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The Persian Wars
 The United Greek City States vs. the
 499 BCE to 449 BCE (slight lull in between
1st and second wars)
 The Persian Empire was expanding and
the Greeks resisted conquest.
Athens and Sparta were rivals up until
the on set of the Persian wars.
 Persia was the largest Empire in the
world at this time.
 It was a threat to Greece, especially to its
colonies in Asia Minor.
In the 6th century
BCE (500’s) Persia
conquered Greek
colonies in Ionia
 Some poleis sent aid
to the colonies when
they tried to rebel
against the Persians.
King Cyrus of
 Gets angry about
 Decides to conquer
all of Greece.
Attempts at
conquest cause the
Greek City States
to Unite!
Persia fails…. For
The First Persian War
The 1st Persian War
Emperor Darius I of
 In 492 BCE decides to
invade and conquer
He gathered a huge
army and navy to
launch the invasion.
Battle of Marathon
 After sacking the city of
Eretria the Persian ships
land at the city of
The 1st Persian War
Battle of Marathon
 Greeks were out
numbered 2 to 1!
 When the Persians
began to return to their
ships the Greeks
The 1st Persian War
 Greek messenger
 Ran from Marathon to
Athens (26.6 Miles)
with news of the
 When he arrived he
shouted “NIKE!”
(Victory) then dies
from exhaustion.
The Second Persian War…. The sequel
The 2nd Persian War
King Xerxes
 Wanted revenge
for the humiliation of
Persia and his
father (Darius)
 He amassed
(raised) a huge
military force to
invade Greece.
 between 200,000
and 400,000 troops,
AND between 700
and 800 warships
The 2nd Persian War
Many Greek poleis in the
Aegean quickly
surrendered to the
advancing Persian army.
 Athens, Sparta, and a few
other poleis formed an
alliance and decided to
stand-up to Xerxes
 It was the Athenian General
Themistocles that convinced
poleis to build a navy to fight
the Persians.
The 2nd Persian War
Sparta was chosen to lead
the alliance
 Makes sense, they were a
military society.
Athens would provide the
majority of the ships for the
The 2nd Persian War
The Greeks needed time to build their navy.
 They decided to meet the Persians at the mountain
pass at Thermopylae to try and slow them down.
•About 7000 Greek
Soldiers were sent
to face Xerxes
massive army.
•300 were
The 2nd Persian War
The Battle of
Thermopylae 480
 Greeks led by King
Leonidas of Sparta
 Battle lasted for
about 7 days.
 In the end the
Persians were able
to defeat the last of
the Spartans when
Ephialtes showed
them away behind
the Greek lines.
The 2nd Persian War
Because the Spartans held Xerxes up
at Thermopylae, the Athenians were
able to assembly the navy.
 It met at Salamis – a narrow strait to the
south of Athens.
The 2nd Persian War
 The Persians found a
Greek that “revealed
the location of the
Greek fleet.
 When the Persians
arrived in the strait
they found
themselves in a
○ Persian ships were
too big to move
around in the
narrow water way.
The 2nd Persian War
The Greeks had smaller more agile
ships than the Persians.
 They quickly attacked the Persian fleet.
 The Greeks won.
Outcomes of the Wars
The Persians retreat to Asia Minor and
never invade Greece again
 With out the threat of invasion Greece’s
culture flourishes – The Golden Age of
Greece (Classical Greece)
Outcomes of the War
For a period of time
the poleis get along.
Athens becomes a
dominate force in
the region
The Delian League
was created to
protect against
possible future
invasions. (Sparta
did not join)