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Khalsi and his false beliefs
Colonial agent sheikh Muhammad khalsi was the resident of khalis city. This city, famous due
to its canal named as al-khalis, is situated at the road, which goes from Baghdad to karkook
sulemani. The family of khalsi belongs to the same city for which reason the family is called
khalsi. Khalsi’s lineage tree which is in ilmor rijaal books is only this:
Sheikh aziz
Sheikh hassan
Sheikh mehdi.
Sheikh mehdi was without any doubt a great shia scholar. He was born in 1276 and died in
1343. His son sheikh muhammad khalsi was not included in ulema till the death of sheikh
mehdi khalsi even though at that time sheikh Muhammad khalsi was 33 years old. Sheikh
Muhammad khalsi was born in 1309 in Karkh, Baghdad. (Kitab ma’arifur rijaal, vol 3, page
The writer of above mentioned book wrote only this that sheikh mehdi left 2 sons one was Ali
and the other Muhammad (sheikh Muhammad khalsi). So to say that both brothers were not
alim (scholar) at that time.
2 years before his father’s death, sheikh Muhammad khalsi left Iraq for Iran. Allama sheikh
jasim wrote in his book ash shahadatu thalitha, page 6, published Baghdad that colonialism,
taking advantage of khalsi’s father’s religious status, took sheikh Muhammad khalsi in its
lap so that he could protect colonial designs in Iran. As the government of Iran came to know
the aims of khalsi it detained him. After 29 years khalsi arrived Iraq from Iran.
Faith of Sheikh Khalsi:
Sheikh Muhammad khalsi says in his risalah madinatul ilm page 216 published in madrissa
khalsi kazmain Iraq:
“Ameerul momineen Ali laisa shiyan wa la sunniyan wa innama ho wal onwanul
kamil lil muslemeen – (ameerul momineen ali was neither shia nor sunni. But he was
kamil onwan for all muslim.”
On 13 rajab 1370 AH, khalsi while addressing at high school said openly “ala {word censored
by Angel}ullah alash shia ala {word censored by Angel}ullah alas sunniya. Ana la shiye wala
sunni – (curse of Allah be upon shias, curse of Allah be upon sunnis, I am neither shia nor
sunni).” (Ash Shahadatuth thalitha, page 12)
Now it becomes known that khalsi was neither shia nor sunni while Islam comprised of only 2
schools of thought shia and sunni. Therefore who make curse upon both he makes curse upon
entire Milat e islamia and Islam. For this reason Allama jasim says very well that when khalsi
brands both schools of thought cursed then he should have to announce openly that he is a
Now tell me that khalsi to whom ulma e Iraq term out of Islam if his beliefs would be adopted
by shias then its time of concern or not?
It has been an old tactic of colonial powers to buy people like khalsi in order to sow seeds of
discord in religion. Father of khalsi Agha sheikh mehdi khalsi, abdul hussain khalsi and sheikh
Muhammad khalsi himself remained continue giving shahada of aliun wali ullah in adhan and
iqamah. But in about 1950, when ba’ath party started spreading its net in Iraq against the
government of hashmy family. At that time it was political need of ba’ath party to cause splits
in Shiite of Iraq because the rule of hashmi family was a very strong support for Shiite. So
using khalsi, different fatawas were caused to issue. in opposition of matam he caused stop
chehlum procession en route kadhmain to karbala, and then gave fatwa that to eat hare and
badger is halal.
Sheikh Khalsi has termed in sa'adatud darayn and other amliya rasael hare and badger
halal (Ashahatus thaletha, page 12).
And in book assayat alqarea page12 Khalsi himself reports that he was fond of eating grilled
hare meat.
Khalsi gave fatwa that to celebrate nouroze is haram, matam zanjeer zani and qama
zani is haram, tawaf around holy dareeh or to get dead body have a tawaf all that is
shirk infidelity and haram. shahada of aliun wali ullah in adhan and iqamah is haram.
Sheikh Muhammad khalsi who due to his blind heart shows his enmity with Maula e kainat Ali
ibne abitalib cunningly says:
ana la atanazil an qauli fee anna ash hadu anna aliyan waliullah bid'a wal bid'a dalala wa
dalala finnar wa man yaqoluha kafir (al qarea lil khalsi qamea sheikh abdul hassan page 6
published Baghdad)
"I would not turn against my this saying that ash hadu anna aliyan waliullah is bid'at
(innovation) and every bid'at is deviation from the right path, and every deviation from
right path is in hell and he who says this is infidel."
khalsi disgraced Hazrat Abbas bin Ali the standard bearer of Hazrat Imam Hussain 's army.
"Innal Khalsi allazi ba'a damerahu wa ba'a deenahu wa ba'a wajdanahu min ajl ain yadu ilal
aqedatil wahabiya wa da'a ila zalika jahran wa yunkir shahdatas thalitha (Aliun wali Ullah) wa
bay tahrem e baqa il qaboor wa bay anna khalid ibne walid ashraf emanan min sayedina Al
Abbas – (Al Khalsi wa ziyaratul arbaeen, P 12, pub Iraq)
Khalsi sold his faith his conscious and wajdan because he was who invited towards aqeda e
najdiyat (Abdul Wahab) and he invited openly towards this. Denied shahada of aliun wali ullah.
He termed remaining of graves haram and said that khalid bin walid is supreme than syedna
Hazrat Abbas in faith."
So all those people who are speaking in tone of khalsi, and are forbidding from zanjeer zani,
qama zani, and deny shahda Thalitha and despite this say themselves shia, they are in
disguise of Shiite are enemies of shia. They in fact are his disciples. O matmis, azadars be
careful of them they are khalsi, and khalsi was a preacher of najdi faith. and these evil beliefs
were spread in Pakistan by Sheikh Muhammad hussain dhakoo, who was the top member of
supreme council of tjp which is banned by the government due to its involvement in terrorism,
and he still is the patron of the same group.
In the mean time khalsi visited Saudi Arabia. American university Beirut called him and held a
conference. Khalsi had armed hooligans around him. So if you find radical people in disguise of
Muslims and they commit hooliganism against Muslims, Mind it that it is the lesson given to
them by khalsi. Therefore hooligans of khalsi many times launched killing attacks against
zaireen, ulema and students. Once he tried to slain Agha al udhma mohsin al hakeem but his
conspiracy was foiled. People can ask about this incident directly from Agha al udhma mohsin
al hakeem’s son Agha baqir al hakeem currently resides in Islamic republic of Iran.
Anyhow Shiite of Iraq today is suffering for the evil policies of khalsi. Likewise in some other
Muslim countries Shiite suffered for the evil policies of khalsi’s followers.
About these beliefs of khalsi I discussed allama arif hussaini in Iran when he was there, who
was later made leader of a shia organization in Pakistan. He instead of going against these
beliefs said, “anyway sheikh muhammad khalsi was a mujtahid therefore we have no right to
describe sheikh muhammad khalsi’s opinion as wrong.” I felt regrets over these remarks of
allama arif hussaini. I said in his reply “do you keep the same beliefs?” in reply he remained
Therefore ulma e haqqa strongly disliked this behavior of khalsi. Sarkar Agha sayyed abdul
hussain sharf uddin amli writes:
“qad akhta wa shazza man harrama zalika wa qala innaha bidatun fa min ayna ja’at albidato
wal haram wa mal ghaya be shaqqay as’ al muslimeen fe hazihil ayyam (Al nas wal ijtehad,
page 208) – (who brands aliun wali ullah in adhan and iqamah bidat (innovation) he has made
a grave mistake. And he is a rare (very few) type mufti. And how could it be bidat and haram?
What is the objective of creating dissention among Muslims in this period?”
Likewise mufti tabrez Allama qazi Muhammad ali tabatabai (late) writes in book an nukta tur
rabiya hashiya al anwarun nomaniya, volume 1, page 171, published in tabrez that “the man
who terms this shahada (thalitha) in adhan and iqamah as bidat and haram despite not being
a mujtahid, don’t care him because the objective of so called mujtahid who creates dissention,
is that to cause disunity among shias and that the fire of hatred be flared up among them so
that to whom he (mujtahid) is an agent he extend thanks to him (mujtahid) on this heroic
Allama Sheikh Abdul Monam Kadhmi in his book man kunto molaho fa haza aliun mola, which
has been published in 13 volumes and over which Agha Al udhma Abul qasim Al Khoie has his
favorable review. In its 4th volume page 200 the first mistake over which he has criticized its
title is ash sheikh al khalsi wad da’ayah al wahabia (Shiekh Khalsi and his preaching of wahabi
faith. In this he has proved that khalsi was the first to sow seeds of wahabiat in shias in Iraq.
Therefore shah sa’ood thanked khalsi through a letter for promoting faith of wahabiism:
“Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 6th day of Ramadhan, 1373 AH, reference number 5868/4/1/24
From sa’ood bin abdul aziz to honourable ostaadh sheikh Muhammad mehdi khalsi May Allah
keep him save
Assalam o Alykom Wa rahmatollah wa Barakatoh
We received your letter and are grateful to you for your good opinion and nice efforts. As you
saw that we are struggling for unity among Muslims in east and west according to our wish in
our country and are inviting all towards the pure deen (wahabiyat) of Allah. Which is proved
by Holy Koran Sunnah of Rasool and the act of Salf e Saleh and same is our aim. May Allah
Grant us His love.
Where khalsi played the role of agent of America and its allies. There he expresses his severe
hatred with Iran. And till his last age he was used to say Iran fire worshipper and Zoroastrian.
Therefore he spits venom against Iran in book sadatud darain page 280, 290, 300, 320:
“I found all people of Tehran weak-hearted and thick-skulled. Their ulema are followers of
Greece philosopher, Plato, Masha’iya and Magi in beliefs as Islam has come to invite towards
the concepts of Socrates and Arasta talis. Their Zoroastrian spirit, excessive exaggeration,
worship of bozorgan e deen, taking them to the status of Godhood, bringing Allah to the status
of creatures, asking help from stones lakes canals, old graves and trees, to celebrate eid e
nouroze, asking help from inorganic matters, respecting fire and accepting its effect in the
universe, linking signs of universe with stars is the practice of Iranian ulema. And I have seen
this Zoroastrian spirit in all Iranian classes without any discrimination. And when I called the
attention of ulema there that this is Zoroastrian spirit and Islam hates it, they did not oppose
it but made far type interpretation. And this was the practice of idol worshippers. And even
pious people there also recite that invocation in their needs, which the writer of Al baladol
Ameen has written in the same book with reference to a dream “Ya Mohammado Ya Aliyo Ya
Aliyo Ya Mohammado……….” Help me and above all this that Iranian people ask Abbas bin Ali
his mother Ummul Baneen or some unknown Imamzadah to fulfill their needs. They have
made graves for Imamzadah in shamiran, Tehran, or mountains and deserts. None of Iranian
city or mountain is empty of such graves, lakes, stones and caves. They consider them holy
and ask for refuge from them in their needs. History is evident that all these beliefs are
memorial of Magi period, which are still remained. Islam has changed their name only not
their practice. Iranian people specially ask Abbas bin Ali for help who with his imam was
martyred in Karbala defending the truth. They ask help from him without doing any act and if
success was possible without deed then Abbas and Hussain would had got help and they all
were not martyred. I found many nonsense of faith in Iran like other Islamic countries.”
Khalsi had been in practice of declining infallibility of masumeen and defaming
ahlebayt and azadari. He also declined inspired knowledge. He wrote in medina tul ilm, page
92: “some ahle mimber (speakers) make erroneous statements without investigating history
books and fabricated ahadith i.e. there is a report that when hadhrat ali was born and came to
the earth he started recited Quran. Even though shias do not admit it but he who admit this
term him kafir as it is taunt and rapprochement in prophet hood.”
It proves that it is necessary for an imam to take birth as an ignorant in the sight of khalsi.
While it is in Quran about hazrat Esa “inni Abdullah aataniyal kitab wa ja’alani nabiyan – I’m
the servant of Allah, and He has given me the book and made me prophet” - Likewise the
condition for Imamate which he has written in his huge book ah’ya ush shia, page 169 to 176,
he has not mentioned in these conditions the infallibility of Imam.
Khalsi believes that imam is mujtahid while mujtahid is not infallible. Therefore on 17
rabi ul awwal a congregation was held at madrissah of khalsi which was attended by great
scholars. Thousands of people including allama sheikh Muhammad raza shabibi, munir qadi,
ustad sheikh abdur rasul khalsi and ustad hassan Muhammad ali attended the congregation.
Speaking to the congregation khalsi said: “inni ataber jafar bin Muhammad ahadul
mujtahideen wal mujtahid yukhti wa yuseeb – I consider imam jafer bin Muhammad a
mujtahid from among mujtahideen and mujtahid sometimes mistakes and
sometimes do not.” It means that khalsi belived that masoom could commit a mistake but
according to shia faith, masoom never commits mistake.
Listening the above-mentioned words of khalsi these voices were heard from most of the
ulema “la hola wala quwwata illa billah…” and momneen termed remarks of khalsi a severe
Now I present some excerpts of the last will of khalsi. Place of will - jamia madina tul ilm
Date of will - shaban 4, 1377 hijri
Will maker - sheikh Muhammad imam al khalsi al kabeer.
This will is in Persian and I present it in English:
Do not allow any ahle bid’at to interfere in affairs of madrissah (my religious school) specially
those people, who do not afraid of going against Quran in considering bid’at of giving up
Friday prayer, fluctuation (to recite aliun wali ullah) in adhan as legal. And those people who
keep silent on wrong and anti shariah rites in the pretext of matam e hussain in the name of
qamazani zanjeer zani and azadari of sayedush shohada. (it proves that qama zani, zanjeer
zani, matam and aliyun wali ullah was not legal according to khalsi).
He further says, from among these bida’aat (innovations) are those affairs, which are
performed in accordance with the misled desires in funeral of a dead body. When funeral
procession is taken out false noha khoani is performed. There is no name of respect and honor
in the funeral. Funeral is taken to the haram of any masoom for ziarat of dhari and get it
perform tawaf (circumambulation) of dhari. After burying it they hold majalis e fateha for men
and majalis e aza for women in the name of majlis (because all these are bidat in khalsi’s
faith) even though all these things are contrary to shariah, some are haram and some are
makrooh. All these are bida’aat which have become common. Momneen should try to
eliminate these.
If you want to bury in rawaq (canopy) of Imam Musa Kadhim then bring dead body there
passing through the door of haram. Never get the dead body (funeral) be visited nor
circumambulated the Dhari of Imam Musa Kadhim.
Khalsi further wrote in his will that anyhow save my funeral from the ziarat of Imam Musa
Kadhim like wise from such fateha khoani which is now a days in practice to offer because it is
bidat and there is no justification of it in shariah.
He further wrote in his will about the syllabus of his madrissah that the religious syllabus being
taught currently in najaf e ashraf, karbala moalla, qom moqadessa, Tehran, khorasan, Egypt,
Lebanon, Syria, Tunis, Algeria, Morocco, India and Pakistan (khalsi left Saudi Arabia’s syllabus
so to say the Saudi syllabus is legal and correct in his sight) should be left because none of
these syllabus is such which could be called in accordance with shariat e islamia.
Now I would say that make a comparison of above mentioned with those people who have
entered shia school of thought and argue that zanjeer qama zani is not legal, fateha khoani is
not right and majalis and crying have no advantage. In fact they all are the followers of khalsi
and khalsi was a great agent of colonial powers.
Abdullah shah
this shaykh is the teacher of the following :
ghulab shah
Taqi shah
sajid naqli
zaki baqri
jaano kazmi
sibtain kazmi