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Population Ecology
Chapter 47 Notes
Name ______________________________
Block __________ Date _______________
A _______population_______________________ is a group of organisms of the same species that live in a
particular area. Students in a classroom make up a population.
A _____limiting factor__________________________ is any condition that limits the size of a population.
There are 7 limiting factors:
1. Predation:___ one organism consumes another- hunt and kill_______________________________
2. Parasitism: ____on organims lives off another organims while the host is still alive______________
3. Competition for Food ____organisms fight over food___________________________________________
4. Pollution: ___________pollutants from humans________________________________________________
5. Availability of Water: ______droughts can affect availability______________________________________
6. Disease: __bacterial, viral infections (could be considered parasites also) and cancer type diseases_________
7. Climate: _________hurricanes, tornadoes, floods_____________________________________
Limiting factors can be categorized as two types: density-dependent and density-independent.
______density-dependent__________________________________ limiting factors limit a population only
when the population reaches a certain density. Examples are: predation, parasitism, compete for food, water &
________density-independent________________________________ limiting factors affect a population in the
same way regardless of density. Examples are: climate & pollution
An exponential growth curve is shown to the right. Bacteria
exhibit exponential growth- they double with each division
and have rapid growth.
Label where the individuals start to multiply RAPIDLY.
# of bacteria
________exponential growth___________________________________ occurs when the rate of growth in
each new generation is a multiple of the previous generation.
A population’s size changes over time. This change is known as a _____growth
rate___________________________. Growth rate depends on births, deaths, immigrations (organisms enter a
population) and emigrations (organisms leave a population).
The ________carrying capacity_________________________________ is the number of organisms that can be
supported by the environmental resources in an ecosystem.
A carrying capacity curve is shown to the right.
It illustrates that the environment can only produce
so much food and shelter for a population before
the population reaches an equilibrium- the same
number of births each year equal the same number of deaths.
Another term for a carrying capacity graph is an ___S______ graph
because it is in the shape of an “S”.
There are a number of ways two populations of organisms interact with each other:
organisms try to make use of the
same resources
plants compete for water & sun light
one organism consumes & eats
another organism (prey)
hare & lynx
one organism feeds (parasite) on the tick & dog
tissue of another organism (host)- human & tapeworm
causing pain
mutualism (symbiosis)
each organism fills a need for the
birds & alligators- birds pick leeches
out of the alligators teeth
one organism reaps the benefits
while the other is unharmed
barnacle & a whale
Predation curve between the lynx (cat) and rabbit population.
: rabbit population
: lynx population
# of organisms
When an area is wiped out by a
fire or is cleared down by humans,
it kills all of the plant & animal life.
When a community tries to
reestablish itself and begin to grow
again, is is known as
Primary succession is the first stage
of regrowth and the climax
community is when the community
has once again been established.
A _______boom & bust___________________ curve represents
exponential growth followed by a sudden collapse. A boom and
bust curve usually shows an insect population’s cycles through the
year. They are abundant in the summer months but are limited in
the fall and winter months.