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Cell process Test Review – Honors Bio
1) The camel has 70 chromosomes in its body cells. When the camel’s body cells divide by mitosis, how
many chromosomes will each daughter cell have? _____
2) The fruit fly has 8 chromosomes in its body cells. After meiosis forming egg cells, how many
chromosomes will each daughter cell have? _____
3) Goats have 15 chromosomes in their gametes (eggs and sperm). How many chromosomes in their
somatic (body) cells __________________
4) The G1, S and G2 make up which phase? ____________________
5) What is the division of cytoplasm and cell separating called at the end of mitosis? ________________
6) During cytokinesis, when the cells separate, animal cells form a ___________________
Plant cells form a __________________
7) During embryonic development, cells Decrease / Increase and become more Specialized / generalized
8) Show how the following terms relate by putting the following in order from least to greatest complexity:
Chromosome, DNA, nucleotide, gene
9) Chromosomes that are similar in shape, size and genetic information are called: _____________
10) Reproduction from one parent is called ________________________________
11) Reproduction with two parents is called _________________________________
12) Asexual reproduction in prokaryotes is called mitosis / binary fission/ budding / meiosis
13) Compare mitosis to Meiosis check proper box (both if in both)
Starts with one cell ends with 4 daughter cells
Starts with 1 cell, ends with 2 daughter cells
Occurs in body cells
Occurs in reproductive organs
Produces sperm or eggs
Daughter cells are haploid (1n)
Daughter cells are diploid (2n)
Divides twice
Creates exact duplicate of parent cell
Divides once
Daughter cells are NOT all identical
Asexual reproduction uses this process
Sexual reproduction uses this process
Normal growth of an animal uses this
The nucleus of a cell divides
14) Chromosomes are located in the cell’s ______________________________
15) Two identical chromosomes (one from each parent) are called ______________________ chromosomes
16) Each half a replicated chromosome is called a ________________________ and connected by a ______
17) A cell that contains one set (1n) of chromosomes is called diplod / haploid
18) A cell with a full set of chromosomes (2n) is called diplod / haploid
19) The diagram at right is called a __________________________
20) The sex of individual at right is _______________
21) Describe the chromosome abnormality at right
22) The individual at right suffers from ____________________
23) When sperm and egg unite forming a zygote it is called
24) During cell cycle the cell is regularly checked for mutations.
These places are called ________________
25) In what cell cycle phase is a DNA mutation most likely to occur? ____
26) Cancer is most likely to speed up which phase of the cell cycle? ____
27) In which phase is DNA duplicated? ___________________
28) What is G2 phase preparing for? ___________________________
29) During which phase is the G0 resting phase? ___________________
30) What are all the non-dividing phases of the cell cycle called _________
31) Which phase are most adult cells in most of the time? ______________
32) A cell that grows uncontrollably, invades other tissue, does not stop at checkpoints and has mutated
DNA is called a ________________ cell
33) A substance that causes cancer is called a _________________
34) Proteins that control and regulate the cell cycle are called _______________
35) When a mutated cell destroys itself what is it called? _____________________
36) A mass of cells growing is called a ___________________.
37) What is the difference between a benign and malignant tumor?