Moving too fast – escape entirely,
leave Sun
Move too slowly – fall into Sun
Same with satellites circling Earth,
or Sun orbiting in our galaxy, or...
Gravity acts between all massive
Gravitational force is equal on
both objects
If orbiting, both objects move, not
just one, since both are being
acted on by gravity
Both orbit the center of mass of
the system
Equal mass objects; center of mass
is at the center of the two objects
If one body is more massive,
then gravitational force is
Center of mass tilts towards
more massive body
Forces still equal
Equal force on lighter body
moves it more than the same
force on the heavier body
Lighter object moves larger
distance than heavier object
Force of gravity also increases
as objects get nearer
Inverse Square Law (same as
Kepler's Laws: (EMPERICAL)
Planets travel in ellipses,
with sun at one focus of
Area swept out by radius is
equal over any equal amount
of time
Square of the planet's period
(the `year' for that planet)
proportional to the distance
to the sun cubed.
P2 ~ a3
Almost all planets are in same
All planets (except Uranus)
rotate more or less in the same
plane, as does Sun
Very suggestive of the idea that
planets, Sun formed from a
disk, as we discussed before
Suggested by Laplace in 1600s.
Disk near star is depleted in
Hydrogen, Helium by
Planet Formation
As disk cools, gas/dust disk can begin
Grains form, which themselves
agglomerate to larger particles
Regions where disk is originally dense
condense faster, gravitationally attract
more material
Process of continued agglomeration can
form planets
Some processes are naturally stable
Burning in main sequence stars
Core heats up – outer layers puff
up – core cools down
Automatically stabilizes itself
Ball in a right-side-up bowl
Once there's a region of high density in a
gas cloud or disk, increase in
gravitational attraction to that region...
Ball on an up-side-down bowl
Planet Formation
Proto-planetary-core starts
sweeping out material and
planetesimals at its radius
Accrete material streams in from
just outside or inside its radius
There is a limit to this process; if
there are planets forming on either
side, eventually the gaps collide –
no more new material
This process of slowly sweeping
up and accreting material can take
millions of years
Mystery: `Hot Jupiters'
A Jupiter couldn't form at 1AU;
evaporation would prevent such a
gas giant from forming
Many of the extra-solar planets
observed are gas giants at
distances ~ 1AU
What happened?
Two possibilities:
Different formation
Planet Formation
Migration is possible
As planets form and
accrete material, they
experience a drag force
Drag takes energy from
planets motion and they
fall inwards
Planet Formation
Fast formation is also
In sufficiently massive disk,
instabilities can occur much
faster, and on larger scales
Can happen quickly enough
that perhaps giants can form
near star
Failed planet formation
between Mars and Jupiter
Remnants are thought to be
similar to the planetesimals
that existed in the rockyplanet zone
Orbit in the same plane as
the planets
`Dirty snowballs'
Similar to planetesimals of outer
solar system
Two regions: Kuiper Belt
`Asteroid Belt' past Neptune
Oort Cloud
Much much further out
(100,000 AU)
Perhaps objects kicked out of
solar system in early
Meteors, Meteorites
Meteors: `falling stars'
Caused by incoming object
burning up in Earth's atmosphere
20,000 – 150,000 mph
Sometimes remnant survives:
Easiest form of space exploration:
bits of space come to us!
Meteors have contained amino
Different kinds of meteorites
Carbonaceous Chondrite: very
nearly solar composition, minus
Most common
Most primitive?
Achondrites: likely from Mars,
Chondrites: like crusts of
terrestrial planets
Meteorite Impacts
Meteorite-House impact
Park Forest, IL, Mar 2003
Occasionally Earth, other planet
hit by meteor/asteroid/comet
Chances of two solar system
objects colliding very small, but
there are a lot of objects out there
Even more objects in early solar
system; many have been swept
up/accreted/kicked out since then
Earth's atmosphere protects
against smaller objects
Meteorite Impacts
Often does damage to far more
than just drywall
Large objects rare but if they do
collide, can be catastrophic
Effect weather on surface of
Even tear planet in two?
The Moon
What the Moon is like
How it formed
Exploration of the moon
The Moon
No atmosphere
No geological activity
No water
-> no erosion
Can provide information
about formation of solar
system that is absent from
Similar to moon
Similar size
Small, empty, simple
Very close to Sun
No atmosphere to mediate
temperature swings:
+750o F in sun
-230o F in shade
Moon's Cratering
Nothing to alter surface
Complete history of
cratering in Moon's history
From predicted cratering
rate, one expects that crust of
moon formed very quickly in
solar system history
Exploration of Moon
Closeness means best explored
extraterrestrial body
USA,USSR began sending
flyby probes, impact probes to
moon in 1959 (Luna, Ranger)
In 1960s, began sending
landers (Luna, Surveyor),
return probes (Zond)
1968, Apollo 8 – Manned
1969, Apollo 11 – Manned
Exploration of Moon
Exploration continued through
the 1970s, with probes sent
with increasingly sophisticated
science equipment, cameras
Return probes, astronauts
brought many lunar samples
back for analysis
Exploration of Moon
Earliest probes took better pictures of surface,
determined no magnetic field
Once landed on surface, could observe
Difference between deep craters and surface
Much lower than even Earth's crust in volatiles
(Hydrogen, Carbon, Nitrogen...)
Oxygen isotopes very similar to those in Earth's
Exploration of Moon
Earliest probes took better pictures of surface,
determined no magnetic field
Once landed on surface, could observe
Difference between deep craters and surface
Much lower than even Earth's crust in volatiles
(Hydrogen, Carbon, Nitrogen...)
Oxygen isotopes very similar to those in Earth's
Possible Moon Formation Scenario
Possible Moon Formation Scenario
Explains similar Oxygen abundances
Very different from meteorites
Explains fewer volatiles
If Earth's iron core had already settled,
impact would have dislodged crust material
Heat of impact would have vaporized
Moon Effect on Earth Life
Helps drive ocean life to land
Helps form tidal pools
Moon's effect on tides stronger
than Sun's
Orbital tilt:
Moon's presence helps
stabilize Earth's tilt
Both may be helpful, but neither at
moment seem crucial
What Venus is like
The Greenhouse Effect
The Runaway Greenhouse Effect
Closest to Earth
¾ as far away from Sun as
Earth is
Very similar to Earth's size,
Covered by thick, opaque
Clouds opaque to visible,
infrared light, but transparent to
radio; can use radar to map
Venus: Inverse Square Law
Venus ¾ as far away from sun,
so gets (4/3)2 ~ 1.8 times as
much light
Blackbody radiation in radio
from surface -> 850o F on
Much hotter on surface than
inverse-square law accounts for.
Heat from surface/geologic
activity? Radar, Soviet probes
say no.
Planet Temperatures
Earth is continuously
bombarded by radiation from
Why doesn't Earth get hotter
and hotter?
Planet Temperatures
Earth is continuously bombarded
by radiation from Sun
Why doesn't Earth get hotter and
As Earth warms, glows as a
Heats up more, glows more
Equilibrium is reached when
energy coming from Sun equals
energy given off by Earth
(Stable or Unstable?)
Can calculate this eq: -22oF
Planet Temperatures
Not bad, but Earth is on average
warmer than that (~60oF)
What happens?
Planet Temperatures
Not bad, but Earth is on average
warmer than that (~60oF)
What happens?
Atmosphere traps some radiation
Less heat escaping for a given
surface temperature
Pushes equilibrium higher
Planet is warmer than would be
without atmosphere
Greenhouse Effect
This happens in greenhouses, or in
cars on a hot day
Sunlight streams in through
transparent (to visible light) glass,
is absorbed by plants/car seats/etc
Hot material emits energy as a
blackbody; if outside, would cool
But glass is opaque to infrared
light (where most blackbody
radiation would be emitted)
Energy is trapped inside
Gets hot
Greenhouse Effect
Earth's Atmosphere, too,
is transparent to visible
light but largely opaque
to infrared light
CO2, water vapor are
`greenhouse gases'
which trap some IR in
Much of early CO2 in
Earth's atmosphere
locked up in oceans
Greenhouse Effect
Venus' atmosphere has a huge
amount of Carbon Dioxide
Traps an enormous amount of heat
All water completely gone; not
merely evaporated, but broken
High temperatures make other
compounds more likely than on
earth – Sulphuric acid, etc.
Runaway Greenhouse Effect
Greenhouse effect on a planet with oceans is
Planet gets warmer
Increased evaporation of oceans
More water vapor in atmosphere
(And more CO2)
Greenhouse gas!
Planet gets warmer....
Runaway Greenhouse Effect
If Earth were moved to Venus' orbit, runaway
greenhouse effect would occur
And that explains biggest difference between the
two today
Difference in surface temperature, atmosphere
Much larger effect than naïve estimate from
distance to Sun
Large effect of atmosphere
Planets as near a Sun-like star as Venus can't
have liquid water
Assignment for Next Class (Apr 2)
Very short (happy break!)
Come up with and consider three processes (at
least one of each) that are either stable or
Once something starts happening, either:
There's a compensating effect which
pushes the system back to where it was,
(stable) or
There's an effect which pushes whatever's
happening even faster (unstable)
Reading for Next Class (Apr 2)
Chapter 13, 14: Mars, and Life on Mars?
History of Mars Exploration
Search for Water
Search for Biology