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Chapter 2 Section 1, 2, 3
10/17/2012 10:58:00 AM
1. Nile River
 Flows north from Africa to Mediterranean
 At 4,000 miles long, it’s the world’s longest river
 Begins as 2 separate rivers, the Blue Nile and the White Nile
 Used for cooking, cleaning, farming and bathing
2. Geographic Barriers
 Sahara and the Eastern deserts kept away enemies
 The Nile’s cataracts kept boats from landing
3. Flooding
 Nile’s floods were gentle and dependable
 Every spring from July to October
 Water left behind fertile mud
4. Hieroglyphics
 Language made up of pictures and symbols to represent words and
Written by scribes
Written on walls and papyrus
5. Early Rulers
 The earliest rulers were village chiefs
 Stronger villages start to conquering weaker villages and creating
 By 4,000 BC there were 2 large kingdoms, Upper and Lower Egypt
 In 3,100 BC the 2 kingdoms were united under Narmer
Ruled from the capital city of Memphis
Dynasties were passed down from father to son
6. Social Classes
 Largest group are the unskilled workers and slaves
 Next largest are the farmers and herders
 Middle Class – Merchants, artisans, shopkeepers and scribes
Upper Class – kings, priests, nobles people who worked for
The Pharaoh and his family are at the top
p.19 #7. One strength of the desert is that it keeps out enemies. A
weakness of the desert is dry and makes living there hard.
p. 20 #8 Egyptians were able to better irrigate their crops because the
floods were gentle and dependable.
p.22 #9 In a dynasty the next ruler is son of the previous ruler.
p.23 #10 One group of farmers rented their land from their ruler and had
pay the ruler part of their earnings. The other group works directly for the
Chapter 2-2
Wkbk p. 24 Egyptian Beliefs
– Egyptian kings
All powerful rulers
Believed the Pharaoh united the kingdom
Believed he was the son of Re – the sun god
Lead rituals and ceremonies
P. 25 #6 The Pharaoh was all powerful because they believed he was the
son of Re the sun god and that he united the kingdom as one.
Worshiped many deities or gods and goddesses
They believed these gods controlled natured
They believed the gods controlled human behavior
P. 26 # 7 Re was the most important Egyptian god because he controlled
the sun.
Gods and Goddesses
 Re- main god he controlled the sun
 Hapi – god that controlled the Nile River
 Isis – represented the loyal wife and mother
 Isis and her husband Osris ruled over the dead
The Book of the Dead was a collection of spells and prayers the Egyptians
thought knowing would allow you to pass into the next world
Life After Death
 Believed that life after death was better
 That Osiris would greet newcomers at the gates of the next life
 Believed the body was needed by the soul to carry it to the next
 Pharaohs and the elite’s bodies were embalmed to preserve them
Wkbk p21 #8 The Egyptians preserved the bodies of their pharaohs so they
could use it in the next life.
 Pharaohs’ tombs
 Held the supplies and bodies needed by the pharaoh in the next
 Built by thousands of people over many years
 Great Pyramid of Giza is the largest of all 80 pyramids
o Built for King Khufu
o As tall as a 48 story high building
Section 3
The Middle Kingdom – from 2050 to 1670 BC – golden age of prosperity,
achievement and stability in Egypt
Capital is moved to Thebes
Tribute – forced payments made to the pharaoh by conquered peoples
 Invade Egypt in 1670 BC
 Cross the desert in horse drawn chariots & use weapons made of
bronze and iron
 Ruled for about 150 years before being defeated by Ahmose
Wkbk p.29 #7 The Hyksos defeated the Egyptians because they were a
strong army. They used horse drawn chariots and better weapons.
The New Kingdom 1150 to 1080 BC
 Egypt becomes richer and more powerful
Ahmose – Egyptian prince that drives the Hyksos out of Egypt
 His reign began the new Kingdom
Hatshepsut –
 1st woman ruler
 1st rules with her husband and then nephew before becoming
 More interested in trade then conquering
 Used some of the trade money to build monuments
o One new thing incense – material burned for its pleasant
Wkbk 30 #8 Hatshepsut reign was different then her nephews because she
did not want to fight with others she wanted to trade with them.
 Make religious changes
 Say the only god is Aton
 Many felt that this new religion was an attack on their way of life
Lost a lot of land to the Hitties because he was to busy with religion
to rule
Wkbk 31 #9 Akhenaton’s religion was unpopular because many saw it as an
attack on their way of life.
Tutankhamen – The boy king – One of the most famous because his tomb
was found intact
Ramses II
Greatest of the New Kingdom Pharaohs
Built a number of temples
o Temples were not used for church
 Considered them to be houses of the gods and
Wkbk p. 32 #10 The Egyptians did not use their temples for religious service
because they thought they were the homes of the gods and goddesses.
Chapter 2 Notes/Workbook
P. 17
1. The Nile River
 Flows north from Africa to the Mediterranean
 Its 4,000 miles long making it the world’s longest river
 Starts as 2 separate rivers, the Blue Nile and the White Nile
 Egyptians use the Nile for bathing, drinking, cooking, cleaning and
2. Geographic Barriers
 The Eastern Desert and the Sahara Desert kept out enemies
Nile’s cataracts kept boats from getting Egypt
3. Flooding
 The Nile flooded gentle and dependable
 Happened from July to Oct each year or every spring
 Left behind dark fertile mud
4. Hieroglyphics
 Language made up of pictures and symbols to represent words and
5. Early
Written by scribes
Written on stone walls and papyrus
Early rulers were the village chiefs
Stronger villages took over weaker and created small kingdoms
In 4000 BC 2 large kingdoms the Upper and Lower were formed
United into 1 kingdom in 3100 by Narmer
Ruled from the capital city of Memphis
Dynasties – rule passed from father to son
6. Social Classes
 largest group was the unskilled workers and slaves
 next largest are the farmers and herders
 middle class were the artisans, merchants and shopkeepers
 upper class which are the priests, nobles and wealthy
Top was the pharaoh and his family
p. 19 ?# 7
A strength of the desert for the Egyptians was that it kept enemies from
being able to invade. A weakness of the desert for Egypt was that it didn’t
support life.
p. 18 ? #8
The Egyptians were able to irrigate easier then the Mesopotamians because
they could predict the floods of the Nile.
P. 22 #9 In a dynasty the next ruler is the oldest son of the previous ruler.
P. 23 #10 The first type of farmers rented land from their rulers, paying him
from their crops. The second type worked for the nobles directly.
Chapter 2-2
Wkbk p. 24 Egyptian Beliefs
– Egyptian kings
All powerful rulers
Believed Pharaohs united the kingdom as one
Believed Pharaohs were the son of the god Re
Performed all rituals and ceremonies
P. 25 #6 The Pharaoh was all powerful because they believed he was the
son of the god Re and that he kept the kingdom united.
Worshiped many deities or gods
They believed the gods controlled forces of nature
They believed the gods and goddesses controlled human behavior
P. 26 # 7 Re was the most important Egyptian god because he was the god
of the sun and the sun was needed for growing crops
Gods and Goddesses
 Main god was Re – the sun god
 Hapi he was the god of the Nile River
 Isis represented the loyal wife and mother
 Isis and her husband Osiris ruled over the dead
The Book of the Dead was a collection of spells and prayers the Egyptians
thought knowing would allow you to pass into the next world
P.24 Life After Death
 Believed that life after death was better
 That Osiris would greet newcomers at the gates of the next life
 Believed the body was needed by the soul to carry it to the next
 Pharaohs and the elite’s bodies were embalmed to preserve them
Wkbk p26 #8 The Egyptians preserved the bodies of their pharaohs so they
could use it in the next life.
 Pharaohs’ tombs
 Held the supplies and bodies needed by the pharaoh in the next
 Built by thousands of people over many years
 Great Pyramid of Giza is the largest of all 80 pyramids
o Built for King Khufu
o As tall as a 48 story high building
Section 3
The Middle Kingdom – from 2050 to 1670 BC – golden age of prosperity,
achievement and stability in Egypt
 Capital is moved to Thebes
Tribute – forced payments made to the pharaoh by conquered peoples
 Invade Egypt in 1670 BC
 Cross the desert in horse drawn chariots & use weapons made of
bronze and iron
 Ruled for about 150 years before being defeated by Ahmose
Wkbk p.29 #7 The Hyksos defeated the Egyptians because they were a
strong army. They used horse drawn chariots and better weapons then the
Ahmose – Egyptian prince that drives the Hyksos out of Egypt
 His reign began the new Kingdom
The New Kingdom 1150 to 1080 BC
 Egypt becomes richer and more powerful by conquering others
Hatshepsut –
 1st woman ruler
 1st rules with her husband and then nephew before becoming
 More interested in trade then conquering
 Used some of the trade money to build monuments
o One new thing incense – material burned for its pleasant
Wkbk 30 #8 Hatshepsut reign was different then her nephews because she
did not want to fight with others she wanted to trade with them.
 Make religious changes
 Say the only god is Aton
 Many felt that this new religion was an attack on their way of life
Lost a lot of land to the Hitties because he was to busy with religion
to rule
Wkbk 31 #9 Akhenaton’s religion was unpopular because many saw it as an
attack on their way of life.
Tutankhamen – The boy king – One of the most famous pharaohs because
his tomb was found intact
Ramses II
Greatest of the New Kingdom Pharaohs
Built a number of temples
o Temples were not used for church
 Considered them to be houses of the gods and
Wkbk p. 32 #10 The Egyptians did not use their temples for religious service
because they thought they were the homes of the gods and goddesses.
10/17/2012 10:58:00 AM