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Name:______________________________ Class: _________________ Date: _________________
Biology in the 21st Century
Chapter Test A
Answer Key
Multiple Choice
1. b
2. a
3. d
4. c
5. c
6. a
7. d
8. a
9. c
10. b
11. a
12. b
13. c
14. a
15. c
Short Answer
16. the type of soil in which each seedling is
17. independent variable: type of soil used;
dependent variable: height of plant;
constant: type of seedling used
18. qualitative
19. Answers will vary. Possible answers: In ten
days, a tomato seedling will grow taller in
potting soil than it will in either sand or
20. The experiment lets you plant the seedlings
in different types of soil and compare the
height of the plants.
21. adaptations
22. Birds with a particular shape or size of beak
must have been successful because the beak
allowed them to eat particular foods in their
environment. Those birds were more likely
to survive and reproduce and pass on the
beneficial trait.
23. Bird B; because it eats cactus
24. Bird A; because it eats insects
25. They would not compete for the same foods
because each is adapted for a different type
of food: finch A eats insects; finch C eats
seeds; and finch D eats buds, leaves, and
Copyright by McDougal Littell, a division of Houghton Mifflin Company
Biology in the 21st Century
Name:______________________________ Class: _________________ Date: _________________
Biology in the 21st Century
Chapter Test A
_____ 1. Scientists use observations
and data to form and test
a. constants.
b. hypotheses.
c. theories.
d. conclusions.
_____ 5.
Similar organisms that can
reproduce by interbreeding
belong to the same
a. ecosystem.
b. environment.
c. habitat.
d. species.
_____ 2. During an experiment,
which factors are observed
and measured?
a. dependent variables
b. independent variables
c. constants
d. hypotheses
_____ 6. All the chemical processes
used to build up or break
down materials are called an
a. metabolism.
b. homeostasis.
c. adaptations.
d. stimuli.
_____ 3. The variety of life across
the biosphere is called
a. biodiversity.
b. genomics.
c. homeostasis.
d. ecology.
_____ 7. What is the name given for
genetic changes in living
things over time?
a. adaptation
b. homeostasis
c. evolution
d. negative feedback
_____ 4. Organisms rely on both
negative feedback processes
and behavior to maintain
a. homeostasis.
b. adaptations.
c. ecosystems.
d. evolution.
Copyright by McDougal Littell, a division of Houghton Mifflin Company
Biology in the 21st Century
Name:______________________________ Class: _________________ Date: _________________
Chapter Test A, continued
Short Answer Use the diagram below to answer the following:
Soil Appearance
potting soil
damp, light
dry, coarse
wet, heavy
Plant Height at 10 Days
8.. In the experiment outlined in the table, three identical tomato seedlings are
planted in three identical pots, placed in the same location, and watered on
identical schedules. According to the table in Figure 1.3, what conditions
differ for each seedling?
9. Identify each of the following as independent variable, dependent variable, or
constant: type of soil used, type of seedling used, and height of plant.
10. Is soil appearance an example of qualitative (descriptive) or quantitative
(numerical) data?
11. Write a possible hypothesis for this experiment.
12. Describe how this experiment would let you test this hypothesis
Copyright by McDougal Littell, a division of Houghton Mifflin Company
Biology in the 21st Century