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Review Quiz
What is an incorrect statement
about vestigial organs?
a. The human appendix and the snake’s pelvis
are examples of vestigial organs
b. Vestigial organs are structures that were
once useful to the species’ ancestor but no
longer serve a useful function
c. Vestigial structures show common
relationships with ancestral species
d. Vestigial organs are adaptations that allow
organisms to survive in their environment
What is an incorrect statement
about vestigial organs?
a. The human appendix and the snake’s pelvis
are examples of vestigial organs
b. Vestigial organs are structures that were
once useful to the species’ ancestor but no
longer serve a useful function
c. Vestigial structures show common
relationships with ancestral species
d. Vestigial organs are adaptations that allow
organisms to survive in their environment
What statement is correct
about embryology?
a. Scientists can use embryos to shows if
species were in existence before
b. Similarities in embryos of different species
suggest a common ancestor
c. Embryology is the study of reproductive
methods in organisms
d. Only one vertebrate species has tails and
gill slits at some point in its early
What statement is correct
about embryology?
a. Scientists can use embryos to shows if
species were in existence before
b. Similarities in embryos of different species
suggest a common ancestor
c. Embryology is the study of reproductive
methods in organisms
d. Only one vertebrate species has tails and
gill slits at some point in its early
Which statement best describes 11
Charles Darwin’s theory of
evolution by natural selection?
a. Species change whenever individuals in the
population adapt to their environment
b. Most species in nature change when
humans select which individuals to breed
c. Species that have favorable traits live
longer and pass those traits on to offspring
d. Animal populations change in appearance
mostly due to favorable mutations in DNA
Which statement best describes 11
Charles Darwin’s theory of
evolution by natural selection?
a. Species change whenever individuals in the
population adapt to their environment
b. Most species in nature change when
humans select which individuals to breed
c. Species that have favorable traits live
longer and pass those traits on to offspring
d. Animal populations change in appearance
mostly due to favorable mutations in DNA
Which is not true about fossil
a. Nitrogen-dating gives the absolute age of
a fossil
b. Fossils found in geologic columns of
sedimentary rock give a relative age
c. Fossils can be imprints, molds, bones, or
whole organisms
d. Fossils allow scientists to determine
relatedness by comparing structures and
anatomy of different organisms
Which is not true about fossil
a. Nitrogen-dating gives the absolute age of
a fossil
b. Fossils found in geologic columns of
sedimentary rock give a relative age
c. Fossils can be imprints, molds, bones, or
whole organisms
d. Fossils allow scientists to determine
relatedness by comparing structures and
anatomy of different organisms
Which statement is not correct 24
about divergent evolution?
a. It results in homologous structures
b. It can result in adaptive radiation
c. It leads to speciation – one species
becoming many due to new adaptations
in different environments
d. It can be illustrated as:
Which statement is not correct 24
about divergent evolution?
a. It results in homologous structures
b. It can result in adaptive radiation
c. It leads to speciation – one species
becoming many due to new adaptations
in different environments
d. It can be illustrated as:
Convergent evolution leads to:
a. Homologous structures with common
origins that are modified for different
b. Analogous structures with common origins
that are modified for different environments
c. Homologous structures that have different
origins but similar functions
d. Analogous structures that have different
origins but similar functions
Convergent evolution leads to:
a. Homologous structures with common
origins that are modified for different
b. Analogous structures with common origins
that are modified for different environments
c. Homologous structures that have different
origins but similar functions
d. Analogous structures that have different
origins but similar functions
Which of the statements does not
accurately describe natural
Organisms that are best adapted for their
environment live longer and produce more
g. Humans select organisms with desirable traits to
interbreed and pass those traits to the next
h. Organisms which have certain traits that help
them survive are more likely to pass those traits
onto their offspring
j. It is when nature selects traits that will most help
an organism survive and reproduce in its
Which of the statements does not
accurately describe natural
Organisms that are best adapted for their
environment live longer and produce more
g. Humans select organisms with desirable traits to
interbreed and pass those traits to the next
h. Organisms which have certain traits that help
them survive are more likely to pass those traits
onto their offspring
j. It is when nature selects traits that will most help
an organism survive and reproduce in its