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Jesus is coming. . .soon! Are you ready?
How can we say
that France fulfills
the prophecy of
Revelation 11?
Establish Principles
1.Papal domination of political
powers from A.D. 800
2.France as the handmaiden of the
papacy from Clovis the Frank
beginning in A.D. 508
3.Union of church and state as a
papal strategy for political and
ecclesiastical world domination
Revelation 11:7–13
“On what conditions have
other nations found a place
in the prophetic record? The
answer is that it is these
conditions; namely . . .”
“. . . first , if they have
acted any prominent
part in the world’s
history . . .”
“. . . secondly, and
above all, if they have
jurisdiction over the
people of God . . .”
“. . . or in other words, has
the nation maintained such
relations with them [the people
of God] that the history of the
people of God . . .”
“. . . could not be written
without mention of the
nation with which they were
“By comparing the
prophecies and records of
the Bible with the records of
secular history . . .”
“. . . we find data from which
to deduce the rule here given
respecting the prophetic
mention of earthly
Uriah Smith,
The Marvel of Nations, p. 119 (1901)
Babylon Medo-Persia
Four Beasts of
Daniel chapter 7
Pagan Rome
168 B.C. to A.D. 538
Expansion of the Frankish Kingdom
Frankish Kingdom at the death of
Pepin I (Heristal) in A.D. 714
Charles Martel in battle at Tours
Who has all the POWER?
Who has all the POWER?
“Let every soul be subject unto the
higher powers. For there is no
power but of God: the powers that
be are ordained of God. Whosoever
therefore resisteth the power,
resisteth the ordinance of God: and
they that resist shall receive to
themselves damnation.”
Who has all the POWER?
“Submit yourselves to every
ordinance of man for the Lord's
sake: whether it be to the king, as
supreme; or unto governors, as
unto them that are sent by him for
the punishment of evildoers, and for
the praise of them that do well.”
Who has all the POWER?
“For so is the will of God, that with
well doing ye may put to silence
the ignorance of foolish men: as
free, and not using your liberty for
a cloke of maliciousness, but as
the servants of God. Honour all.
Love the brotherhood. Fear God.
Honour the king.”
Who has all the POWER?
Who has all the POWER?
“Thou art Peter, and upon this Rock I
will build My church; and the gates of
hell shall not prevail against it. And I
will give you the keys of the
kingdom: and whatsoever thou shall
bind on earth shall be bound in
heaven : and whatsoever thou shalt
loose on earth shall be loosed in
heaven.” Matthew 16:18, 19
Who has all the POWER?
“Therefore thus saith the Lord
GOD, Behold, I lay in Zion for a
foundation a stone, a tried stone, a
precious corner stone, a sure
foundation.” Isaiah 28:16
“. . .Jesus Christ Himself being
the chief corner stone.” Eph. 2:20
Who has all the POWER?
“Donation of Constantine”
“By the middle of the eighth, or, at
least of the ninth century the
Roman church had perfected in
theory a scheme which made her
the exact counterpart of the
departed despotism, the center of
the hierarchy, absolute mistress
of the Christian world. . .”
“Donation of Constantine”
“. . . The character of that scheme is
best set forth in the singular
document, most stupendous of all
medieval forgeries, which under the
name of the Donation of Constantine
commanded for seven centuries the
unquestioning belief of mankind.”
“Donation of Constantine”
“The edict proceeds to grant to the
Roman pontiff and his clergy a series
of dignities and privileges, all of
them enjoyed by the Emperor and his
senate, all of them showing the same
desire to make the pontifical a copy
of the imperial office.”
James Bryce,
The Holy Roman Empire, p. 97 (1886)
“Donation of Constantine”
“The pope shall enjoy the same
honorary rights as the emperor,
among them the right to wear an
imperial crown, a purple cloak and
tunic, and in general all imperial
insignia or signs of distinction.”
Catholic Encyclopedia
“Donation of Constantine”
“The pope shall enjoy the same
honorary rights as the emperor,
among them the right to wear an
imperial crown, a purple cloak and
tunic, and in general all imperial
insignia or signs of distinction.”
Catholic Encyclopedia
“Holy Roman Empire”
“The pope himself chanted the mass;
advanced toward Charles with a
splendid crown in his hands, placed
it upon his brow, and proclaimed him
Caesar Augustus. . . .Then the head
and body of Charlemagne were
anointed with the ‘holy oil’ by the
hands of the pope himself, and the
services were brought to a close.”
“Holy Roman Empire”
“In return for all this, Charlemagne
swore to maintain the faith, the
powers, and the privileges of the
Church; and to recognize the
spiritual dominion of the pope
throughout the limits of his empire.”
A.T. Jones
Ecclesiastical Empire, p. 246 (1901)
Woman Rides
Power spoken of
in Rev. 17:2, 3 is
formed with the
crowning of
Charlemagne as
the “holy Roman
emperor” in
A.D. 800
“. . . the ability of those in power to
inflict pain on those who threaten or
defy their authority . . . the ability to
coerce behavior by threats and to
make good on those threats when
necessary. . .”
Myth of a Christian Nation, p. 18
Julius Caesar
“Karolus imperator augustus”
Julius Caesar
“Karolus imperator augustus”
“Protector of Rome”
“From his father [Pepin the
Short], Charles [Charlemagne]
had inherited the title ‘Patricius
Romanus’ [protector of Rome]
which carried with it a special
obligation to protect the temporal
rights of the Holy See.”
Catholic Encyclopedia
“Protector of Rome”
“No Christian could hope for
salvation who was not in all
things an obedient son of the
Church, and who was not ready
to take up arms in its defense.”
Henry Charles Lea
History of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages (1888)
Expansion of the Frankish Kingdom
Louis XVI
King of France
Heir of the
dynasty begun
by Charlemagne
Supreme Power of the Pope
“Step by step the supremacy of the
Roman see had been asserted and
enforced, until it enjoyed the
universal jurisdiction which
enabled it to bend to its wishes
every prelate, under the naked
alternative of submission or
expulsion [excommunication]. . . .”
Supreme Power of the Pope
“ . . . The papal mandate, just or unjust,
reasonable or unreasonable, was to be
received and implicitly obeyed, for there
was no appeal from the representative
of St. Peter . . . for the destiny of all men
lay in the hands which could administer
or withhold the sacraments essential to
Henry Charles Lea
History of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages (1888)
Supreme Power of the Pope
Sale of Power
“The pope, as supreme judge, could
delegate to any one any portion of
his authority, which was supreme
everywhere. . . .These letters thus
afforded a carte blanche through
which injustice could be perpetrated
and malignity gratified to the fullest
extent. ”
Sale of Power
“There was little that could
not be dared or done by the
commander of such force . . .
An additional complication
which not unnaturally
followed was the fabrication
and falsification of these
letters. . . .”
Sale of Power
“ . . .To the people, however, it
mattered little whether they [the
letters] were genuine or fictitious;
the suffering was the same whether
the papal chancery had received its
fee or not.”
Henry Charles Lea
History of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages (1888)
Sale of Power
“ . . . It is the universal
complaint of the age that
benefices were openly sold, or
were bestowed through favor,
without examination into the
qualifications of the appointee,
or the slightest regard as to his
fitness [as a bishop]. . . .”
Sale of Power
“A purchased benefice was
naturally regarded as a business
investment, to be exploited to the
utmost profit, and there was little
scruple in turning to account every
device for extorting money from
Henry Charles Lea
History of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages (1888)
Sale of Power
“ . . . and the right to torture and
despoil the people was sold to the
highest bidder.”
Henry Charles Lea
History of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages (1888)
Abuses by Clergy
“Not only did the humblest
priest wield a supernatural
power which marked him as
one elevated above the
common level of humanity,
but his person and
possessions were alike
inviolable. . . .”
Abuses by Clergymen
“No matter what crimes he
might commit, secular justice
could not take cognizance of
them, and secular officials
could not arrest him. He was
amenable only to the
tribunals of his own order.”
Abuses by Clergymen
“If the faithful Christian was
thus mulcted throughout life
at every turn, the pursuit of
gain was continued to his
deathbed . . .”
Abuses by Clergymen
“If the faithful Christian was
thus mulcted throughout life
at every turn, the pursuit of
gain was continued to his
deathbed . . .”
Abuses by Clergymen
“In thus exploiting their office the
bishops only followed the
example set them by the
papacy, which, directly or
through its agents, by its
exactions, made itself the terror
of the Christian churches.”
Establish Principles
1.Papal total domination of political
powers from A.D. 800
2.France as the handmaiden of the
papacy from Clovis the Frank
beginning in A.D. 508
3.Union of church and state as a
papal strategy for political and
ecclesiastical world domination
Establish Principles
1. Papal total domination of political
powers from A.D. 800
2. France as the handmaiden of the
papacy from Clovis the Frank
beginning in A.D. 508
3. Union of church and state as a
papal strategy for political and
ecclesiastical world domination
Formula for Rebellion
“If the Church, by sundering itself
completely from the laity, had
acquired the services of a militia
devoted wholly to itself, it had
thereby created an antagonism
between itself and the people.”
Henry Charles Lea
History of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages (1888)
Formula for Rebellion
1. Increasing loss of personal
2. Upside down economy due to
excessive spending of the
government and church
3. Increasing taxation to pay for
government-incurred debt
Formula for Rebellion
4. Famine and plagues killed
millions of people
5. Inflation so great that daily food
was difficult to purchase
6. Rise of the Enlightenment
ideology of equality and
freedom for every individual
Formula for Rebellion
4. Famine and plagues killed
millions of people
5. Inflation so great that daily food
was difficult to purchase
6. Rise of the Enlightenment
ideology of equality and
freedom for every individual
"Those that fail to learn
from history, are
doomed to repeat it."
Winston Churchill