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Chapter 7 Islam Review
1) Muhammad after seeing how the poor were being treated in
Mecca went to the hills to _____________, when an angel
appeared to him.
2) Water in the Arabian Peninsula is located mainly in
____________, or a wet fertile area in the desert.
3) The movement of Muhammad and his followers from Mecca to
Medina is called the __________________.
4) We see the significance of the _____________ (same as
the one above) by the fact that the Muslim calendar starts
with the year ____________.
5) Muslims at first showed ____________ or acceptance by
accepting other people’s religious beliefs.
6) Muslims believe that there is only one ________ and his name
is __________.
7) The holy book of Islam or the __________, provides the
guidelines for moral ________________.
8) The ___________ or written account of Muhammad’s words
and actions is the basis for the _______________, which provides
a model for the duties and the way of life expected of Muslims.
9) The difference between Muhammad’s teachings and the belief
of other Arabs early on is that Muhammad preached
_____________________, or the belief in one god.
10) The Qur’an deals with the subject of __________, which refers
to the inner struggle people, go through in their effort to obey God
and behave according to Islamic ways.
11) Islamic law judges the rightness of actions and it relies on the
___________, ___________, and human reason.
12) The central teaching of the Qur’an was there is only _______
God and Muhammad is his ____________.
13) After several years of fighting, the people of Mecca
____________ accepted Muhammad’s teachings.
14) _____________ is a way of life in which people traveled the
deserts with their herds in search of food and water.
15) ____________ was the religion introduced by Muhammad and
its followers are called _____________.
16) The _________ is a pilgrimage to Mecca that Muslims are
expected to make in their lifetime.
17) In your opinion, what was the best Muslim cultural
achievement and why? How did it impact later generations?
18) Choose any 3 Pillars of Islam and briefly describe the