Download Acinetobacter Baumannii

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L. Gonzalez F2013
Modified by DYH
Acinetobacter baumannii
Gram negative, coccobacillus, non-motile
Found in soil and water
Genome structure:
– Single circular chromosome : 3,976,747 base pairs
Cell structure and metabolism:
– Cell membrane composition
• Includes porins and efflux channels which contribute to antibiotic resistance
• Responsive to environment conditions
– Metabolism
• Glucose non-fermentative
• Oxidase negative
• Aerobic bacteria
L. Gonzalez F2013
Modified by DYH
Acinetobacter baumannii
– Opportunistic pathogen in humans with compromised immune systems
– Causes 2-10% of all Gram negative infections in the U.S. and Europe
– Multidrug-resistant
– About 63% of Acinetobacter is considered multidrug-resistant