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AIM: Analyze “Victory and Defeat in the Greek World.”
Do Now: Answer Guided Reading and Review (keep the handouts today, as part of your notes)
Outline: I. Victory and Defeat in the Greek World
A. Impact of the Persian Wars
1. Victory over the Persians increased the Greeks’ sense of their own uniqueness.
2. Athens emerged as the most powerful city-state.
3. Athens organized the Delian League, an alliance with other Greek city-states.
4. Athens used the Delian League to create an Athenian empire
B. Golden Age of Pericles (460-429 BCE)
1. Periclean Athens was a direct democracy. In this form of government, large
numbers of citizens take part in the day-to-day affairs of government.
2. This meant that Athenian men participated in the assembly and served on juries.
3. Pericles hired architects and sculptors to rebuild the Acropolis, which the Persians
had destroyed.
4. Pericles turned Athens into the cultural center of Greece. He did this with the help of
an educated, foreign-born woman named Aspasia.
C. The Peloponnesian War
1. Causes
a. Many Greeks outside of Athens resented Athenian domination.
b. Sparta formed the Peloponnesian League to rival the Delian League.
c. Sparta encouraged oligarchy, while Athens supported democracy.
2. Effects
a. Athenian domination of the Greek world ended.
b. Athens recovered economically and remained the cultural center of Greece.
c. Democratic government suffered.
d. Corruption and selfish interests replaced older ideals such as service to the citystate.
(Persian Wars, 490-479 BCE)
(Peloponnesian War)
Pivotal Questions:
What impact did the Persian Wars have on Greece?
How did Athens enjoy a golden age under Pericles? Cite Evidence.
What were the causes and effects of the Peloponnesian War? Cite Evidence.