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By Taylor K.
Ancient Roman soldiers were the most gifted people in Ancient Rome. Even though
they were fighting all the time, they were still good people. They were also some of the
richest people in Rome with all the money they received for fighting.
Roman soldiers were moving constantly everywhere for battles, or going back to
Rome after a battle. They always marched up to over 18 miles a day or more depending
on the terrain, or the weather on how far they go.
They always moved in carts while doing battle or
moving for battle. They had to carry their things if
the land was too rough for the carts to move on it.
Soldiers would have to build a bridge of some sort to
get across a river if they couldn’t cross by
themselves, or by
While doing
battle, or on the way to it the Roman
soldiers would always
set up a camp every night wherever
they were even if in
the mountains or something. They
also always dug a big
ditch around every camp they had to
protect themselves from outside invaders. They used the dirt from digging to build a wall
around the camp in case an invader got through the ditch. They made the wall stronger
and sturdier with wooden sticks they had or found. The soldiers always had their tents in
straight rows every time. In the morning they woke up, ate breakfast, and took down the
camp, then were on their way to their destination.
Roman soldiers built forts around the empire to protect them from other suspicious
people, or invaders. Their
forts were always very
organized to be the
neatest. Trumpets sounded
in the morning to awake
the soldiers from their forts to come eat breakfast, which usually was dried bread, dunked
in wine. A soldier was given a new identity everyday to protect them from spies. A
soldier trained everyday doing different exercises to keep them in shape for a battle. They
also fought fake wars everyday to keep them remembering the moves for battle.
The Roman soldier had some very good advantages by being in the army. They were
paid very well for the battles they fought. They could keep any treasure they found in
battle, and not have to give it up. They could also receive proper medical treatment when
wounded or sick. They could take the money they were paid, or they could get a small
chunk of land as a reward. A soldier was also guaranteed a good funeral and it was very
cheap for the family to afford. Roman soldiers were also stuck with disadvantages being
as soldier. They had to fight no matter what, if they were sick, or hurt, they fought all the
time. They had to fight up to 25 years or more, and they couldn’t get married until they
were out of the army.
Roman soldiers were also trained builders. During their spare time after their training,
they had to work on building what they were told to. They built roads, buildings, and
temples for the gods. Their roads were always straight, because their survey tool couldn’t
go around corners. And the roads were built to connect every part of the Empire together
and let the soldiers get there faster. The Romans also developed
concrete to help build their structures and roads. They could also
build underwater docks for whatever needed to be shipped in to
Rome or other places around the Empire. They are famous for
building the Pantheon, Colosseum, and the domes. The Roman
soldier went through many difficult things during life, but
somehow most of the survived and that is how Rome conquered so much land in Europe,
and Northern Africa. Rome had one of the largest, and most powerful empires ever.
Chandler, Fiona, Sam Taplin, and Jane Bingham. Roman World.
New York: Scholastic, 2001.
Donn, Don and Lin. Daily life in Ancient Rome 29 Mar. 2005