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Name: ___________________________________________________________________ Period: ____________ Date: ____________
The Crusades Reading Guide
14.1: Church Reform and the Crusades (p. 379-381)
The Age of Faith (1001-1100).
Complete the chart:
Some priests were:
Some of the popes were:
in the
Bishops cared more
Bishops sold:
Village priests …
Diplomats for the pope traveled through Europe …
The Church operated most _______________ in medieval Europe.
Cathedrals- Cities of God (1101-1200).
The cathedral was viewed as the representation of …
In the early 1100s, _______________ architecture evolved which thrust upward as if ______________________________. Light streamed in
through huge ______________________________ to inspire the worshipper with the magnificence of God.
Name a Gothic cathedral in Paris:
14.1: Church Reform and the Crusades (p. 382-385)
Objective: Summarize the causes of the Crusades and analyze the effects of the Crusades.
In 1093, the Byzantine emperor Alexius Commenus asked for help against the ____________________ because they were threatening to conquer his
capital, ____________________.
Pope _______________ issued a call for a ____________________________ to gain control of the ____________________.
Name: ___________________________________________________________________ Period: ____________ Date: ____________
Complete the chart:
Economic, Social, and Political Goals of the Crusades
Economic Goals:
Social Goals:
 Merchants profited by making …
Political Goals:
 Kings and the Church saw the Crusades as an
 The pope wanted to ...
opportunity to …
 Merchants hoped to win control of key trade
 Younger sons were looking for ..
routes to …
According to the pope, those who died on Crusade were assured …
In 1099, the Crusaders captured the city of ____________________.
The Crusader sates were extremely vulnerable to …
In 1187, ____________________ fell to the Muslim leader ____________________.
At the end of the Third Crusade, Jerusalem remained under ____________________ control but unarmed ____________________ could freely visit
the city’s holy places.
In 1204, during the Fourth Crusade, the city of ____________________ was looted.
10. Define Reconquista:
11. In 1492, Granada fell to the Christian army of ______________________________, the Spanish monarchs.
12. Define Inquisition:
13. ___________ were people whose religious beliefs differed from the teachings of the Church. Many _________ and ____________ in Spain converted
to Christianity during the late 1400s. Even so, the inquisitors suspected these Jewish and Muslim converts of heresy. A person suspected of herey might be
questioned for __________ and even ___________. Once suspects confessed, they were often _______________________. In 1492, the monarchs
_____________ all practicing Jews and Muslims from Spain.
14. The Crusades area forceful example of …
15. Complete the chart:
Effects of the Crusades
Economic Effects:
Social Effects:
 European merchants expanded trade
 For women, it meant a chance to
between …
Political Effects:
 Increased the power of …
 Lessened the power of …
included …
 Weakened the …
 For Muslims, the intolerance
and prejudice displayed by
 The fall of Constantinople …
 Goods imported from SW Asia
Religious Effects:
Christians …