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History Post Test Study Guide Key
1. European empire building in Africa and Asia contributed to which war? WWI
2. What were 3 reasons for the establishment of European overseas colonies? To spread
Christianity, as a source of raw materials, and a market for European goods.
3. In the 1400s, who helped Portugal take an early lead in exploration by providing money
to study navigation, develop better boats, and encourage voyages along the coast of
Africa? Prince Henry
4. How did Canada achieve independence from Britain? By means of negotiations over a
period of time.
5. What were some things that were exchanged as part of the Columbian Exchange?
Crops, goods, & diseases.
6. The destruction of the Aztec and Incan civilizations occurred as a result of whose
exploration of the Americas in the 1400s and 1500s? European
7. What were withdrawal from WWI, poverty, starvation, overthrow of the Czar, civil war
and communism associated with? Russian Revolution
8. Who were the first inhabitants of Australia? People who migrated from Asia.
9. In the late 1700s the British government used the colony of Australia as what? A prison
to which criminals could be sent
10. The first Australians were nomadic hunters and gatherers. When Europeans reached
Australia, they called the dark skinned people what? Aborigines
11. Today some citizens and elected leaders of Quebec believe their province should take
what action? Become an independent country
12. In the 1800s, Miguel Hidalgo helped to inspire the people of Mexico to rise up against
which country to eventually gain independence? Spain
13. What do Toussaint L’Ouverture, Simon Bolivar, and Miguel Hildago have in common?
Leaders of independence movements in Latin America
14. How did Haiti win its independence from France? In a revolt led by the former slave,
Toussaint L’Ouverture
15. Which country had the most significant impact on the language and religion of Latin
America? Spain
16. What was an important cause of the Russian Revolution of 1917? Differences among
social and economic classes in Russia
17. How is Spain’s influence still seen in Latin America today? Most of the people speak
Spanish and are Roman Catholic
18. The African slave trade grew because European nations wanted the captured Africans
for what? To work on the plantations in their colonies
19. Today, some Canadian citizens are called “separatists” because they believe that one
Canadian province should become an independent nation. In which Canadian province
would a separatist most likely live? Quebec
20. Why were Cortes and Pizarro able to conquer the Aztecs and the Incas? European
diseases killed many Native Central Americans who might have fought the Spanish
21. Who led the Spanish soldiers who conquered the Aztec Empire in Central America in the
1500s? Hernando Cortes
22. Why are Latin America and the Caribbean a very diverse, culturally blended area?
Intermarriage of European settlers and indigenous peoples
23. Who led the Spanish soldiers who conquered the Incan civilization in the 1500s?
Francisco Pizarro
24. Who was known as “The Liberator” and led Venezuela, Columbia, Peru, Bolivia, and
Ecuador in their successful fight for independence from Spain? Simon Bolivar